Why was 30 (27) fps acceptable for bloodbourne but all of a sudden 30 fps is unacceptable for Dark Souls?

Why was 30 (27) fps acceptable for bloodbourne but all of a sudden 30 fps is unacceptable for Dark Souls?

Bloodborne has good graphics. Dark Souls is a fucking PS3 game.

But its being remastered, that implies it has updated graphics.

>good graphics
Please tell me you're joking

It's okay when sony does it.

It's not like the game requires frame perfect timing for anything, 60 is nice but not indispensable

Dark Souls is a much tighter battle system. You can pretty much spam your way through BB and then use the rally system when you fuck up.

>Bloodborne faggots act like it's the best game ever created and only on PS4
>Didn't beat Witcher 3
>Couldn't beat mario or zelda if it went up against them

I really fucking tired of you little shits acting like Bloodborne is the greatest game of all time. Is this the only game you people have from PS4 launch until the PS5 releases?

lol you are a kiddo. shut the fuck up dumbass.

>dark souls
>can play at 60 fps or 30 fps

>can play at 30 fps

Hmm. This requires a fair bit of analytical thought, I'll get back to you if I find the answer.

Because BB is a 3 year old game, Dark Souls is a 7 year old game

he's right though








>Caring about reviews in 2015+3

Yes but when people were calling for a pc release, so we could have stable, 60 fps, Sony fags lost their fucking minds.

>it's not necessary, 30 fps is perfectly playable
>60 fps is a meme

Age has fucking nothing to do with playability. Ds1 was 30 fps when it launched and people were fine with it.

Reviews meant nothing in 2004.

That's why it's so pathetic he still values them now

>>Caring about reviews in 2015+3
>if reviews praise sony fagshit suddenly metacritic and youtubers are based and matter
typical sony logic

Who said 30fps is fine for bloodborne? It's a huge fault in an otherwise excellent game.
Number one reason I don't replay it as often as other souls games is because I have to go from 60+fps on pc and push past the nausea of playing such a dense fast paced game in 30 or less fps.

>that implies it has updated graphics
Yeah, someone will take the old ugly textures and run a photoshop 'smart stretch' to get ULTRA 4K SUPERTEXTURES.
You're not naive enough to think they'd actually remake the shit properly instead of going for a cheap cash grab?

>good graphics
Soystation owners are deluded

>who said 30 fps was fine for bb?
You must be new friend.

>Ds1 was 30 fps when it launched
And it's ridiculous that one generation later it still is.

>Dumb drone thinks I flip my opinions Everytime I get a good review like he does
Year after year they are wrong. TLOU should not be a 95, for example. I haven't trusted them for years, and anyone that does should be automatically considered an idiot for thinking there is an objective measure of quality for games rather than just personal taste.

DS is a last gen game.

>But its being remastered, that implies it has updated graphics.
It runs 60FPS on other consoles.

Don't you mean 16fps

>still posting this pre-patch webm
nigga pls

Damn, the og PC version with mods will still be the definitive version, won't it?

Because lack of parity. I don’t see any reason to buy the weaker version when I could spend the same amount for a better version.

I've realised how much people are complaining about fps and graphics now on this board. Are you all literal children here or something?

Are you seriously suggesting there's ZERO advantages to the switch version? Fps is all that matters?

Because Bloodborne is enjoyed by its players for what it and Dark Souls was originally meant to be: a PvE game about cautious decision making with some commitment to risks and multiplayer meant to enhance that experience. This is because it's exclusive to a console that is mostly descended from the original Demon's Souls player base.

Dark Souls went multi-platform, and when it got ported to PC it was perverted into a PvP focused character action game by a new playerbase that doesn't appreciate the series as an RPG.

The former can play with subpar FPS, because they never treated the games as Devil May Cry or Ninja Gaiden clones. The latter spend their time counting frames like it's a fighting game.

PC gamers ruin everything they touch

I can't believe I bought this schlock when I could've gotten Sonic Mania instead.

So we're blaming pc fags now?

The only advantage to it being on the Switch is portability. That’s a plus for someone, but I think the nature of the game doesn’t translate well into that. So if I were to only play it docked, why wouldn’t I just get it on a different platform and get better performance?


It's not the fact that they're PC gamers that's the issue, but that the marketing and hype for Dark Souls attracted the wrong kind of player when it came out on PC. Kind of like how Yakuza being marketed towards GTA players was a mistake, but unlike Dark Souls you couldn't mod the Yakuza games to "fix" them.

