All the agdq threads are about trans people and not the speed run itself

>all the agdq threads are about trans people and not the speed run itself

Other urls found in this thread:

This is the result of Sup Forumstards being allowed here. We should have kicked all of those insufferable cocksuckers out when we had the chance and now they've taken over.

>All this thread is about is shit and not videogames itself

We shouldn't have let there be agdq threads as it's never about vidya but only about people playing them instead

>le Sup Forums boogeyman
You don't need to be a nazi larper to dislike transpeople. Fuck off

>all these fake tumblr genders represent transgenderism

have you been watching agdq?

I watched the mgs3 one

>not accepting that I identify as beta gender
Check your pivilege white pig

>impact font
>thomas the tank engine
reddit is thata way

That's what happens when they make the event feel this way.

I got it from an agdq thread earlier today
So what would not be reddit tier? Arial Bold and TMNT?

All these underage Sup Forumstards are even worse than this dead event and mentally ill fuckers in wigs combined
This forced dilation meme is so cringy holy fuck


I'm pretty sure it's not Sup Forums's fault that AGDQ has become a tranny convention instead.

Its not a meme tough. Look it up. Educate yourself.

>Bunch of nazi larpers are worse than people cutting of their genitals, because they want to be a different gender

Its almost like your shitty video game achivements are overshadowed by the fact you sliced your fucking cock off and came outside in a dress.

>I'm so angry about trannies I will watch them for hours just to complain

>the agdq event is about trans people and not about the speed run itself

Truly a niche Sup Forums meme

Trans women can speedrun. Get over it.


that's clearly a joke though


Lotte is right. To be good at dpeedrunning you need a high level of autism.


Also thats not the problem. The problem is that the amount of trans-"people" is unusually high in the speedrun community and thats weird

>Men can speedrun
We know this already faggot.

He shows his true powers at 06.

gdq is a joke now
>sub only chat
>NO CURSING but frequent 420 references allowed
>shit games
>shit runners (from the time I've seen)
>no more soul

>An event that relies heavily on the people presenting it draws criticism because said presenters are
A) shit at video games when the idea is to speedrun them, causing over-estimate runs that are essentially bad lets plays
B) have mutilated their visual appearance when there's a camera showing them at all times
C) have ruined their voice when they have to talk constantly over the gameplay

The tranny runners are consistently terrible at all aspects of the job they're at the event to perform and it frustrates people.

>sub only chat
What? I don't follow it, but thats a joke right? How many people watch the streams?

Dude, it has always been a shitty scam.

these trans people don't think it's a joke

at peak, from what I've seen is about 130k viewers

moobot occasionally posts this in chat

"did you know you get a free subscription when you link your Amazon Prime account with Twitch? You can sub to GDQ for free and spam emotes all day!"

I enjoy sgdq

Le roll

Is this a fucking joke?

>and it frustrates people.
Can I see this somewhere? To me the only people that get enraged over it is Sup Forums?

yes. assuming you're referring to this whole world and our entire lives

I'm guessing its partially sponsored by amazon then?

Should change the name to transitions done quick

You wondering what Lobotomy Chicken is? guess what it's cancer.

go back there


getting real sick of all these any% runs

>Put in long hair wig
>No illegal hacks please

>fake tits
>No shortcuts

Let's do this

>when reddit takes Sup Forums over and tries taking it over

bideo games should be played slow

>Feminine penis
>"Thats a famous mistranslation from the japanese verison"


Yes you do you fucking out of touch retard. No one who's normal cares this much about what other people want to do with their bodies and lives.

7 trannies featured already

AGDQ brings in retards from other boards. It's that simple. Probably would be better off not even allowing the threads.

Do you realize that only repressed trannies are this obsessive about this shit?

rolling for heli

>be male
>see a female-only competitive sport
>tell everyone you're transitioning MTF
>dominate every other competitor to an absurd degree
>arguments erupt over you gaming the system, except men and women are equal, except that you're manoppressing the women, except women are superior, except you're not a real women, except that's transphobic, except etc

This. Anyone else who thinks so is a s*yboy

>Fucking Sup Forums how dare they insult and make fun of this beautiful Trans Goddess

Don't tell me crystal boy transitioned

Who thinks different*

Get your head out of the gutter you brainlet. You are telling me you think everyone who doesn't support trans people is a Nazi? Like one of those nazis that killed a few million people? You are telling me just because I don't support trans people I am equal to people who gassed 6.000.000 jews? I srsly hope someone punches you in the face.

Whats forced dilation? I don't find anything when I look it up.

When a doctor when a light into your eye.

lmao PMG pre transition looks just like George's best friend from The George Lopez show haaha hahah

Thats actually being criticized by women in a chess tournament (?) I believe. They argue its unfair for transwomen to participate, because male brains use different logic and tactics and that could put female competitors at a disadvantage

If my theory is correct, the reason this is happening is speed runners are all such pathetic human beings that the only path they believe will lead them to life fulfillment is to become women and be taken care of.

