Ofcourse fox is gay! Ofcourse

Ofcourse fox is gay! Ofcourse.
Now I'm regretting for buying this gaym.

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sjw trash


Actually, it is a choice.


I bet you're from San Francisco.

Bea is the only straight main character.

I mean, it should have been obvious to the OP from the art style alone.

Your post is exactly why I want to burn sjws alive.

Wow how dare they include a gay fox in a video game. Absolutely shocking. Damn liberals.

I'd wish

If took you til that point to learn he was gay?

In any case, they handle it fine. There's not much attention drawn to it or any kinda of public service announcement. In fact, they treat it more like a regular relationship because their relationship problems are all themselves, not "We're so oppressed by everyone around us!"


how dare they keep putting this in games like it needs to be there

how dare they get upset when 98% of the people that play the game don't identify with them

Actually, it' s not.

It was so weird I actually thought he was a girl for a couple of hours until I googled it. Genders in this game are unintelligible

>tfw you will never cheer Bea up.

>how dare they keep putting this in games like it needs to be there

So do straight couples "need" to be there?

Also in this case Gregg being gay is part of a bigger plot and it's barely shoved in your face other than the fact that his boyfriend is also in the game.

It is a choice
Most gays experience some form of sexual molestation as kids that they end up becoming homosexuals.


How many girls do you know that are named "Greg"?

Oh you’re right! It’s actually a mental disorder

Why they even made it this way in a first place if it bears no significance?

never understood this argument

being gay has been taboo for the longest time, why would someone intentionally choose to suck dick be shit on? never made any sense

You can tell he's a guy by his clothing. Mae, in other hand, is the one who looks like boy.

>Homophobes in 2018 this desperate

Sorry sweety, while you're stuck in the past everyone else will be on the right side of history.

_ ____ __ ____ ____ ___

Back to faggit you go

>realised the fox was gay halfway through the game and not when he says he has a boyfriend

Straight couples don't ''need'' to be there because they are healthy and normal (in principle).

>So do straight couples "need" to be there?
yes, they do
deal with it
when gays make up 90+% of the population you can be mad that they aren't the focus

why make anyone anything if it bears no significance? why make someone straight if the game isn't a romance story? because art and entertainment is reflective of our lives and people who make things base characters off of people they see and meet and some of their own personal experiences. it makes sense to include straight people because you've had conversations with your bros about how hot someone looks and it feels natural to put that in your game. the same shit applies with literally anything else.

It serves some story purpose. They bring it up a couple of times, being the only 2 gay guys in a small town is pretty much the only reason they ended up together and also why their relationship is such shit. I'm just saying it's not the first and last thing they have to talk about and the entire definitions of their characters like say a Bioware gay character.

As many as gay foxes

>it's a choice caused by childhood trauma

What if people are attracted to both genders, as in bisexuality?

Please leave this site and go back to tumbertard your kind is not welcomed here

>never understood this argument

>being a sexual deviant has been taboo for the longest time, why would someone intentionally choose to be deviant and be shit on? never made any sense

Holy cringe
Just kys m8

>waaahhhh gay people shouldn’t be in video games because it hurts my feelings!

Quit whining faggot.


It's a goofy little slice of life game. Did none of you guys have a gay friend in your circle? It's not like the game revolves around it. He's just is.

Sweaty, Sup Forums is mostly gay.

I'm a gay male AMA


That us not the problem the problem comes from them being over represented in vidia

Top or bottom?

Why would people be attracted to scat? Why would people be attracted to animals? Why would people be attracted to boxes?

Unnatural attractions take many forms, user.
Why would homosexuality be the only deviancy that is genetic?

You did hand Angus a slice of pizza when he couldn't reach one, right? RIGHT?

Youre right dude. I forget that theyre just magically magnetized to it and lose all self control at the sheer presence of the same sex’s reproductive organs.
Need to retake my biology class.

No Sup Forums is mostly reddit shit tards

Vers but I'm a tiny fuck so I usually just end up bottoming

says the phone poster that came here 11 months ago

No, I just think cat & fox go better with each other than the bear.

I mean I can understand why the protagonist in Moonlight is gay and I have no problems with it. But in NiTW they could've easily been roommates. Seems like obvious gay agenda to me

(Personly no) i know people do have friend groups like that tho the problem comes when this "small" town has more than half the pop gay

The main character is as small as the children in the game, and acts like one while she is a TWENTY-TWO years old NEET who failed college, what did you expeect?

I would have played through it wholefully if they weren't cancerous about how they made their characters. Sure, they're animals, but their parents are more than twice as tall as them while they should be around the same size. Whoever made this game clearly didn't want to grow out from childhood

I'd totally cave in if they were actually looking like young adults that fucked their lives, but it's wasn't the case

Here’s a little thought for you, gay isn’t natural for animals, especially for a species like humans. If anything it’s a mental disorder that doesn’t really fit in with nature. Sure you can love who ever you want and blah blah blah but in the world we live in, nature intended for you to use your cock to fuck a girl to make more humans and you can’t say damn otherwise

They could've made them just roommates/friends and it would feel more natural

No one actually cares though. You're shouting into the void

Why is there no
> sup, faggot

>nature intended for you to use your cock to fuck a girl to make more humans
Most of the people here don't do that despite being straight

Not browsing/v/ when you are at work with no computer
>sup newfag

There's documented cases of wild animals engaging in homosexual behavior, both just having sex with others of the same gender to even forming relationships too. Homosexual penguins will take big stones and pretend to incubate them as if they were eggs. Humanity's cousins the bonobo chimpanzee regularly engage in casual sex as means to maintain order in the group and to form and keep bonds of friendship.

