So that's why Darkstalkers never caught on in America

So that's why Darkstalkers never caught on in America.

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My aunt threw away everything Pokemon and Harry Potter related, for starters. It's fucked up because, you know, my mom was the one that paid for everything.

>90's Christfags
Classic. My mom would monitor my brother and I when we played fighting games to make sure we weren't beating up female characters.

What a moron.

The one with the witch is Red Earth.

my parents are christians but never banned me from playing violent or weird vidya because I used to go with them to the church, had fun there and I also was a nice kid. but I'm not american so...

I wish someone would make Doom 4 mod of it

>Implying this wasn't the game that mothers across America wanted to burn in a fire

>itt soy boys mad that mommy took away their little doll or cartoon
you should be thanking your lucky stars. today's kids with quirky parents actually force them to be gay or transsexual

I grow up in a very religious home and never had any problem with video games or anime, heck we used to watch Dragon Ball Z while eating lunch at my Grandma house and my mom watched Pokemon with me on Saturday mornings.

How about I force you to suck my dick?

I live near there, but no, sweet ol' United States.
The aunt is from Alberta, Canada though.

Yeah, I never read Harry Potter and wasn't allowed to get Pokemon because it was about monsters and ghosts.

I still remember this to this day.

>Years ago
>Standing in a walmart looking at all the DS games
>Oh fug Dawn of Sorrow, I've heard good things about that and my dad let me borrow Circle of the Moon that was really good
>Woman I don't even know starts sperging out because there's a cross on the cover
>The whole time I'm waiting for the walmart employee to come over she's screeching at me and telling me I'm going to hell
>My dad comes to the electronics section after doing whatever he was doing
>Sees this woman freaking out
>Doesn't even ask what happens, just kind of understands immediately
>My dad is the most borderline Ned Flanders religious nut there is and yet still let me do whatever because he had enough sense to separate fantasy from reality
>Tells the woman to shove it and go on a diet
>Play Dawn of Sorrow all night after he orders me a pizza before he goes to work and stay up late watching adult swim like the edgy fuck of a teenager I was

Get a room you to.
I had a Mexican friend who's mom burn all his Pokemon plushies and mags cuz some crazy dude on TV stated that Pokemon where the devil, heck even here that kind of shit was spreading but since most parents realized that all that stuff keep us quit i guess they allow us to play and watch that stuff.

Only thing ever banned in my house was GI Joe.

"It promotes war."

I was raised by a catholic mother with strong italian and german descent who was a military brat (god bless my grandad's soul wherever it may be now) and she never had any problems with superstitious stuff. She did try to keep me from games with T-M ratings when I was younger but any slightly concerned parent would have made sure their kid was ready for whatever might be in the game would have done that.


My parents never banned me anything and my dad taught me how to search for bare titties on the internet when I didn't knew how it worked yet. Looking now at my ever growing list of fetishes and perversion, they probably should have been more strict I guess.

That weirdly makes more sense than the religious nuts. But it's still stupid.


Europoor here, my mother threw my copy away twice because saying it looked satanic.
She gave up when I started buying Diablo 3 merchandise.

I remember my mom bought me every single one of the Alvin and the Chipmunks VHS tapes EXCEPT the Michael Jackson ones because of the molestation allegations.

Ren and Stimpy was also banned in my house, but not for the reason you might think.

>Dad worked in a metal foundary
>He worked in the casting plant
>New guy being shown around
>Dad is pulling something out of the mold
>Someone pulls the lever without checking
>Molten iron pours all over my dad and melts half his fucking face off
>In the burn warden of the hospital for almost a half a year
>The first time my mom went to see him the episode with "happy happy joy joy" was playing in the background when they took the bandages off and it traumatized her

I don't understand, but at the same time I do. I ended up buying all the DVD sets as an adult anyway. I like how John K draws women.

Darkstalkers will never catch on now either.

build the wall

My dad broke all of our warcraft CDs. He was right to do so because my brother is still playing WoW to this day.

I was the only kid in school who wasn't allowed to play Goldeneye

I wasn't allowed to play M-rated games until I was 18.

I hate certain Christmas songs but of what was going on at the time. Wouldn't hold it against other people though.

where's the seal of quality

Protestants are retards

Today you learned that Pope John Paul II gave his blessing to Pokemon.
I actually knew about this when it happened. I forget where I read it, it was in Pojo's or something.

why must the mentally ill christians be gigantic spergs about everything and ruin it for the chill ones

Yup, I grew up with religious friends and their parents had no problems with shit like this. I remember going with a friend's family to see Constantine in theatres and they loved it despite any 'inaccuracies', they were just happy to see some cool representation that may inspire people to read up more about religion.

