>they're gonna casualize it
>matchmaking is going to be way more fluid
>they're going to change things
>it's not going to be the same
>all these bloodsouls3 faggots are gonna get handheld through our casual filter title
>we'll no longer have our safe space
lol jk we still got Dark Souls 2 SOTFS which they suck too bad to play at any level
They're gonna casualize it
Other urls found in this thread:
Dark Souls 1 PvP will be ruined. Dark Souls 2 and 3 already pandered to hosts by making it so invaders get nerfed thus allowing people to steamroll the game with no effort.
>get Dark Souls
>friends have never heard of it
>i suck but am still having fun playing it
>pretty fresh out of the tutorial area
>invite friends over
>tell them they have to try this game
>let them make a new character right quick
>they go through tutorial
>get to this part without telling them what's beyond the gate
>once they get up there, I tell them
'oh don't worry, he can't get you when you're up there'
>they sigh with relief
>a few short moments pass
>the asylum demon is flapping his wings wildly
>jumps up
>and i'm just dying laughing at them the whole time
>Implying DS1 was hard in any way after you learned how to play it
Meanwhile I have 400+ hours in Bloodborne and Ludwig still hands me my ass sometimes
Fuck off casual
Why would they casualize it now? The game's entire reputation comes from the difficulty, and they've made 5 games without neutering that.
This is top tier bait.
BB and DS3 ain't got none of the 'bullshit': It doesn't have getting 'cursed', it won't fuck you like going left towards the skeletons, and DS3 and BB were the most forgiving for stamina management.
Newer games are absolutely 'safer'. Expect millions of clickbait articles/arguments on how 'poorly designed' the difficulty is. I hope they don't change anything.
Why does Dark Souls 1 have a less than 5% completion from players, and Dark Souls 3 has more than 50%?
Nobody reply to the bait
Because DS1 gets fucking boring after Anor Londo.
>I-I-I just got bored, that's all!
Whatever makes you feel better.
>spook londo
>spook tomb
>painted world
So well this just be a """remaster""" for the switch and a resolution/fps bump for the other games? Or will this be a proper remake where they actually improve all the textures and animations? If so, why get this if you already have it on PC? Unless you have a toaster I guess.
Frenzy in bloodborne is like Curse mixed with AIDS.
Yeah, sure buddy.
>something that insta-kills and also makes your health permanently half unless you walk across the map to get a cure
>something that takes a big chunk of health
Wew, I can really imagine which would be worse.
>get frenzy'd
>take damage
>get cursed
>die, half max hp, can't summon
And getting cursed the first time is a million times more horrible than getting frenzied the first time.
You can also way more reliably parry through a frenzy. I don't know if you can backstab/parry through a curse even if you had NPCs near where you got it.
>SL1 dickwraithing is back
time to practice
>they use ds3's matchmaking and password scaling coop
>Sup Forums worried about DaS getting casualized.
>After the gorillion patches that casulized DaS.
lil tikes were so buttflustered when they got cursed From had to add the fuck huge "Use this item and go to that place to lose curse" for them.
>Izalith finished
>route opened from Tomb of Giants to Demon Ruins
>Boss added to Ash Lake
>Bed of Chaos remade
>Ceaseless Discharge remade
>Gravelord Covenant fixed
>Backstabbing changed to DaS2 style
>Dorkmoon matchmaking fixed
>Optional Boss added to Dukes Archive
Frenzy is literally just bleed, that's it.
Oh, and curses used to stack too.
>You were the casual all along.
>>they're gonna casualize it
PC version is already casualized, get your hands on the original console release and don't let it update if you want the vanilla experience.
>ps3 patchnotes years ago
>nerfed bosses hp, nerfed this bosses hp, nerfed this guys etc.
I had beaten the game multiple times at this point and I thought the difficulty was literally perfect. Nerfing crystal shield and the ring was good though.