Blunderborne was a mistake

You'll see Bloodborne Remastered for PC in the future

No we won't. Sony has exclusive rights

Sony literally owns the license.
I still want to see DeS on PS4, considering, you know, its playability plummets after this month.

because Bloodborn literally HID from the PC audience

>People still complaining about fps when to doesn't matter to half the playerbase who plays regardless because fps isn't the deciding factor of what makes a game good
Bunch of absolute faggots who nitpick.

I hated on both games for their shitty framerate. Unfortunately since they were both designed for ancient hardware, there was no other way to play them.

The resolution of the textures is way higher than what is actually displayed, with mods you could double the texture resolution and still get some really defined textures, they actually future-proofed the graphics

>Why was 30 (27) fps acceptable for bloodbourne
Because it wasn't on PC

While you faglords are too busy arguing about frame rates, I will be enjoying dark souls on long flights, road trips, the DMV, hotel rooms, the toilet, and anywhere else I choose.

if you play on console you have no right to talk about frame rates period

Because Bloodborne is exclusive to the PS4, my poor naive user. That alone excuses it's "faults"

>Bloodborne has good graphics

I'll be honest. I was surprised by how not bad it looked when I booted it up. Then I ran Nioh at max settings next to it.

you ran an even worse looking next to it, why?

Sony fags are THIS delusional

nioh is literally a PS2 game

you have no fucking idea do you

>he doesnt know that devs have like 8k textures premade these days and then they get brought down to required level. Spec report already mentioned uncompressed 2k textures, thats what they had made back in 2011

Because Dark Souls is a PS3/360 era game.

so might as well be bloodbourne because of how bad the it looks

s e e t h i n g
I hope one day user you can afford ps4 and experience what is Bloodborne

nice blur filter
how many frames a second does this shitshow run at again

This is meme bourne we're talking about here

Why dont you play it first and tell me?

Sup Forums is filled with mad virgins who hate video games and cling to the most retarded excuses to hate every game

I have played it and it's not that good looking

>that fucking CA
eye cancer

It had really good graphics

so how long will the remaster train run before i get to play something new

Get a fucking PS4 Pro u poor cunts

What the fuck? This is scr I took and even saved through ps messages which drops quality even lover, like what the fuck user? You should stop lying
Because you play at 300x zoom...

Well there's Monster Hunter World in November

>remaster of a 7 year old game everyone already owns with no selling points besides better visuals
>brand new game
If you really can't see why more people would be upset about the performance of one than the other then you have brain damage.

The whole PS3 gen was

>muh 30fps is cinematic
>cant see more than 30fps anyway
>prefer rock solid 30s to variable framerate

But of course now that a portable PS3 power wise gets and plays games at 30fps it's inexcusable according to sonnyggers.

But fake 4k and no UHD BD support is great unless they get them sometime in the future

>a portable PS3 power wise


>The standard then should be the standard now!
Ps3 was an abortion of console anyways. Nobody should be using that shit as a point of reference for anything.

There wasn't a PS3 portable equivalent then, there is now.

>Nobody should be using that shit as a point of reference for anything.

30fps with horrible dips, especially when entering new areas

Because the Remaster conman that is Sony and the PS4 throw everything from last generation that wasn't 60FPS into a dumpster fire and beg you to buy their 60FPS remastered versions
All the while as you point out Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 are 30FPS games they're hoping you ignore until the PS5 isn't backwards compatible and you buy the remaster conman scheme all over again. Bravo!

ayo why did your hunter come to get a blood transfusion while Yarhnam was already a burnt-up husk? How was there even a minister left alive to help

>playing FROM games for the story and not for your e-cred
doing it wrong familia

well, its on 3 new systems

30 is fine, whatever
but if it ISNT 60 on ps4/XB1/PC fuck you all

You get e-cred from explaining your interpretation of the story to other spergs my man

This looks like a shitty Korean mmo, you faggot

Fuck off with your cherry picked images eric

you'be surprised how much they have in common

bb doesn't have good graphics though. you're retarded user.

I have no clue. 30 is like twice the framerate it had on last gen consoles so its still a great improvement

Find a time when Shitch Los Angeles Noire runs better than PS3. You literally can't

clearly more than the same 3 images you post everytime eric

I'm gonna be pretty pissed if they don't take the opportunity to substantially improve Lost Izalith. Considering From themselves admitted its an unfinished and awful area. But thats probably too much work to ask of them

So go find proof. You can't, and I win yet again