>told my parents that you're actually fighting demons and showed them that I was playing as a paladin with a blessed hammer and they said ok

parents his the mortal kombat cartridge but they were right to do so we were being loud at night while family in the guest room were trying to sleep.

it's funny you say that since the rest of my genes are half mexican from my dad

>I'm throwing out your copy of The South Park Movie it is inappropriate
>But I've already seen it several times can I at least watch it once more
>Okay but just once

I don't think my parents really understood how the impressionable minds hysteria is supposed to work

my dad walked in on me playing conker

and it was the terminator hay stack guy

>cyberpunk culture

If this thread proves anything it's that Catholics were intelligent enough to not give a shit, it's Protestants, Baptists, and generic "Christians" that were stupid enough to freak out at the slightest hint of anything religious in a video game.

Please tell me that you went Trick or Treating with your Dad as Batman and Harvey Dent

>at friends house playing crash team racing
>friend takes out his dads tasteful porn mag

From what I remember, everyone was playing Tekken 3 that year, like half the arcade was crowded around the tekken 3 cabinets every time I went. Then Guilty Gear came out the next year and that stole a lot of thunder from capcom.

That's basically how my dad was. I've talked a lot about my dad on here before, I'm butcherbro/bunnybro. I just never made a trip because I'm not a faggot.

He was a super devout Christian, but he never forced it on any of us. All he asked was that we didn't swear or take the lord's name in vain while we were under his roof. He was even a fucking cool as hell proto-weeb before that even existed.

>Bought me and my sisters garage subs of Slayers and Sailor Moon because "I think this Japanimation thing is gonna be huge, kids"
>Had a cartridge spoofer and would clone NES/SNES games we rented
>Had every single Godzilla/Kaiju/50's Monster movie you could think of on shelves that took up the entire living room wall

He got skin grafts and plastic surgery with the lawsuit money. You couldn't even tell it happened unless you look at the faint lines going down his face where the real skin stops and the grafts start. He's also got a fake eye.

no it proves that soyboys are the only ones who give a shit enough to talk about it

>"happy happy joy joy" was playing in the background when they took the bandages off and it traumatized her


>Dungeons & Dragons
>Twilight films
>Alt "comix"
>Cyberpunk culture

Okay then.

Haha, same thing happened to me with the south park movie soundtrack. My dad made me play a bunch of songs from it in front of him. I think we got to Uncle Fucker before he made me snap the CD.

Puritans left England because they were butthurt the King ignored them when they repeatedly demanded he persecute Catholics. This is the legit history of the colonies.

nice job channeling Woolie there

Reminds me of my dad. He was always agnostic and didn't really give a shit, but just the same
>Bought a Genesis with all the add-ons because he legitimately thought Sega was going to "win"
>A better call he made was buying the Playstation as soon as it came out because he knew that was the future
>Had two VCRs and would copy tapes from Blockbuster and had a bookshelf filled with them

at least you can take solace in the fact that your dad is the most METAL christian to ever live

no seriously, it's not every day that you can proudly say your dad took a face full of molten metal and lived to tell the tale

>Destroy all these symbols you see
pretty funny to me

This definitely sounds like it was made to make fun of those types. A few things are just too obviously over the top.
That said, they aren't wrong about the UN.

>Third grade
>Mom is Uber religious Catholic
>No Pokemon, every name is an allegory for the devil
>Somehow fucking Squirtle is an allegory for the devil
>No Pokemon, everyone is having fun with their cards and games meanwhile I have fucking bakugan and nobody to play with
>I don't even know why the fuck I had bakugan, I just collected them and never played because the game was retarded
>Kid selling Pokemon fire red for advance
>3 dollars
>Promise to pay
>Never fucking pay
>Kid gives up, gives me the game for free end of year
>Moves away, don't get to thank him
>Play game discreetly for 6 years
>Mom finds it in highschool
>Asks me why I'm playing devil's game
>Makes me throw it into trash
Shitty green text whatever
She also didn't let me go to friends houses because she thought their family members could kidnap and rape me
I didn't learn how to socialize until fucking mid highschool

"Chill" ones aren't real christians you cuck

>Mom went to church regularly
>Still let me play Pokemon, read Harry Potter etc because she wasn't retarded

>you're either an obnoxious overzealous bible thumper or you're not a christian at all

my dad broke all the vidya in the house not because of religious reasons (despite being ultra religious himself)
but because he was one of those wife-beating faggots who would slap your shit because he couldnt control his anger

>didn't pay
you shit, shoulda listened to your mom

Chick may be the dumbest man to ever live

I got tomb raider 3 confiscated because I locked the old servant in the freezer, I was also in trouble for playing as the terrorists in ww3 black gold back when gateway gave you a bunch of random disks

"Obnoxious overzealous" is buzzwords used by atheists and nu-fake christian cucks and hold no meaning. They're the ones begging for religious tolerance of heathen and heretic faiths too since they lack real white christian identity and principles.

hum sadly this is true for every religion
you can't halfass you way into heaven

The only crazy religious nut I ever came across was a crazy old guy who burst into GameStop and told everyone in the store they were going to hell. The only people who would likely go to hell was the manager, because fuck that piece of shit.

