*restores your HP*
*restores your HP*
*S-ranks you*
Thanks sweetie.
aw thanks. needed that
now what can i do for YOU?
succs femnine benis
Weebs, leave this place. I'm not even joking at this point. Being into anime doesn't permit you to be ironically retarded.
God she's so shit until you get the flame shuriken or waste a heart seal on her. What were they thinking?
*locks you out of a child*
>posting on Sup Forums, an anime and manga imageboard
No flaw detected.
She's magic based unlike Joker.
Tienes que regresar, Pablito.
Superior spic build
That's not a bad thing. The less of those fuckers that are around the better.
why is she not in warriors
>32 attack
>even without the fortress res that's 35 attack
Not even a bad thing, shit characters like Rhajat and Percy do not deserve to be born.
>Any Dragon with refined Lightning Breath and Quick Riposte annihilated these builds that took you hours and hundreds of dollaridoos to build
Great investment.
>40 damage glacies
The stripe effect is really nice on the portrait
One of those little bastards are going to be sacrifice so I can fuck Felicia
>can only do damage every four turns
Felicia alt when.
> hates weebs
> gee! I better visit some Sup Forums !
uum ?
He is /ourguy/
>she supports the other units with rogue dagger when she can't damage
Felicia is my waifu
>mobage shitters
Abandon thread.
>having more than one dagger unit on your team
Percy is cool and good though.
W-WOAH is the most compelling reason to use Felicia
I'm still mad she didn't make it into FEWarriors.
Same here man, giving Camilla a maid costume is just adding insult to injury.
I'm mad neither she or Jakob made it into Warriors, I would have been just fine with them as clones of each other.
Actually no not really, I'm still mad though.
I love her.
Percy is great.
*cums inside you*
I meant she is the one with the rogue dagger
Fuck treehouse.
I love my big brother!
+atk-def actually
>couldnt choose between her and Camilla before I finished the game
The worst part is I know they would both accept to share Kamui.
>Camilla sharing
how did you even come to this conclusion
I want FE Switch to have polygamy.
Discover an imperfection of any kind.
>Felicia is shit no matter how hard I trained her in birthright
>friend tells me to equip her with flame shurikens
>all of a sudden Felicia is straight up steamrolling everyone
Well shit nigga how was I suppose to know?
check her stats every once in a while.
Have you considered that magic users might not be able to throw knives very hard?
>Had her ready to be S ranked in both CQ and Rev
>End up marrying Flora instead in both routes
not romanceable
Ugly hat
I know she is heavy on magic I just didn't know flame shurikens even existed until I bought them and didn't know they scale of magic.
The description outright calls it a magic weapon.
>not upgrading your armory and checking out all the new weapons ASAP
You roasted him. That was hot.
>not reading the weapon description to see what it does.
it's FE 101, that way you avoid devil weapons.
that hat is cute and you know it
there are two types of fans, those who like her voice and those who don't
I think you meant to say those who like her voice or those who have shit taste.
that would be reserved for the ones who like her JP voice.
She can staff and gain experience quickly despite being a pre promote which is nice. The reason why Female Corrin is better is because Jacob makes for a better first servant due to his higher physical bases and access to Paladin whilst Felicia is better as the second servant due to being a better staff bot than Jacob.
I had Felicia marry Kaze, did I fuck up?
Heh, this guy doesn't know that if the character doesn't have 40/40 offenses they are literally useless.
>Azura has supports with all the Royals but Camilla
For what purpose?
Yes. Felicia can only be satisfied by dragon cock.
in BR, start grinding for supports with kaze.
in the other 2, not much.
How rough do you think she likes it?
Consensual sex in the missionary position while holding hands.
She wants to be ravaged, broken, and left in pitful mess.
She wants to feel the pleasure of being cummed inside.
How can someone be so pure?
i can get behind that.
Sakura is the best sibling, prove me wrong. Protip: ___ ____
All of these FE threads make me want to go back to Conquest and actually finish it. I only ever finished Birthright and ended up getting burnt out only a few chapters into Conquest.
Just play Lunatic and watch Haitaka carry.
No doubt about that.
She was kept ignorant of the details of her kidnapping, and kept innocent thanks to her sister.
>all that great potential drama of Felicia finding out
>all that potential conflict between Felicia and her sister after the Ice Tribe village
>instead, the topic is never brought up again
>all Felicia supports are just "Haha I'm clumsy!"
>Felicia/Flora support are just each character being jealous of the other's good traits
I can't because I agree with you.
How lewd.
i really want the generics to have supports, imagine how they would be.
I wish the bosses got support bonuses.
where do you get him?
Fuck I want her now
capture him.
at what point exactly?
chapter 9
She saw Hinoka get molested and checked the fuck out
good thing I'm starting it
Build a prison first!
>anti dragon daggers in 2 months
no worries here family
Tell me, what's the worst thing you did that you didn't realize until later?
for me, i got supports to A with both velouria and caeldori.
when i decided who to marry i did the 1 use save to keep the support without marrying.
I married velouria.
i read caeldori support and it only dawned on me a few hours later.
Also in BR i think i ended making nohr worse because of who i killed and who i spared
that I did
Quick, post your best girls from each of the 3DS fire emblems or your mother will die in her sleep tonight!!
>Awakening: Severa
>Fates: Charlotte
>Echoes: Celica
she can always be a reskin.
>Awakening: Miriel
>Fates: Flora
>Echoes: Genny