>PtD edition on pc
>you can fucking warp to andre
Holy shit
But DaS is the easiest aside from curse and some legit bullshit parts like Capra Demon or that one Skelly tomb on the TotG
You could warp to andre on original version what are you trying to say?
that's how i played it on a 360 without internet
IIRC frenzy is 80% of max health whereas bleed in DS1 was 30% (50% on some unique weapons like lifehunt scythe)
I'm going to make a level one dickwraith again and gank switch kids, it's going to be dope
Thanks for reminding me asshole
Yeah, it's a stronger bleed, but it's certainly not "Curse mixed with AIDS"
host has friends haha friendly for switch users
They're gonna implement DS3's system of factoring in weapon upgrades to invasion targets. No more extreme twinking.
it happned to me the first time I played it, I was trying to make sure that I'll manage to not miss my plunge attack and I got smashed
>they're gonna casualize it
It wasn’t fucking hardcore to begin with. Stop the “I WAS HERE FIRST” posting.
wt rings u got bithc?
The one bullshit thing about it is getting frenzied after you've already killed the enemy for no apparent reason at all
>implying it'd ever be anything more than a 1:1 remaster
>t. guy that plays Nintendo DS remakes and thinks they're the original
Everyone of you faggots is arguing about 4k and Nintendo switch nonsense while glaring over the real issue. Are they fixing lost izalith and the other shit that was obviously unfinished, are they keeping soul levels for co op or is it scaled like ds3, did they add or remove anything at all? If not then its just not worth the 50$ price tag and you all know it
>Implying $game was hard in any way after you learned how to play it
So what you're saying that if you GIT GUD in a game then it gets easy?
Did I get that right?
Thank you for such deep revelation Captain Obvious.
You couldn't they added that in the pc release
To andre? The blacksmith? The first blacksmith you meet? Yes you fucking could, there was always a bonfire above him
You can't warp to every bonfire when you get the lord vessel. Originally you couldn't warp to Andre.
This, poise nuked everything in the game, you could literally mash R1 on a big boss and get hits in due to poise, drink estus, mash R1, repeat.
They need to reduce poise of every armor piece to around half, otherwise it'll be a joke.
oh for fucks sakes shut the fuck up
He will be in the game isn't?
>>Backstabbing changed to DaS2 style
This would be essential.
>99 max soft humanity reduced to 9 (item discovery maxed out at 9 or 10 anyway) because of SL1 invaders with Havel tier resistances were bullshit
You also used to not be able to warp to Tomb of the Giants, which was fucking abhorrent
What do windows taste like? I want to find out from somebody who has first hand experience, and you obviously do.
I don’t even knows what the fuck you’re trying to say with that statement. I’ve beaten DS twice if clarification is so important to you.
It's on purpose, frenzy = madeness, it's not a linear bar that just ticks up like bleed, it hovers and still goes up a little after the source is gone because muh insanity
As much as I enjoy difficulty, a lot of what Dark Souls 1 did wasn't difficulty, it was just tedious unfun bullshit.
>Nito, Seath, Kings and Bed all have 2 minute+ runs back
>Kings doesn't even have the courtesy of a bonfire that isn't behind a fucking elevator
>Seath's is like 3 solid minutes of running, the only thing that keeps you awake is avoiding a wild golem jump or the clams
>Bed. Fucking Bed.
And yes, once you GIT GUD Nito and Seath are pretty easy(Seath can spend entire minutes not attacking you while you watch him at a distance), Kings is just kind of a Git Gud/Gearing/Strategy check and Bed is.. just something we suffer through together. But I can absolutely understand how a newbie would look at any one of these and spike the controller through their TV/monitor.
I'm not the guy you're arguing with but, yeah you absolutely could, I played on PS3 and used that Bonfire all the time
Make the well in Firelink drop you into the Abyss as a secret shortcut
>He didn't know about the reload trick for bed of chaos when he did re runs
Why would they change the game for a port? Most they'll do is up the framerate and resolution.
>I have to sit through something I don't like because I'm scared of looking like a casual
I am also like this, gud job user
It's alright, little babby. You don't have to make excuses here, nobody will know who you really are.
Are they going to change Resistance at all?
DLC sucks, i killed Artorias and dropped it.
