This is a “remake” of the game using Dark Souls 3’s engine base. Expect Combat differences – Lightning...

>This is a “remake” of the game using Dark Souls 3’s engine base. Expect Combat differences – Lightning, SFX and textures are rebuilt based on Dark Souls 3.

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source: my ass


Shitposting at its finest

The remake runs at 1080p on the PS4 and Xbox One with 60 FPS.

This is a REMAKE of the game using Dark Souls 3’s engine. Expect Combat differences.

Native 4k resolution on PC

Remaster renders upscaled 4K on the PS4 Pro and Xbox One while the PC version will feature resolution upto native 4K.

The remaster will feature up to 6 player online, like Dark Souls 3.

The multiplayer now has dedicated game servers rather than p2p

The remaster includes the DLC Artorias of the Abyss

So it's not a remake and just has similar effects to Dark Souls 3. Cool.

>they are remaking the game in DaS3 engine


Hopefully this raises the chances of the second half of the game being finished or something. Jesus.


Inb4 they fuck with poise and introduce 8 way rolling. Hope the Switch version is just the PS360 version with a stable framerate.

>Hope the Switch version is just the PS360 version with a stable framerate
i think its possible if it runs at 480p

>remaking ds1 in the ds3 engine when ds3 was just all the ideas they failed to finish in ds1 already

>not fixing ds2's lighting instead

>not porting demons souls instead because of sony's jew'ry

>not giving the update to pc users for free, ensuring the player base will be split

switch is stronger than 360 and dark souls 1 can be run on intel hd3000

>8 way rolling

Dark Souls 1 bossfights weren't designed for it. They'd have to re-design every fight for it not to be an absolute cake-walk

>expect combat changes

I can't wait until they fuck all the weapons with ds3 weapon balancing.

Oh boy, I can't wait to have all the enemies in the undead burg spazz out and go through their 10 hit attack animations, while I just back off and wait for my opening to stunlock them to death with my straightsword. Dark Souls 3 has the worst combat in the entire series, and I'd definitely avoid this remaster if they were stupid enough to make these changes.

At least we don't have to wade through another insufferable story


>>not giving the update to pc users for free, ensuring the player base will be split
To be honest, the original PC port was so bad that they should AT LEAST give a discount to PtD owners

>not giving the update to pc users for free
Remaking the game in an entirely different engine sounds like a bit more than an "update"

it says remaster right there in the picture you posted brainlet

If only, then they could maybe fix the abysmal second half of the game

ah, the dark souls wiki, the most reliable of sources.

kys you gullible faggot

You can do the same thing in the original game.

that would be nice. the game looks fine on PC, I don't want the textures to be a little clearer and shit, I want the game to look different.

too bad it won't look like that. it will look the same, just a little sharper zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

You can just not lock on you know in DaS1. 8 direction rolling won't change anything.

The game is already a cakewalk you twat.

>they are going to ruin the colors of the game by using cobblestone emulator, featuring the bloodborne colorless piece of shit engine

>give a discount
I'm sure that's what they're going to do. That's how it was with SotFS.

you can 8 way dodge in ds1 already retard, allowing it to be done while locked is a pure QOL change

poise babby detected


Dark Souls III weapons are more balanced than Dark Souls weapons.
In the first Dark Souls most weapons don't even have a combo, pressing R1 multiple times always results in the exact same move (see maces, axes, greathammers, spears, Lucerne, Great Scythe)
Weapons like Grant and Artorias' Greatswords are also impossible to use unless you overlevel and split damage in general is garbage.

I'm only interested if they add new content and/or significantly revamp certain levels like Lost Izalith. Unmodded 60 FPS is nice but not enough.

Also I seriously hope they aren't charging full price for people who already own the game on Steam.

it's the same engine actually & it's not a full on remake

Bloodborne and Dark Souls III don't share the same engine.

>bloodborne still runs like ass

I honestly hope they would put in atleast minor changes to bosses like bed of chaos, that boss was no fun at all

they’ve been using the same engine with a few tweaks since demon’s souls

>autists are already whining
Just play the original then faggot and stfu.

Every source that reports on that says otherwise but you seem reliable so I'll take your word for it

I still love Maria, even if she runs are 24 FPS!

The amount of work it would require to remake DaS in a new engine would be the equivalent to making a new AAA title

This is just a touched up port, nothing else, but keep dreaming, just like SOTFS was in a new engine right?

they cannot release the game twice in that state, hopefully.

>people actually think this is anything but a port


I mean we still have the original, might as well have fun with this game if just for the improved visuals.

If this is true they better fucking fix Lost Izalith.

