Wtf I hate Overwatch now
Wtf I hate Overwatch now
We JUST had this thread last night.
Probably because it was definitively uncovered that she cheated, and even with cheats she wasn't pro level
And we'll have it multiple times a day for (You)s and retarded political arguments, poopsie, deal with it.
So? I'm not OP but I went to bed because I was tired from work.
In any case, I don't even know who they're referencing but typically the best female player ranges at about C-list male players.
Cheats didn't stop them from signing Taimou.
are you retarded? hes flicking.
lol taimou is a faggot that thinks he's the best but isn't even close to koreans or surefour for that matter
Ah yes, the classic 'flicking at the air as you try to tear your aimbot away from the invulerable target' strategy
Um no sweetye you don't get to accuse a girl of cheating without proof
why is he in iddqd's account?
>Nathan Grayson
e sports is cancer anyway.
That was IDDQD speccing the match
ok boys, what team skin do I get? Been a fan from cloud9 on release, but Grego, Reaver and adam dont play anymore. I like surefour and the members of nu-c9 like mendo and xQc but thinking of going with the koreans for this one
While typing right?
>being a fan of overwatch teams
Hard to WASD while having chat open.
Not even aiming correctly at the luci, no cheats there you're just silver
Is the female better or equal than the other top tier options?
I didnt see it.
that's just how i pick any team in sports or whatever. see them and if I like the colors/name/anything i'll just choose to cheer for them. not a fan as in fanatic tho
worse simply for being female. unreliable, loves drama and attention and would destroy the team from the inside by causing drama
This has to be bait
Uh, is he assuming that all the current participants in the league are male? Did he just assume their genders? Omg I can't even. I need to sit down omg.
>watching competitive overwatch
You can taste the rage.
Thats the POG screen, as shown in top left its a replay of previous things. And no, PoG doesnt shown previous chat.
I'm literally higher rank than taimou atm so your post is really funny to me
> -155
>nu-Sup Forums has so little experience with FPS that they think this is normal aim
i don't even understand, are most of you underage with underdeveloped brains?
how do you watch him FIGHTING against his aimbot when it locks onto the rezzed guy, and not realize it's a cheat?
going to start playing overwatch again RIGHT NOW. gimme ideas for characters to play
we're sincerely at the point where any one of the dudes on any of those teams could throw on a wig and lipstick, declare gender dysphoria, and score the progressive points.
fucking mindboggling.
it's acceptable and ENCOURAGED to look at a bunch of females going "why aren't there girls" and respond by saying "what do you mean, I am a girl now"
>blatant cheating in the opening tournament
>no one gets banned
>no one even "decided to pursue other options"
>wtf why won't anyone take our game seriously???
Why do you guys get so angry over random SJW articles?
half of them are doing ebin trolls, the other half are genuinely that clueless
>the specific character that fits the meta based on the other character picks
unless you want to be banned
Overwatch is problematic.
Oh hey it's one of the Five. Still trying to court the SJWs, I see.
because let's be honest, you love playing with your balls
Got a link to the thread?
you're missing the small group of people that played old FPS games and think that anything newer than 2005 has aimbots by default with all the consolekiddie autoaim and aim assist and aim smoothing and aim massaging
Why is the first assumption to jump to that there is some grand system in place to make it a men only tournament rather than assuming they picked the best players.
i can't even decipher your run-on sentence.
>competitive rock paper scissors
You can't make this shit up
Daily reminder
the run on sentence was part of the joke.
do you console players need humorassist too?
pro overwatch your either a winston main or a dva offtank main with the ability to switch to another tank for a specific setup. why would a team want a zarya main? or i'm I missing something here.
still didn't list an actual reason
You say that cause he didn't do placements this season?
Cmon, show us your silver overbuff you FPS expert
Now you did it, you dared suggest that the female players weren't as good as the male players.
born "better"
Literally who?
Is it even possible to be silver in Overwatch? I literally played assault Torb, lost 5 placements and still got placed in master lmao. The game is a giant fucking joke.
Yo mutha pussy
if she is so good why doesnt she start her own team and clean the tournament?
>People actually defend this
When all I watched was this clip I was in the same boat thinking it was blatant cheating.
But I watched some of the OWL last night and he was very impressive on the main stage. With the consistency he was landing hooks and shots against the Koreans, I am more willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
It is, most of the player base is below gold, and can hardly get the controls right after 100 hours.
