Switch 2018 first half

Lost Sphear
Bayonetta 1 + 2
Dragon Quest Builders
Payday 2
Kirby Star Allies
Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition
Hollow Knight
Mario Tennis Aces
Dark Souls Remastered
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
Street Fighter Anniversary Collection
The World Ends With You Final Remix
SNK Heroines Tag Team Frenzy

Anything you'll be picking up Sup Forums?

inb4 "ports" shitposting

bayo dank souls dkc

Literally 3 new games, one of which is a multiplat, in the span of 5 months

What the fuck

>inb4 "ports" shitposting
Funny because when the Xbone and PS4 have ports they are deemed trash consoles, but somehow it's ok when the Switch has them

Lost Sphear.
Bayonetta (never played a bayo game)
Dark Souls
Donkey Kong
Street Fighter
The World Ends with you
SNK (assuming it's no censored)

No games

You mean the opposite right? People are praising DS1 coming to Xbone and PS4 yet shitting on the Switch version for being "another port"

>inb4 "ports" shitposting
lol mad as fuck

Monster Hunter World will be keeping me busy which is good since I only want to grab the port of the GOAT TWEWY. Dark Souls remastered is cool but I'll just wait a few months and get it for dirt cheap on the ps4 or pc depending on performance and playerbase. I had really hoped we'd see fireemblem around may time but it looks like it might be closer to Q3.

Oh and Ys VIII, you forgot about that, OP.....unless Ys VIII is coming later on? Shit when was the Ys VIII release date?

>People are praising DS1 coming to Xbone and PS4 yet shitting on the Switch version for being "another port"
How are things in the mirror world?

Hyrule Warriors
Dark Souls
Maybe DK hard sell again
SNK Bitches if it’s good

Disappointing to be honest.
Anyway, gonna pick up HW because I only played it on N3DS. Hollow Knight, even though I wanna look at performance vids first due to unity engine(my PC runs Dishonored 2 and MSGSV maxed, but HK stuttered in big areas - fuck unity)
Mario Tennis because fuck yeah, mario tennis!

The fucking Nintendo mini direct had more announcements than the whole PSX last year, fucking christ

>Hollow Knight
when the fuck did that get a date?

>Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition
if they allow save data transfer and the price gets slashed

>Mario Tennis Aces
I'll await the reviews first

>The World Ends With You Final Remix
couldn't get through the first game though I was 14 at the time, idk if I'll try again

>Bayonetta 1/2
>Hollow Knight
>Mario Tennis Aces
>DaS remaster
>Donkey Kong
>Street Fighter
i havent played any of these remakes or remasters besides for dark souls and street fighter so i wanna get them

>The fucking Nintendo mini direct had more announcements than the whole PSX last year
It doesnt really matter if what they announced were 99% ports, at least PSX had some new stuff

>hollow knight march

Where are people getting that TWEWY Final Remix is coming out June?

Might get Lost Sphear
Might get Dragon Quest Builders. I'll see after I try out the demo.
I'm down to play through Hollow Knight again, sure.
TWEWY I'll get for sure. I've been meaning to play it since launch, but never got around to it.

I'm happy with all the WiiU ports and Kirby, but this year definately won't live up to 2017.

Admitably my memory is a bit fuzzy around the 2017 PSX, but I remember that the 2016 PSX had some really damn good reveals.

>Monster Hunter World
>Bayo 1+2
>Kirby Star Allies
>Dark Souls Remastered
>TWEWY Final Remix
>Possibly KH3 this same year
This year is going to be hell on my wallet I can already tell

For PS4 MonHon World, Dissidia and DBFZ come out on the same week

>SNK Heroines Tag Team Frenzy

So this is a spiritual sequel to SNK Gals Fighters?

I wouldn't really expect it to. Last year had them releasing the most widely praised games from their two biggest franchises. It would take some sort of miracle to get the same effect with their lesser properties.

For sure:

Dank Kong TF
Mario Tennis Aces
SNK Heroines
Bayo 1+2


Street Fighter Anniversary Collection
Dark Souls
Payday 2

>I already have Hollow Knight but I haven’t played it in a while
>Time to buy it for my switch
Why are you actually wasting your money?

Wasn't it just a PSX remaster?

Yeah well the Xbox One has Sea of Thieves! Take that, soyboy!

Medievil I mean

>9 ports out of 13 scheduled releases
>inb4 "ports" shitposting

one of those fucking ports is literally an NDS game

I highly value portability and don't really value money at all. It was also a really good game, and I have no problem giving the devs some more cash.

Probably won't get it if it's more than $25 though.

>tfw Wii U owner
There isn't much there to excite. Hoping E3 and the second half of the year brings some real new content.

PS4 and Xbone have relevant ports. 8th gen games that are actually new and things people want to play. Switch is only getting remasters of 7th gen shit and indie. So Switch is a ports machine in a very different sense

TWEWY is one of the greatest games I've ever played so it's disingenuous to try and make it out as being just another ds game.

Now i regret buying this piece of trash

why be such a nigger, user?

Can people defend spending $300 on the switch with this lineup?

PS4 and Bone versions actually have performance improvments while the Switch version is exactly the same as the game everyone played 6 years ago

>muh portability

Should he be an autist manchild that eats anything nintendo shits out, like you?

Where is Yoshi and Wolfenstein?


