PC wins again

Dark Souls 1 Remaster

Native 4K, all textures 2K unconverted, 60 fps

>Xbox One X & PlayStation 4 Pro
Upscaled 4K, 60 fps

>Xbox One & Playstation 4
1080p, 60 fps

>Nintendo Switch
TV mode: 1080p, 30 fps; Handheld mode: 720p 30 fps (hahahahahahahaha)

Other urls found in this thread:


>all textures 2K unconverted

PC always wins baby. Fuck the commies.
Not to mention that I can play it portable on my 15" laptop because those games are lightweight as fuck.

Gonna make for some good sessions during labduty.

>implying you even have a rig to run the game at max

I am perfectly fine with 30fps

pc/xbox won since before this was announced because they don't have to rebuy and can just play the original.

4K is a meme, you imbecile. Besides we already have 60 fps DS1 on PC.

It's PC. You don't need source.

I can't wait to pirate it

CP Pirate master race wins again.

The original (on PC where the big frame rate drops had been fixed, at least) played fine at 30fps.

Much rather have a portable version than one that runs a bit better, honestly.

It's a perfect sacrifice for 30fps. Yeah, yeah, sonygros are either going to reply to either post and say
but it's fine. Don't think I'll buy it again though, especially considering Dark Souls III is already the best gameplay so far.

$1000 machines run things the best

Wow. We get it fucking retard. Go back to your MOBAs now.

Hahaahaha 720p resolution running on a 720p screen so stupid xD

Polygon are talking about it in their news post here, anywhere else?

>buying the remaster when you have the PC version
It doesn't change the trash levels or bosses, it's only a graphics improvement and you got mods for that

You guys are forgetting that all console versions will have dropped FPS.

Dark Souls 2 was """60""" fps as well which actually meant it never hit 60.

why are sonybros so salty?

DS1 was made for 30 fps. The game's mechanics were literally built for 30 fps.
Do you guys remember when the game came out on pc and unlocking the frame rate literally broke the game?
30 fps is the definitive experience and you also get portability as well. Imagine playing DS while on the bus.

They can only afford the B rate gaming platform :(

>Do you guys remember when the game came out on pc and unlocking the frame rate literally broke the game?
no because the issues were fixed shortly after

Are you legitimately retarded or just baiting?

>mfw I buy it on Switch and enjoy it while PC fags will inevitably find the smallest most inane bullshit to complain about like a wall texture or some other pathetic nitpicking bullshit as usual

>1-6 phantoms
>not having to use mods
>dedicated servers

There's more to the remaster than just having higher resolution and framerate. Dsfix doesn't fix the shitty textures and lack of extra details.

Now do this with proper motion blur.

>needing motion blur to mask shitty fps

>4K is a meme

Now climb down a ladder

Seeing, he is legitimately retarded. Hell he may as well say DS was built for 10 FPS because that's what you got on the PS3 -- often.

>I play childrens first game series #9001 and think i am smart

Will we be able to roll diagonally like in the later games?

Feels weird going back to not being able to

I'm just happy the online community will be active again. Probably going to buy this on ps4 to play with friends and then when the hype dies down I'll get the pc version when the anti hacking mods come out

>they won't do shit to fix the zones that suffered due to original budget/time issues, mainly Lost Izalith
Why bother

So a Demon Souls remaster is confirmed at this point right

The objective is to have smooth gameplay.
You are retarded. You can barely tell the difference between 50 and 30fps if the motion blur is well implemented.

Pc wins again
*if your hardware can support these features

t. mad poorfag

>You are retarded. You can barely tell the difference between 50 and 30fps if the motion blur is well implemented.
console gamers, everyone

Do you not understand what a remaster is?

You can literally only tell a difference in the bottom right
The rest look the same

have smooth fps then.
pc win every time

but my PC cost less than that 7 years ago and it will still run this game better than you, having bought 2 PS4s and paid for online for the past 5 years.

>tfw RAM is 200+ dollars


>Graphic improvement
>Lost Izalith pretty much won't be fixed
>Gravelord Servants will probably still be ass
Why bother

The argument over PC is retarded.
>dude can you believe my graphics card that costs twice as much as a PS4 runs games better?? Master race!!

That's because you are a casual gamer user.

my pc cost less than a grand and outperforms all consoles.
And I use it exclusively to shitpost and emulate

>post yfw all the hype about "from software" logo on the switch third party partners was just because of the remaster and not some """"switch exclusive""""

The 750ti costs twice as much as a PS4?


Try being a bit more specific with the price

>Twice as much
>GTX 1050 ti costs about 100 to 120 bucks

How much does a PS4 cost again?

