LawBreakers Player Count Finally Dropped to Zero on PC

it's just not fair.

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now lets hope cliffy's bank account reaches the same number

didn't the cunt made bank when oculus was sold to facebook?
I think he was an early investor in oculus.

I was so hyper about that game

I'm glad I kept my money

so, so sad

How did an overhyped pile of trash die so quickly? What a shame.

>post ends in 0

I would try the game out if it was free.

There was a free weekend a while back.

Wow. Even battleborn has like 30 insane players who refuse to let it die.

This game failed because of the lack of marketing and younglings don't want space shooters anymore

Why does Sup Forums hate Cliffy B so much anyway?

Can it break the laws of universe and go negative? I believe in Cliffy


The people at bosskey already got fired and looking for new jobs

i think he didnt add enough transsexual bathrooms

he had a phil fish moment awhile back when he wasnt releasing games.
basically talked trash on gamers and shit.

though, that might not exactly be the reason why people hate him here but still, hes a pretty big douche.

Lawbreakers Battle Royale would be sick.

He is a massive faggot

And he acts like any other new rich faggot on earth. He'll go broke this year.

He wanted this war.

They tried to go up against games with colorful and memorable character designs with... this.

Their Boss was the Key, alright... the key to a rotund failure.

and this

Yeah not enough blacks, trannys and ugly chicks too.
Maybe next time.

>Battleborn has more players right now than Lawbreakers
How do you fuck up THAT bad?



It's like worst shit from 90s materialized as video game

I really thought that those gender neutral bathrooms would boost dem sales or something.

>Free weekend a while back
>They held during the same weekend as the CoD WWII "beta"
Can they do anything right?

russian trannies were not bery 90s

me 3

Reminds of this race from Stellaris.

Im sure they will announce the game going F2P the same day the sony/nintendo E3 conferences happen

Is this real?


Cliffy Bazinga is the key to all this, because he is a funnier character than any we've ever had

>Cliff "Cuck" Bleszinski

Hilarity my man.

"Do you fellow kids like my billion dollar franchise"

Compare that to Material Girl.

Would Sup Forums have played this game if literally nothing changed except the characters were anime girls?

Someone needs to remake Lawbreakers but with anime girls and then watch it take off


He has private planes, sport cars etc. I don't think he will get broke, just because the pc version is dead. PS4 still preforms well.

>inb4 hi cliffy

this is just reality

>it's just not fair.

No no, its just not MARKETING nor TUTORIALS.
Not only did no one know about this game (i guess they relied on Steam exposure to self-market?) but those that did- and weren't following its development had no idea how to properly play.

As a result they had a poor experience stating the title had Bad Game Feel and/or clunky mobility.

If they had just added a tutorial or training mode that educated players on how to properly use the environment to move around at above-average speed there may have been a more positive reception from the general consumer.

A reminder that CliffyB was linked to one of the threads bashing the game shortly before release and came in just to call us basement dwellers and that his game would definitely succeed regardless of our opinions.

I wouldn't, I dropped TF2 years ago when I got bored, and I am sick of all these Overwatch/PUBG clones right now.

>PS4 still preforms well.
wait really?


>PS4 still preforms well.
Where are the numbers then

in the US you have to wait a minute or less for matchmaking, in europe 3-5 minutes


Not him but the last couple of free weekends were pc only implying ps4 was doing well enough without them.


Damn. I guess Sonyfags have worse taste than I though.

If I were Activision and saw an upcoming Lawbreakers free weekend, I'd announce a free CoD weekend at the same time just to piss all over them.

CliffyB here

we have colorful characters too! Here is a sneakpeak of the new character.


I hate this term but CliffyB is toxic as fuck. He's pure HR poison, 100% gamer repel. Introducing a game as 'CliffyB's GameName' will probably cause it to lose sales.

pain and suffering

How can you go from this:
to this:


None of that people playing my game bullshit

>Implying that having that stuff means you are financially secure for life.
Liquidity is a thingū

If Cliffy was smart, he should have went the Anime route for this. It would have been a nice western take on anime + shooters and the weebest of weebs would have stick it out.

>western take on anime
>by CliffyB

See BattleBorn for an idea of how that would have turned out

Because he didn't do gears alone.

It is like with star wars. George didn't have every single power in his hand during the original trilogy.

He needed to pander to the soy audience of ps4 & pc

Gears 1,2 were fucking shit desu, a shooter with a story of an asylum movie

what? It would look cute


It would look like an abortion. Again, see BattleBorn for an idea of what we would have gotten.

Leave animu to the nips who know how to do it.

This I bet killing Dom was Cliffys fucking idea.

Unironically going for the sjw crowd with "character diversity".
Everyone knows sjw don't buy games.


Honestly yes, the main reason I had no interest is because the character designs are so shit. I mean, it's a class based shooter where you can't tell them apart in-game.

That what happen when yo go full retard.

well someone needed to die

>want to stray from making colorful characters
>make colored character

What did they mean by this?

Serves him right for not putting it in Xbox where it actually would have sold well.

All of the most competitive console players are xbros. This is common knowledge.

What purpose do the things on his eyes serve?


Probably to give him a bigger vision angle and/or aiming at 2 enemies at the same time.

Eh shoots guns out of his eyes

I remember playing the beta with my friends and we all agreed the game was fun, but was gonna die quickly, however we didnt know it would be this bad.

We doing this?

I hope you fags are happy, you just killed an another game.

do you have that horrible hero academia one from deviantart?

I'm never happy anymore.

Tri-angular optical damage tesselation.

Battleborn has a unique style but is not very anime It honestly looks more like a 90's comic book.


No, but I have this.

i-i-i-i-is this real?

>gravity defying action

just make a new tribes.

>we start by thinking small
Just like when they tried to push it into e-sports long before release.

>I also can't find any player-submitted reports of downtime

That would require players to submit them.

nvm found it

Just fap to trap porn.


I'd like a new FPS to play after qutting dirty bomb. Lawbreakers could easily pull 1000 concurrent players if they went F2P