Why do white people want to say racial slurs in online games so badly?

Why do white people want to say racial slurs in online games so badly?

because it offends people like you

Upsetting others makes you happy?

>words from random stranger on the internet are upsetting


Whites feel guilty for their crimes against humanity and insecure about their potion in the world so they must insult other races to make themselves feel better

Why are minorities eternally asshurt about whypipo?
Sorry my ancestors knew what a boat was.

Minorities almost never give a shit it's white people who cry when you say nigger

>muh ancestry
This isn't /his/. We're talking about people in the modern day screaming obscenities meant to hurt specific people for no good reason in a medium meant to relax you not make you uncomfortable.


Because they know they'd get their ass beat IRL if they tried is so they do it online behind the safety of (relative) anonimity

You sound like a fucking faggot

but history proves that this is not true

Meme isn't funny regardless of whether you're european or not. If you have the physical characteristics of a Caucasoid and your make up is more than 95%, you're probably "white". I say Caucasoids because you people even go as far to argue with one another over what white really means. It's ridiculous.

Why do white people pretend to be offended niggers just to post bait on a Thai weave spinning forum?


America is not white

Proofs? Or are you a tough guy?

I'll have you know I'm Hispanic you niggerkike faggot.


Because it offends niggers like you.


White == Non-Semitic Caucasoids. Ez.

But I'm asian you filthy nigger

Why are non-European people playing videogames? Niggerfaggots.

Stop calling me that word you racist bastard.
The cacausoids of America are just as white as those from europe unless they obviously have non-Caucasian family members in their family tree.

3 races theory has been largely discredited. Humans are better separated into ethnicities with common traits rather than races, since when you start to put people on races your run into contradictions and shit.

a lot

It makes you sad

>Get told you're not allowed to say a word
>Access a world of anonymity where your actions have no consequences
First thing most people do is say the naughty words you're not allowed to say

White people ruled the world for centuries and it was only out of the pure kindness of the hearts of white people that africans are even considered human today.

But he never mentioned America. Why are you obsessed with America?

Stop being racist, please. Also I am not filthy. I bathe every day.

You can define greater groupings than just ethnicity though.
Estonians are also Balts, Europeans, and finally Caucasoids. There are many dimensions of race.

because it's the only place white people can go and pretend like they have any power

Caucasians are not gods. Stop with this horrible mindset.

Because nigger suffering is sport.
We conquered Africa for no reason other than that it was there.

Call me a spic then, nigger. Or call me out for being literally a Spaniard who just happens to live in the New World.

Humans are naturally driven to seek freedom.
This means that whenever you enact any form of restriction upon a certain action, whether that be a legal restriction or social rejection, you will unavoidably cause many people to enact that behavior purely because it's restricted.

> English with Irish heritage
>Like most people here, no one in my line ever owned a slave or benefited from the industry
>Family put to work on famine road, alive during the time where the Irish population dropped by a half due to the actions of the English
>Get told I'm evil cause I'm white and white people had slaves and I should feel guilty about that.

But being racist is mean.

>Give proof
>They were the world leaders and still are

It is precisely why it is an useless concept. It is not worth a discussion, it always ends up going around in circles.

Irish aren't white.

The forbidden fruit makes it so appealing.

Irish immigrants were notorious for being some of the most racist in America during the industrial revolution because their race was the only thing keeping them from being below blacks. Also blacks could've taken their jobs so they hated them for that.

It's just banter.

>lol craka le white is opressing me why do white do this

World leaders doesn't make you a god. And white people aren't world leaders, only a few individuals are. The rest are disposable.

>English and not even remotely sorry about anything

Uh, yeah. If you don't take pleasure in the anguish of others, you're probably an asshole

>tfw Anglo
>tfw reminding people that niggers in America are a thousand times better off than niggers in Africa and telling them they should thank me

>the rest are disposable
And what does that make niggers, hm?

>Some Irish people who moved to America didn't like black people due to classism
>I'm meant to feel guilty about that
Stop, you're killing me

>guy born in land full of fertile soil and metal ores for eventual tools
>guy born in shitty plains and scorching heat, with lions, crocodiles, and giant death pigs that can swim as fast as a motor boat
Gee, I wonder who will prosper

>World leaders doesn't make you a god
What is it with you and this god shit, nobody has said this but you.

>only a few individuals are
Yes, voted by communities made up of a majority of white people.

Because when I say X I offend Y AND Z. And that's exactly what I want

The one whose ancestors successfully conquered the lands that would ensure their offspring would prosper.

Thank you for what? I've never even met you. The accomplishments of people who came centuries before you are not your own. That also goes along with mistakes.

Because niggers should get off their lazy asses and pick cotton

Reminder that Jared Diamond is a Jewish hack whose narrative is fact-free conjecture that's actively contradicted by reality.

Africa is richer and more fertile than Europe you tool.