Post other examples where the canon ship causes sweet asshurt

Post other examples where the canon ship causes sweet asshurt


Aang and Katara

Who was ever asshurt about this? It was great. It's not like any of them ended up with one another at the end.



Bullshit you fucking doublenigger. tai and sora was the patrician paring

why did these kids grow a whole foot from one episode to the other? It was jarring seeing shikadai and inojin be so tall.

I can't imagine a more patrician pairing than 'The leader + Girl Next Door'.


Who was butthurt about this?


Korra and Asami, however...

What a cute couple.

Zutara fallout was possibly the biggest shipping spergout to every happen on the Internet. It's up there with Harmony and Narusaku.

In (and probably out of) a vacuum, The Legend of Korra was rather retarded with the romance

>Korra leads Bolin on, then immediately turns to Mako
>Mako gets a bit too worried over Korra over his own girlfriend, this leads to them splitting
>Not long after Korra and Mako get together Mako goes full retard and the two split not long after

I'll admit it's been a while since I've come into contact with the series, but I still clearly remember the rescue.

Naruto should've fucked Sakura instead. Hinata is the fucking consolation price.

Naruto is the direct descendant of a sage and so is hinata. Their children are literal ubermensch. Plus hinata was the only female with a dash of personality on a cast of equally dull girls.

Nia getting NTR'd
Vincent getting cucked by hojo

Why would Sora and Kairi trigger anybody? I haven't kept up with the series in a while but I'm pretty sure she's the only girl in the series he could possibly end up with unless you're a retard who seriously thinks he'll end up with Riku or a FF character

Well, there are still people who insists that Cloud just walked her gently home

>Dash of personality
She appeared in like 10% or less of the characters. Literally, Naruto didn't give a fuck about her. The only reason why Naruto fucked her in the end is because he was tired of being a virgin.

Fujo scum gets triggered by it


*cucks your path*

fuck you



on one hand I am happy for him, it makes sense and Wakka is a legitimate bro.


>Why would Sora and Kairi trigger anybody?
The Kingdom Hearts fandom has a lot of fujoshits who get angry when their gay ships are sunk.

That is the case with any anime with similar premise though, the main girl being the canon one will trigger those into dark skin, loli, tsundere, etc.

>makes sense
but it doesn't
shittiest implementation of the opposites attract trope imho


Tai doesn't belong with Sora. Thats why Kari set Sora and Matt up

in the author's other manga, Negima, the main girl lost, it was only revealed half a year back

>live together
>raised together
>already personally tied thanks to brother
>she goes out of her way to care for Wakka during his tournament and when he finds out Rikki is an Al Bhed

Like vro, why wouldn't it make sense.

Not Sup Forums related but the salty tears transcend time and space

The ending of Re:zero will be hell

fucking nigger

Truly a master of his art

I just wanted comfy adventures of single parenting from the male perspective. I didn't ask for a treatise on familial relationships.

Who is the semen demon on the left?


jesus christ, I tried to forget this shit

what happened?


what could have been

Rukia not ending up with Ichigo was the STUPIDEST thing ever

the little girl grew up and fucked the guy


I can beat that
true tears

It was pretty clear that they were only bros for a long time

Good ol fujowhale butthurt.


All of those NS rage collages made suffering this shit worth it.

Harry Potter, Harry x Hermione

Neither of them liked each other romantically.

her tutor or the other kid





I don't even care, Sora reached peak cuteness in adventures while Hikari and Mimi only got better as they got older.
But still this shit is painful.

>tai rebounds with the cute cowgirl
Things turned out for the better

Fuck off Bolinfag

Best girl won True Tears, Noe was an autist

Oh man, the Sakurafags years were fucking glorious.

>newfags dont know the father (figure) always fucks his (surrogate) child in josei

>Find another series with a similar premise
>Translator confirms that this shit happens again

>Story about a dude who found out his grandfather had a secret kid very very late into his life.
>When the grandpa died no one wanted the kid out of embarrassment.
>Dude takes the kid in and raises her.
>Feels out the ass, fathers perspective of raising a child alone.
>Anime ends. Which is great.
>Manga has part 2.
>Girl is grown up into highschool student.
>Has feelings for dad.
>Turns out he had been hiding the fact his grandpa just sort of adopted her.
>Ends up together once she turned 18.

Honestly it wasn't that bad. Part 1 was just so good you didn't want it corrupted.

i never got around to watching this
what was so bad?

I want to impregnate Himawari.

Not that Rowling's word should be taken at face value, but didn't even she say preferred Harry and Hermione in retrospect?
I know for years people were going on about Hermione and Ron's interactions in the book, but I never saw it. I only read up to the Order of the Phoenix though before dumping that series.


On one hand, the nigger WAS in a coma for fucking ever, on the other, FUCKING WHORE REEEEE

We don't talk about that manga here, user

it always happens in josei
women are fucked up and all want to fuck their father


thats my fetish

It's perfectly fine
Read it

user I have news for you

Who's the mommy?

Who won them?

fucking disgusting, I'm still mad, desu

>raise loli
>get to fuck her years later and it's totally legal
He is living the dream.

I never played this series past a demo but I want to fug Edea. Explain.


Not an argument. Almost as little substance as your nonexistent defense of the latter I posted. Which cannot be defended by anyone but a legitimate, full blown cuckold of the highest degree; I still occasionally actually get really angry about that show even all these years later, it's an insult to humanity so strong that the wound it inflicts on the viewer never heals.

Kari is the grand champion of imoutos everwhere. Only she can make her oniisan happy, and her victory is canon!

Wasn't it implied that the one shy girl won?

That stupid bitch changed her mind like 50 times writing that series.
It's a shame, the setting is so great, yet the author turned to shit around book 4.

>all these normalfags butthurt

Is Tri worth watching?

Is canon, no matter how you feel is canon

>the main girl lost
you mean wasn't competing?

only if you're really into Digimon season 1. Otherwise, not really

It's not even just normalfags who were butthurt.

and that 10% or less gave her enough time to become best girl. Just admit that all of the girls in naruto are bad and kishimoto is a hack.

Cute comfy SoL about some middle aged dude looking after his grandfather's illegitimate 5 year old daughter.
Middle aged dude was like a father for her, it ends with them not actually being related and little girl wanting to fuck the middle aged dude despite him not being into the idea, because she is like a daughter for him.
He caves in and begrudgingly marries her.

fake translation

nope the smug Asuna clone won

Finally a man of patrician taste
They belong together
Poor man Daikichi sacrificed so much, he EARNED that comfy life

>Main girl was pulled out of the manga for 1 whole years
Akamatsu is a madman

You can watch it, but don't read the manga.

Worth it just to see best girl again.

>middle aged
He's not even that old. He was like, what, 24? 23 even?

Daughterfus cannot be waifus, if you are willing to put your dick into your daughter you don't deserve her in the first place.