Nintendo Direct Disappointment

ITT we discuss how disappointing the Nintendo direct was:

>TWEWY Final Mix. Replay a classic and waste 25 hour to enjoy 5 hours of original content that was made in 2013. Also, it’s full price.

>Hyrule Warriors and Tropical Freeze Ports. Full Price of course for that Nintendo Tax.

>Paid DLC for 2 Pokémon’s for a fighting Poke game that nobody bought.

>Padyday, indies. Don’t even pretend you care.

>Dark Souls Remaster. Play a game that everyone and their mother played, that could run on any toaster. Full price because fuck you.

At the very least they could’ve outlined 2018 with teasers, but this just sums up that they used all of their big guns (Zelda, Mario, Splatoon, Arms, and Xenoblade) on 2017 to carry the momentum. For all we know most of the first-party games that we should get this year like Fire emblem are either at the very end (October) or just delayed to 2019 along with Metroid and Pokémon.

I hope this thread blows up because all you fuck heads had your part 9 Nintendo shit edition or whatever, then the Direct comes out and its literally nothing. Then to top it off everyone becomes quiet since you know its shit. Just know Im laughing at all of you Nintendo shitters.

I blame Resetera mods hungry for that NeoGAF money.

It was great
Of course you will be let down no matter what if you expected pokemon and prime 4 like an idiot

It got super overhyped because it's the first direct after the first holidays of the Switch and rumor fags going crazy.

Why is resetera so obsessed with Nintendo? I thought gaf were always renowned for being Sony fans.

At least it confirmed the TWEWY KH3 leak

That was never true to begin with. It was a more pleasant place for Sony but thats compared to sites like Sup Forums that hates Sony to no end.

I already regret buying this piece if trash.
But to be fair ps4 is getting absolutely nothing.

They are. Which is why they are obsessed. Just look at Sup Forums.

>But to be fair ps4 is getting absolutely nothing.
>digimon cyber sleuth hacker's memory
>monster hunter world
>dbz fightan
>dissidia final fantasy
>seven deadly sins game
and that's just january, february

>niche shit nobody will buy
>Actual Good game
>Good looking fighting game
>Shit 3v3 fighter
>literally who
You got two. Woooooow

Ni no nuki 2
Red dead

Yeah! All the completely fake leaks typed up be bored Sup Forumsirgins said it would be a huge direct with Metroid, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Smash, Pikmin, FE, Bayonetta, and F Zero!!! I can't believe Nintendo didn't live up to that!!!

You set yourself up for disappointment.

It's literally the schedule of the first half of last year again, sans Zelda. Why are you surprised?


Here's the brit.

>Sup Forums
>Hating Sony

But I see that gold Sony wojack everywhere in this shithole.

>now it's quiet
There's 5+ threads on the board about the direct and it's announcements excluding this bait thread of yours.

Sup Forums is still assmad the Switch outsold all other consoles first year, I see

I likes it overall BUT

>No Animal Crossing
>No Virtual Console
>No Yoshi
>No Metroid
>No Bayo 3

I think Tennis was the only non port first party game

Yeah it was ridiculously disappointing although I am interested in TWEWY. Will but a Switch next month regardless though.

10 million is nothing user, ps4 rests comfortably at 75 million, and that's not even considering the switch cannibalizes on both the handheld and the console platforms of nintendo. It's a raw deal. How about playing more 30 fps last gen ports on your expensive little toy?:)

Look, I'm going to make as clear as possible. GAF had no allegiance to anything. They are and always have been mainstream hipsters. They like whatever is cool to like. That was PS2 back in the day. Then 360 for a short while, then back to PS3. DS controlled handhled opinion, despite the decade plus old screenshot drones post to imply otherwise. PS4 followed, because MS commited sudoku. Now, switch is in. That's it. They follow the trends. You fools meme'd yourselves into believing gaf was sony pony land with a bunch of cherry-picked screen shots.

Im disappointed it wasnt a "full" direct but they probably only wanted to show off the first half of 2018.

They need to show off some heavy hitters in the Spring and E3 directs.

>Sup Forums is still assmad the Switch outsold all other consoles first year
But the PS4 sold 14M on its first year

Is there a visual representation/time of the dates of directs over the years anywhere? I'd like to see one, preferably with them color coded for full direct/mini direct/japan only/etc

I want to do some muh patterns autism, because I think minis tend to have full directs nearby temporally, but my mind may be biased just looking at the list of dates on wikipedia

(unrelated: October 2012 was loaded with directs holy hell)


It was literally a kick in the balls, absolutely trash "direct" that was inferior to EVERYTHING they did in 2017

2017 was literally lighting in a bottle, I bet my fucking virgin anus that nintendo has absolutely NO FUCKING IDEA why they were successful last year, out of touch, again, what a massive let down, literally nothing to play until E3 except for a bayonetta port OPS DIGITAL ONLY HAHAHA

fucking die nintendo you are cancer

After today, I'll get a Switch in 2020, when it has Virtual Console, it's own games, a revision, and Metroid Dread.