The runs are trash

like holy fuck is it the same person? They look identical

please be spiderman

Try vaginal dilation.

Transwomen have to "force open" their new genitals for the rest of their life every now and then, because their bodies recognizes the man made vagina as an injury and tries to close it.

This stems from speedrunning being in the same vain of relevance as being trans.

its not productive or useful. Its just a 'look at me' action. The only people who care if you are trans are your close friends and family, or other trans. The same can be said about speedrunners.

Do it and enjoy your community, but there is a reason this community has already degenerated from what it used to be.

No, what he said is that the people obsessively hating on trannies are more than likely the same 15 year olds boys larping as nazis on Sup Forums.

And I get it to a degree, the hate. Proto is an SJW fuck who loves playing the victim, and that shit is annoying. But it's also pretty cringe to see the same posts over and over about how being a tranny is a mental illness and how we need to gas them all and embrace national socialism. Yeah, I know it's a mental illness. Stop acting like you give a shit about their mental wellbeing because you don't. This is Sup Forums, nobody's buying it when you start acting like a moralfag and telling people how they should be living their lives. This is why everyone here hates Sup Forums. It's not because they're SJWs like you love to claim they are when you're challenged on your bullshit, it's because you act so fucking cringy and out of place.

When transgenders undergo SRS they basically construct a "vagina" out of various parts of the penis and scrotum. The body registers the opening as a wound. In order to prevent it from healing over they have to stick a large dildo into it and sit around for hours.

If you followed my comments back to the start you would know I'm not a Sup Forums idiot myself. I'm not a moralfag either. Never claimed to be one. If you want to get rid of people hating on the same shit over and over again maybe you should try a different website. Sup Forums has been chewing on the same topics on every board for years now and it won't change anytime soon.

They raise money for charity. If i'm supposed to enjoy some speedruns and look at some abomination of nature once a few hours it's still k. They do things. Useful things. Posting on Sup Forums how bad they are ain't changing the fact that they are doing something productive.


Give me something gud pls.

>150$ Donation: "Hey not really a gamur just donating to support my trans people. You go boys and girls and helicopters"

If you haven't seen the ufc videos of thean with titties manhandling that poor girl then you don't see how bad the difference is. Shit is like a lifetime original film


I didnt say anything negative about what they were doing, but the reason for doing it is not the charity. None of them would donate yet they would all run if this event died.

a good action is still a good action, but this was my original point too. Its just people hugboxing and thats fine, but speedrunning and trans mentality are closely aligned. Go to AGDQ and poll how many of the runners had an active father

I know several and not a single one does or has had one.

>Shit is like a lifetime original film

>but it's our le culture!
Yeah, you're just as fucking sad as the Nazi roleplayers and the tranny degenerates.

>a good action is still a good action
I remember when Sup Forums donated shit tons of money to TFYC just to fuel gamergate. It was a good action, but was still seen as plain evil and disgusting

>every staffer and runner is a mentally ill tranny
>surprised people make fun of it

And I bet you are superior to me in any way? Buddy you are on Sup Forums aswell. Don't claim to be the brightest, most successful light in the shed.

This is an incredibly retarded post. Nobody cares about tranny mental health they want them to fuck off and stop pleading the world for validation. Sympathetic jestures like claiming the surgery is pointless and life destroying is only a means of defending themselves and their views that it's wrong, not for the sake of actual people that desire it..

the goal of a tranny is to try as hard as possible to force the world into accepting they are a woman and that ambition causes them to dig their way into law and social systems to punish and shame those who don't comply.

That is why they are hated, in the utter "4chanian" sense of things it's all over being told what to do.

I don't claim anything. I'm just saying that wave after wave of newfags parroting what they think is "board culture" is fucking stupid, and you're stupid for not seeing that you're part of the problem. Not everything needs a shitpost. Not everything is an argument. You don't have to try so fucking hard to garner acceptance from a bunch of anonymous nobodies who are just as new and annoying as you are. So, yeah, you're right up there with the Nazis and dickless freakshows.

As far as superiority goes, anyone who's ever so much as made an on-topic post in a thread is doing better than you are.

>and now they've taken over.
Sup Forums is always here.

>it's another "heh horseshoe theory that conveniently absolves me of agency *tips fedora*" episode

I'm bored of reruns

No one cares about speedrunning.

>i'm not from Sup Forums
>proceeds to post Sup Forums bullshit

Reminder that a bunch of ugly trannies came in and killed chat because they couldn't take chat calling them a bunch of ugly trannies. This was already after a bunch of women came in and made AGDQ a no fun allowed safe space.

It's like they come in waves. Anytime you find something good in life you enjoy, this will happen.

>not Arial Bold Wingdings

>So, yeah, you're right up there with the Nazis
And this is bad, why?

Likewise we should remove marxists/leftists/globalists from this board as well.

yes, cause the nazi larpers wont shut the fuck up for 5 fucking seconds and spam their asses off about every little perceived injustice in their life. id much rather take a long blog post about every little perceived injustice, if only cause it takes longer for them to write.