Planning to get for the first half of 2018:


Bayonetta 2
Kirby Star Allies
Hyrule Warriors
Mario Tennis Aces
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze

PS4 Pro:
God of War
Shadow of the Colossus
Red Dead: Redemption 2

Monster Hunter Worlds
Dark Souls Remastered

And probably some indies.

2017 PSX was literally 2016 PSX Mk II, almost the exact same games except for VR shit and Medievil remake.

you should stop being a nigger.

Was dark souls 1080p on 360 and ps4? I recall a ton of performance problems and it being ugly as fuck until pc

>first half of 2018
>PC: Monster Hunter Worlds

Yeah but only one of those is a Sony exclusive.

Literally a Remaster Station lmao

If you haven't played it (at release or the subsequent versions on phones) I wouldn't blame you, but porting an NDS-era game to a current gen console ELEVEN (11) years ago is embarrassing.

Can't wait to buy all these old games for full price to play them on the go because they would be perfect on Nintendo Switch, if you're solving my formula.

Yeah. thats why I said that this MINI direct had more NEW announcements than a whole annual press conference/ event had...

You should drink less Soy, that will make less of a manchild homo.

March is gonna rape my wallet.

be less of a nigger user, you know you can do it

So, you guys were hyping this Nintendo direct event right? And in the end only got ports. How sad

Bayo 1+2
Dong Freeze
SF 30th

Kirby and Tennis are maybes. Souls 1 too if the port looks good.

The PS3 version ran in 720p. So even without the enhanced visuals the Switch version is a big improvement. We'll see if they enhance the Switch version any, though, or if the old PC version which could be run in 4k/30fps is superior.

yeah, no. it's 100%, perfectly fine. I never played it and now i'll be able tho,

>company caters to god fearing conservatives

The soy meme is backwards. Nintendo games even have anti refugee messages

720p with frame-rate dropping to about 15 fps in Blighttown and often dropping to below 30 fps.

Oh, but 13 years is perfectly fine if it's Sony, amirite?

>Dragon Ball FighterZ
>Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
>Kirby Star Allies
>Dark Souls Remastered
>Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection
>Mario Tennis Aces
>Monster Hunter Worlds

And I missed out on some games from 2017 like
>Tekken 7
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>Persona 5
>Uncharted Lost Legacy

Being a semi poorfag sucks.


God damn this looks like another great year, Nintendo knows how to space out content finally.
>Maybe Payday 2 depending on reviews
>Hollow Knight if it's a good port
>Mario Tennis if the RPG mode is good
>Tropical Dong
>SF is it's good

I can't wait for E3.

This. Sonyfags scared of being labeled keks, so they pull an Alinskian "accuse your enemy of what you are guilty of" meme out of their asses.


Forgot about that. Guess I'll have to wait to play the game in 60 fps.

Summer 2017



>buy games again, goyim! It's "definitive" this time!

Fucking tired of that shit. I've had a lot of fun with my switch so far, but it looks like it may be collecting dust for a few months.

>Lost Sphear
>Bayonetta 1 + 2
>Dragon Quest Builders
Lol no
>Payday 2
Lol no
>Kirby Star Allies
>Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition
Lmao no fucking way
>Hollow Knight
>Mario Tennis Aces
>Dark Souls Remastered
>Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
>Street Fighter Anniversary Collection
>The World Ends With You Final Remix
No fucking way
>SNK Heroines Tag Team Frenzy

>"accuse your enemy of what you are guilty of"
The same goes both ways

>ports shitposting
They're just calling it what it is.

Kirby, Donkey Kong, Hyrule Warriors, TWEWY and the SNK Fighter.

Maybe Dark Souls if my friend who never played it gets it.

Sure user, now tell me how much you want to fuck link.

Fucking degenerate Soyboy.

>God damn this looks like another great year

That’s fair, I didn’t really think about supporting the devs. And I personally don’t care about the portability meme of the Switch.

The only thing I don't already have that I'm interested in is Dragon Quest Builders. Is it any good?

>God damn this looks like another great year
It must be always a great year for you, since you're buying every single game released on the console.

>That’s fair...
Well hey, that's not a response I usually get anytime I post anything at all here.

>Crash Bandicoots your path
>Shadow of Collosus your path

>if they allow save data transfer

I don’t think that’s possible. That’s what will stop me from buying it. I want all the adventure mode maps but I put at least 100 hours in the adventure mode.

>Dragon Quest Builders.
It's a mix between Minecraft with an RPG but still fun, the game is on Vita and PS4 if you dont want to wait

Bayonetta 1 + 2
Maybe Kirby
Maybe Hyrule Warriors
Dark Souls Remastered
Donkey Kong
Street Fighter only for Third Strike

I already own a Wii U

-Bayo 2
-mario tennis if its actually good and not like the wiiu one

-hyrule warriors
-snk waifu edition


I'm still mad about no cut Colossi

DQ Builder
Hyrule Warriors
Hollow Knight
Dark Souls

>payday 2
>when it's on the last year of support
What a nice and fresh game to be getting

Because the PS4 actually gets a lot of new games as well. The Switch and Nigbox both only get ports and multiplats.

Those are remakes user, not shitty ports which doesn't take more than a month or less, for free 60$ for nintentoddlers.

One copy of heroine fighterz diamond edition please

The PS4s biggest game in 2017 was literally crash fucking bandicoot you massive fucking retard

>Buy console
>Buy games for console

it's Minecraft with a story

it's one of those life-sucking games

Um....No, Sweetie.