No idea how they attracted such audience
>Healing your teammates by gently caressing them with your balls
Yes, because legitimately good players always flick at the invulnerable enemies over and over.
Modern esports is a manufactured sham. You have to be 'invited'
its like poetry
it rhymes
its just a video game bro
mate I was drunk and on acid, dropped to 1600 SR with a massive loss streak
woke up the day after the next day feeling better, played for about 4 hours and was already back to 2500
I'm not even a good player, I'm fairly shit, like gold nova 1 in CS:GO, bronze in league, 2.5k in dota
theres no such thing as silver in overwatch, just 7 year olds who got control of their brothers overwatch account
>Modern esports is a manufactured sham
varies from game to game
ow is definitely far at the pure sham end of the scale
That's what they did with StarCraft 2. I forget his name, but there is a tranny that plays Zerg. He didn't start until years after the game died though.
oooh so close
if only you could see that not only the esports tree is a cardboard cutout, but the whole fucking forest is
Overmeme pro matchs already have one Mercy per match, sometimes, one in each team.
There aren't characters left for girls.
>laughing at retarded articles is the same as being mad at them
Redundant, you could say the same about modern life as a whole. Video games are fun, playing in open public tournaments is fun, but beyond that it's all money and that's the point. Activision/Blizzard is probably the biggest offender, they don't even pretend that 'competitive' Overwatch is anything but a television show to pimp out on Disney. Why look for actual talent when you can pay some cheap actors to play with cheats and sell the idea that everyone else can live the dream if they just keep the game populated and grind out those cosmetics?
It continues to amuse me to no end that Blizzard decided to make an ultra-casual class-based shooter and then push it as competitive as hard as possible.
Your parents are disappointed in you Nathan.
Scarlett's still playing. gonna try to get out of Ro32 in the GSL on saturday.
i don't expect something as hilarious as last year when she nuked her own army because she wouldn't use headphones, but it's still definitely an eagerly anticipated series.
dunno why you're saying "after the game died" though since scar's been playing since WoL
>competitive overwatch
>overwatch anything at all ever
>thread actually has replies
I played vs. him in beta before there were hacks and he was pretty terrible, he's not a particularly good fps player
user you know as well as I do that anecdotes don't count as evidence unless you're a woman in hollywood
hooks are baby easy to land anyways so idk why that would impress you, hook has multiple hit checks and can hit either as a projectile or as hitscan
I don't think it's definitive at all. I've got 1k hours sniping in tf2 and I wouldn't call that fighting the aimbot as just reacquiring the target. It looks to me like he misjudged the length of an uber (or whatever it's called in this case)
Obviously I see the case, but I don't think that's anywhere near conclusive and I would expect several things like that from high level snipers throughout a season
that was just the most blatant instance. he was snapping all over the place the whole tournament. among with others.
but hey if you don't find that damning you'd probably give a pass to him getting caught insterting a stick containing a file named AIMBOT.EXE too
damn, there is no doubt here
>video evidence doesn't count
>anecdotes don't count
>nothing is going to count, I refuse to believe that my dream of becoming a pro player is false
Thanks for the post
#1, it's 2 flicks First flick to realize invulnerability, second to make one mistake on the duration of the invulnerability.
#2, watch it on slow. He overshoots the first time by a huge margin, and then the second time by a much smaller margin. Not only is the overshooting indicative of a player, but the inconsistency and large error on the first flick do not match a computer.
surefour isn't any better, nigga was caught hacking in titanfall.
fuck off you no life virgin, nobody cares your dumb ass lurks v 24/7
>implying anyone takes Overwatch pros seriously
they only play the game because Blizzard marketing pays them to. They should take their complaints to Tigole and ask him why they aren't hiring a women's shill team to shill their shitty "esport"
>Out of millions of players, with a vast majority of males, the top 113 are all male
what sorcery is this
>pulling a tie out of someone's vest
that's pretty obnoxious
She's just saying what Bill Burr was saying for a decade now. Trannies in sports are dickless dudes beating up women. It's insane how fine people are with this.
If that's the most blatant then eesh, that's not a stellar case. That or he has a great aimbot. It even mimics actual human mannerisms and errors and variation in the aiming.
So if he got caught with aimbot.exe why wasn't he dqed? Further, how did he perform in the tournament after getting caught, when he wouldn't have the aimbot for sure?
In any case yea inserting a USB drive with aimbot.exe should be dq and banned from the sport even if it's just a joke.
i'd excuse her