Have you finished any good games recently, Sup Forums?

Have you finished any good games recently, Sup Forums?

Getting over it
Took me a few days

I don't finish games. When I'm done playing I throw them bitches away.

The last game I beat was Half-Life 2 when it came out.

Tyranny, shit was so good, PoE is a piece of shit in comparison

Little Nightmares
extremely short though

Xenoblade 2.
Had to go play the original Xenoblade.

Finished Nier Automata a few days ago. Amazing how a game can start out so dull but slowly get its hooks in me and end up being one of the best games I've ever played.

Lunar Eternal Blue on Sega CD. Was frustrating as all fuck but I powered through the random encounters and difficult bosses. The ending was perfect. Playing through the PS1 remakes now.

Last time I felt like the OP pic was also after Nier Automata.

999'd Mario Odyssey recently and felt empty afterwards. I could have started Nioh on PC at any time, but decided to wait until today's Direct in hopes of Odyssey DLC.

What do I do now? Will Nioh fill the void?

Persona 5. It's as weeb as I'll go with my vidyr games but god damn I'm glad I played it.


Beat Bioshock 2 again recently because its a fucking good game and tied for my favorite game ever. Ending still gives me pause.

>tfw can't get into any new video games
Now, all i have left is dark souls, gsg shit and warband.
Life sucks tbqh, no casual fps on pc other than cs go is really annoying.

Unironically both Amnesias
Unironically Pathologic
Unironically Hellblade

Okami HD
No great yawning void after finishing it, happiness.

Silent hill 2

>when you post normalfag memes

What are you getting over? At least name the game.

I still want to RIP AND TEAR

I wish.

I need one.

play real Doom then

More like I don't want it to end.

Forcing some good AA and Ambient Occlusion and tweaking the LOD makes the game looks so beautiful for its age it's unbelieavable.

Already played alot of it, Even Brutal Doom
Pls announce DOOM(2016) 2 this time

Would be BotW if the ending wasn't so shit. How did they fuck up Ganon this badly?

ohhh post some screenshots if you can be arsed. What did you use?

The game is called
Getting over it
It's on steam

I can't right now, I'm at work.

Just some cvars and the good ol' nvidia control panel, user. The game is surprisingly scalable for being over a decade old.

Guess that's what you get when you make a game for the PC first. Whatever goodness DX9 can give you, it offers.

Recently, not.
The last game I felt that way was when I finished AA2 and AA3


Yakuza 0 unironically became one of my favorite games of all time.

>Someone should read this

Consider starting a thread later - might make an interesting topic: sprucing up some older games. The amount of source ports etc. that would have passed me by if it wasn't for this place is unthinkable



CoD 2 user here, I'm considering going for WaW after I'm done.

How good is it?

Prey, the 2017 one
Really fun game, however i missed a lot of stuff, so i will have to replay it at some day

Play it for the feels and for Donald Sutherland

it was a rough ride even with the patches but so worth it
it good but as good as VtM:B

Last game I finished was LiS and it was in 2015.
Now im just idling the chloe's mixtape mode in LiS before the storm.

You haven't finished a game in 2 years?

What's the name for the depression after finishing a really good game/movie/book?

The Feels.