>casuals galore
Gravelord Covenant is coming back lads.
inb4 stream of salty tears
Sorry about that shit taste there, bro. Hope it gets better.
how would we know
>they're gonna casualize it
DaS is, and has been, popular among casuals since its release, what are you on about?
41% of players got the Link the Fire ending in DaS1 on PSN, the most commonly got ending in DaS3 was the Link the First Flame ending, which was at 46%. That's not a big leap.
fake news you're dumb as hell
>muh 4.9%
400hours and you still suck st bb? Get out casual.
I've been gravelorded in new game before...
that website only indexes people who have used it
Okay, and of the people who have used it there's only a 5% difference between those who beat DaS3 and DaS.
Dark Souls 3 literally has fully input reading enemies
Will the new remastered DaS fuck over the old ones matchmaking? I don't want to re-buy the game to enjoy some invading.
Will 30 FPS be an advantage over 60 FPS?
If they fix the attrocious bacstab will ndow you faggots would complain about the ruined meta
I don't think people with DSfix and unlocked frames had an advantage in DaS 1.
>they're gonna casualize it
I doubt it. Maybe they can take out one of the more bullshit moments, like making the dragon not instakill you after taurus demon.
This is a remaster, not a remake. It's gonna be the same game content-wise, at most some mechanics will be tweaked like matchmaking or backstab windows (we can only hope)
Yeah, after all they haven't casualized invasions into the fucking ground with each passing sequel or anything, amirite?
Because you played the post-patch game.
Originally warping to was only enabled for bonfires with a firekeeper or covenant.
Did you actually see red enemies, or just a funny summon sign on the ground?
My man I F U C K I N G HATE T H E H E L L K I T E D R A K E.
The only enemies (including bosses) I have had trouble with in all the souls games were that fucking drake and the jailers in ds3 with the pokey skick
Demon's Souls:
>+ Invasions can be unlocked fairly early and used by anyone. Game encourages them as the dickass method of regaining your body.
> - HP nerf. Enviro kills result in being deleveled.
Dark Souls:
>+ No more HP nerf and enviro kill penalty.
> - Invasions are locked behind an infamous late game boss, and can only consistently be used in one covenant. Can only be used used if you're already in body form.
Dark Souls II:
>+ Can invade people even if they're hollows, and even if they've already defeated the boss.
> - Soul memory. Invasion time limits. Seed of tree giants. Invasion orbs are consumables that can only be won in tryhard duels or bought.
Someone fill me in on Bloodborne and Dark Souls III. I've only played the former offline and I haven't played the latter, only hearing tidbits about how online works in those two.
Thinking about it, the twink epidemic in Dark Souls I was most likely caused by them locking invasions behind such steep requirements, along with the orb's mechanics. It guaranteed that ever serial invader was going to be powerful and/or very skilled, and the "invade infinitely upwards but only a little downwards" thing encouraged players to try to get it as possible. Then the almighty level 1s 11s decided it would be funny if they used their invasion range to troll some of the newbies, and a small culture formed around this hazing.
Then glitches and hacking opened the floodgates for anyone to become a twink, and they did because that's how they thought it was supposed to worked.
If the Red Eye Orb was available earlier and for free, the invader playerbase would have been far more balanced. Do you recall twinks being an epidemic in Demon's Souls? No, low level invasions were considered comfy. Anyone could get the Black Eye Stone fairly easily, and as such invaders were generally of appropriate strength for the area they were invading.
Dark souls is 30% fun and 70% shitty unfun cancer
When did you get into the series?
Played dark souls first then dark souls 3
So you missed out on early Souls?
yeah I picked it up cause ds3 bundle came with ds1 so played ds1 first
>Dark Souls III
>you can get the red eye orb in a couple of hours from starting the game and some covenants change up the invasion rules
>but invading prioritizes worlds with white phantoms and seeds still exist
I just kind of hope there's new textures and stuff in the remastered version. If it's honestly just a port of the PC version with nothing changed, that'd be a fucking waste and a proper scam.
A few bosses that would wait for you to panic roll isn't input reading.
manus and artorias are both harder than ludwig, you can't call anyone else casual right now