Not my parents but i was in a weird biblist school for awhile. I was told i shouldn't play any video games, any music besides gospel was the devils doing and i was pulled into the principles office for reading harry potter and a stephan king book during lunch break. They took them away and i didn't get them back. i spent my allowance on them.

It is, apparently to promote a short film called Ivy League Exorcist

>Never fucking pay
Your mom was right. Gon' burn real good, boy.

i go to black church every sunday

im def a christfag

>this thread

I'm still technically "not allowed" to play T rated games.

I still play whatever the fuck I want in my room with headphones on. Or straight out lie with games like Twilight Princess or Okami that are borderline E.

>Didn't pay
You sure you are catholic? You sound more like a jew.

Dad said I could not play San Andreas in his house anymore since he saw me playing as a black guy camping around and just shooting cops.


Judge not yet ye be judged by the lord. Keep your tongue in check or the lord will burn it. It is not your place to judge anyone.


based dad

I'm 22. My mom is nuts.

How have these fuckers not died out by now?

>Quoting nu-testament
Point proven. That faggot piece of shit is why we're not having any more crusades and why society degenerated.

>True story


My parents didn't care what I liked or played, but it was my cousin's family that were stupidly strict. When they came over and I was playing something with Pokemon, monsters, magic, talking animals or anything like that, my cousins would have to close their eyes or ears to "prevent being possessed by the devil".

I was a shit for reasons other than collecting electric rats, got it

One word: hypocrisy.
Expecting Christians to practice what they preach is bit to much for them.

>Lives at home
Mentally, you're about 12. I know many says it's for saving money, but the truth is, the longer you live with your parents, the more likely is it you'll develop permament dependency needs and thus never mentally mature until you stand on your own. And the longer that takes, the harder, worse it gets

Reminds me
>spending night at friends house
>their dad is strict but not abusive so far as I can tell
>playan their new N64 all night
>their dad comes down to go to work at 5AM
>still playing
>he doesn't say a word
>grabs up N64, ripping cables out with a jerk
>walks over to a small bin
>holds the N64 high over his head
>slam dunks that N64 into the trash so hard bits of black plastic come flying out
>all the kids are crying
>I'm actually crying with laughter

Well i hope you have an excuse ready when you are in front of the lord. Just sayin
>It's just a prank bro
Is not going to cut it.

I wonder how they managed to erect statue of Liberty which is literally Ishtar with such attitudes in US.

>as soon as you’re 18 you need to get out of the house

Not him but why are you American so retarded like this? Save up some cash and then move out when you’re ready.

Although the limit should definitely be 25 because then it’s going to be pathetic.

>sexual intercourse between people not married to each other.

Well you got the quakers. But they're literally dying out after 200 years because celibacy is one of their doctrines, incidentally what the last remaining married couple strongly follow.
And proselytizing is considered bad as people should join out of their free own will, not by being persuaded.
Can't really call them hypocrites

Finally moved out and got my shit together. I really feel that I had to play maturity catch up in learning how to handle a job and household.
move out and learn to stand on your own feet made my depression and that feeling in my chest at the end of the day that I was missing something in my life go away.

Are you saying that Christians are not cheaters?
You do know how many of the fucks get caught doing that right? Even die hard republican family men get caught trawling for gay dicks on grindr.

>but it's liberals who censor video games, Sup Forums told me so

My Dad is Christian and laughed his ass off at people who thought Harry Potter and Pokemon was devil worship.

>truth no deeper than a kindergarden slogan
That's because people think that's all that constitutes for being a morally good person

The Lord will reward my faithful service, White Right and dedication to His words, not the words of that faggot liar "Jesus the Jew"

did your mom get her money back? the very idea that someone might throw out shit that they don't own and I paid for has me sheething

I had a relative who was something like that. He was weird but likeable, but it turned out it was his wife who kept him in check, otherwise he was mad as shit. After she died, he found himself new wife within year, stabbed her to death next year and hanged himself in the garage.

same shit, different flag.



Ain't even American. It's common in Scandinavia that kids move out when they start the equalent of high school (Videregående or folkehoyskole) unless the school with the spesific fields you wanna study is close.