At least the enemies in the first game weren't designed like Bloodborne enemies. It gets really old having to sit there and watch every single enemy go through their gigantic combos, since attempting to engage them at any other time will often result in you either trading damage, or getting interrupted and stunlocked. The combat in DS3 isn't even hard most of the time, it's just boring and drawn out. I'm still amazed at the level of hackery required to think that making a game with Bloodborne speed enemies, and a Dark Souls speed player character was a good idea.

At least poise lets you play the game in a different way. Every single DS3 playthrough is the same exact shit. Fucking awful game, even 2 is better.

Ready Sup Forums?

I just want Lost Izalith to not sear my eyes when walking around it. Just the thought of HDR enabled Lost Izalith is making me consider purchasing shades.

get a pro

>second half of the game being finished or something
At best, there will be no eye raping lava textures in the lost izalith.

>Dark Souls with improved visual effects
>tfw Quelaag's furysword, Grant, Dragon Greataxe, Obsidian Greatsword and Tomb of the Giants exist

Pro does nothing, wasn't patched for it at all.

Have they finally improved the AI? I mean, it's been four fucking games.

it runs 1080p on switch too, though

Boost mode my dude

Yeah I agree, stacking poise and casually walking through attacks to get that all important all consuming instabackstab sure is more fun than actually having to learn attack patterns and how to avoid them.

But Lost Izalith was exactly the way it was intended to be according to lore.

Like I said, does nothing. At MOST the drops are ever so slightly less awful. Still sub-30 FPS with atrocious frame pacing.

Stop trying to scam people.

>“We are keeping the game design with its overwhelming sense of accomplishment and maintaining game balance, whilst making adjustments for current generation machines such as graphic optimization and online multiplayer expansion“

So you're telling me you enjoyed fighting Bed of Chaos?

Really small with copy and pasted dragon butt?

>This is just a touched up port, nothing else, but keep dreaming
Well, when the reports are retracted I won't have to dream anymore, so let's just wait for that to happen

>just like SOTFS was in a new engine right?
Who in the world has ever said this

I played in Boost and don't experience any drops. The most I get are graphical glitches now.

Sorry to tell you this bud but the lore exists to justify the gameplay. Hope that doesn't destroy the magic for you.

That's why i hate sonybros. They have some great titles. However their hardware is not up to par rendering those games practically unplayable to non plebs.

If it uses DaS 3's engine and the bosses are altered to provide the same level of difficulty adapted to what the engine allows the player to do, this will literally be the best Souls game period.

Well then I hope they don't rape the lore by giving in to retarded PC Master Race faggot demands

Let true Souls games stay true


Smoebody leaked screenshots for this on Sup Forums months ago, nobody cared. It'll have life gems too.

Pro has a "boost" feature in system settings, that improves performance in all games. BB runs fine that way

>works on my machine

Ah, a falseflagging mustard. Of course. You can't shit talk the game so you now try to make the fan base look retarded, pathetic.


Its the opposite you mustard. I actually have the game.

>3071MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
>1080 Ti

I thought 1080Ti's had 11GB not 3...

Speccy just shows 3gb for some reason. Presumably something similar like saying ram is going at halfspeed cos of DDR


Weird. I'm jealous anyway, I'm running a 1050Ti so I'll have to prey to jebus I can get a smooth 60fps and high settings.

>no u

At least keep the ruse going next time, or pretend like you're someone else and say the chalice dungeons are repetitive or post the ten day platinum meme. Come on, this disappointing for the master race.

This remaster is going to btfo so many nostalgiafags that remember das1 way too fondly.

I think your braindead. Like are you actually fucking retarded saying boost wouldn't help is a point against the game falseflagger. Fuck I'm losing braincells reading your posts.

Because it doesn't change anything, if you owned a PS4 pro you would know that, retard. That's why you're a fucking falseflagger.

BB will be recognized once and for all as the superior game


Kill yourself

>pray to jeebus
u wot m8?
I had a 560ti and I could run DS1 at constant 60fps with full HD

No they won't. They'll still say original DS1 is still the best.
They'll probably whine about how they changed the lighting and "atmosphere" in the remake.

The PS4 version will be 60fps, so I doubt they'll improve the graphics that much. Not to mention that FS has never been known for their good coding skills.

Given that this will run 60fps on PS4, I think you'll be fine.

>hating on based fextra

I played it last week.

>From Software
>60fps on PS4

God bless america. At least it won't be like DS2. I'm okay with this.

That was a fucking mod in Unity you retarded monkey

>being this much of a retard

>ultra HD 2160 triple gigganigga 720 fps waifu textures in smell-o-vision

>made me check.
It's a remaster. not a remake in anyway.

Ill be hyped when they announce retired cut content or finishing List Izalith and bed of chaoz

They'll import the world geometry and stuff into DS3's engine, maybe change the post processing, do some rudimentary bugfixing and call it a fucking payday.

>imagine O&S in new engine

>They'll import the world geometry and stuff into DS3's engine
>pseudo tech talk
stop making shit up please.