Why are you even hyped for this bros? I've played this game so many times I want to vomit everytime I launch it. There are 100 threads up now like it's fucking Dark Souls 4 announced or something

gravelording will be fun on launch, all it takes is people actually doing it. I only hope they adjust it so it can happen to people on NG instead of just NG+

Every "console killer" build is a fire waiting to happen
>go with bargain bin shitty parts for everything but what you need to run a game to prove your point
>you'd be lucky if the thing lasted a year before melting
>dude console killer!!

You keep telling yourself that you damage controlling retard.

>playing games primarily on consoles
>not just using them for exclusives and media streaming
This objectively makes you a casual.

Because the only fun thing about souls is the online aspects and Ds3's online blew ass so I'm happy that I'll be able to play DaS with my friends for the first time and participate in all the covenants without waiting 5 minutes for an invasion

So do we get a free upgrade or something if people already own dark souls 1 on steam?

God all these NDF defending 30fps brings back memories of all the 360 shill articles from 2012.

I have no idea why anyone would want to buy multiplats on the Switch, and I own one. It's only good for Nintendo first party

I've beaten all Souls games except for DS3 and I've never in my life used online functions

in the form of piracy, sure

me too

Not him but you missed out on the best part of these games

From might just replace old Souls like Metro or Sleeping Dogs. Meaning if you own it you're fine but if you don't you're forced to buy the new version.

It won't be a free upgrade though, just look at DS2.

neat! That doesn't affect my own opinion whatsoever though

I thought SotFS was a free upgrade unless you bought it on the (at the time) next gen consoles?

Wait.. if the switch edition is 720p 30fps can you even call it a remaster? aren't they just getting the 2011 version?


oh my poor naive child...

>drones shit on any game not 60fps
>drones defend nintendo multiplats for not being 60fps
How can someone unironically be this hypocritical? How do you live with yourself?

Good luck playing 4k DSR on the go, PCbro

It was on a handheld in 2011? Also the original game on console was NOT 30 fps it was almost always dipping.

For only $39.99 you will receive the free upgrade

the MP feature is the entire point of the series really, especially in number 3. it's what keeps things interesting.

I've been through 3 + DLCs probably about 15 times, the driving factor being creating a build to take the character into the 1 v 1 undead arena and get dat gold rank. There's no reward for doing so, its just fun.

I just don't have any friends that I could play these games with. And PVPing and summoning complete strangers is boring.

Good luck getting double digit fps in Blighttown on the go, Nintentoddler.

Will it look good or will it be converted to have the ugly Gears of War-esque Dark Souls 3 aesthetic?

>720p screen

>implying you can see the difference between 4k and 1080p on your shitty 32'' monitor

maybe if you got all the DLC too.

>NOT 30 fps
>it was almost always dipping.
Like it's almost guaranteed to do on the Switch? id software are fucking wizards and while I'm impressed that they got Doom working at all on the Switch, it's a stuttery mess. DS is guaranteed to be problematic

Your shitty console will legit run out of power in an hour or two max

It's easy as hell to stream games to basically anything though.

You know what would actually be nice? Expanded content. Add cut content, shuffle stuff around, add a new difficulty. The SOTFS of DaS1 where things actually get changed.

Add some actual real content rather than sprinkle glitter and call it a day.

You nintendorks had Betsy film yourselves playing this in public. Your raving on about this portability shit i want to actually see it happening. I know I'll be filming people if i ever see any.

mad sony poorfag detected. played nier and nioh, meh was not impressed.

But that's Demon Souls you plastic fan.

It's all about distance from the screen vs size. If you sit 12 feet away from a 65" screen, you won't be able to tell 4k vs 1080p either

32" is a huge monitor, btw, especially when you consider you're typically a couple feet from it.


It's a locked 60 fps on Boost Mode atleast.

>the MP feature is the entire point of the series really, especially in number 3. it's what keeps things interesting.
Do you mean the random messages on the ground or R1 spam and infinite rolling for backstabs?
Because that doesn't make the games interesting.

Considering the switch is essentially a ps3.5 in terms of power, it will have no problem with DS. It makes sense it struggled with Doom, the xb1 shits in it.

>this meme

>wanting to play at 30fps

>complaining about dark souls running on 30fps on a PORTABLE console

I don't get it.

I play PC you git.
Wtf are you talking about? PC doesn't win anything by virtue of needing the buyer to do everything.

I wanted a remaster with DS3 level visuals so I'm a little disappointed. But I guess having a good port of DS on pc is nice.

a) that's a dumb way to describe the online multiplayer
b) even that is more interesting than outsmarting the same AI over and over again

But DS1 would lose its atmosphere