>as in bisexuality?

not a thing.

MC is gay herself.

cause it proves you're a sperg?

Maybe after another 2 years of shitposting you'll figure out how to use le epic greentext

And most gays will agree with you. Being gay isn't the "norm" and it probably is some sort of disorder, but it's not like our species is dying anytime soon and it's not like the world isn't overpopulated enough already.

Despite what Sup Forums says the gay agenda doesn't exist and me and my gay friends aren't trying to make all straight men on the planet stop fucking girls and start sucking cock.

I've fucked both genders so your argument is invalid.

yes because straights are the default you fucking moron

>gay isn’t natural for animals
Umm, sweaty, explain gay animals in the wild then.

That is literally just you deciding to be deviant.
You're going to settle down with a woman once you get past your phase of trying to stand out by choosing to fuck men.

>nature intended

But if someone disagrees with it and for example, doesn't want to take part in a gay wedding by baking a cake for it then they get jumped on.

It's very likely "gayness" is nature's way of population control. There's a bunch of theories out there but that honestly makes the most sense to me.

You're bending backwards and dramatically changing the story and characters now. Now it's YOU who wants the developer to bend backwards to your snowflake needs to never acknowledge anything that might offend you.

>it's not like the world isn't overpopulated enough already.
Population isn't a problem.
I think we have an underpopulation within some racial groups and an overpopulation with some other racial groups.

Cause its triggering ie
>be me
>be playing indie slice of life game panderd to me
>be snow flake that browses tumblr
>halfway thro the game and see this
>a dialog optiin tbat says """sup faggot"""
>screen shot it because trigger is to hard
>start blogging about it on tumblr
>make patrion saying i have ptsd from this one trmatic experience
>make at least $50
>thus is tge life of a land whale transrace gender other kin

How hard did your uncle touch you?

Walking simulators belong on /lgbt/.

>mfw hating gays is literally a nigger/non-white mindset



Maby after 2 weeks you will go back to twitter

>gay isn't natural
>something that happens in nature without human intervention isn't natural
>nature actually intending for anything
Are you fucking retarded?

what studies

Wow now that you've diagnosed me, anonymous internet psychiatrist on this south sudanese fingerpainting forum, my whole life has changed and I know understand perfectly, completely casting aside all mainstream conceptions.

a lot of the homosexual behavior we see in the wild is due to mating season

animals go into heat with sexual hormones at certain times of the year to maximize the chances of their offspring surviving (ie only going into heat when their will be a good food source)

at these times males are so overcome with hormones they want to fuck anything that moves -- not only will they try to fuck other males but inanimate objects or other species

so while you can say "this is natural behavior" because it is observed in nature and is driven by natural sources (hormones), one can also easily take the view that this is the product of a hormonal inbalance and lack of available female partners.

Obviously if you are pumped full of sex hormones that will be good from an evolutionary standpoint, as it will increase the odds of mating pairs and thus reproduction. However I doubt anyone would argue that an animal attempting to mate with a different species, like a seal raping a penguin, is a good thing.

That’s more a map of where being truthful can get you into trouble.

how many dicks can he stuff in his butt?


I don't know why people even care about gays anyway.
If you're so concerned about defective genes, its a self terminating problem since they're not reproducing. Let them be fags and remove themselves from the gene pool, problem solved.

Why do the liberals want to destroy our video games?

i want to cuck angus and have him clean up

russia/east europe

Who did you pick Sup Forums? :3c

>ugh omg i hate gays they're completely stopping us womyn from being able to manipulate them
When did Sup Forums become full of feminists?

>dramatically changing the story
LOL, rly? I barely noticed this game had a story.


>Researchers using brain scans have found new evidence that biology—and not environment—is at the core of sexual orientation. Scientists at the Stockholm Brain Institute in Sweden report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA that gay men and straight women share similar traits—most notably in the size of their brains and the activity of the amygdala—an area of the brain tied to emotion, anxiety and aggression. The same is true for heterosexual men and lesbians.

>The researchers used MRIs to determine the volume and shapes of the brains of 90 volunteers—25 straight and 20 gay members of each sex. They found that the straight men and gay women had asymmetrical brains; that is, the cerebrum (the largest part of the brain, which is responsible for thought, sensory processing, movement and planning) was larger on the right hemisphere of the brain than on the left. In contrast, they found that women and gay men had symmetrical cerebrums.

>The team next used PET (positron emission tomography) scans to measure the blood flow to the amygdala, that part of the brain controlling emotion, fear and aggression. The images showed how the amygdala connects to other parts of the brain, giving them clues as to how this might influence behavior. They scanned subjects' brains when they at rest and did not show them photos or introduce other behavior that might have been learned.

>They found that in gay men and women, the blood flowed to areas involved in fear and anxiety, whereas in straight men and lesbians it tended to flow to pockets linked to aggression.

Do people choose to be attracted to scare? Do people choose to be attracted to animals? Do people choose to be attracted to boxes? Yet you imply gay people choose to be gay. It doesn't have to be genetic to not be a choice, useless faggot.

If you identify with any of these characters or they remind you of your friend group then you're a real piece of shit real talk

Just because some people are "born gay" doesn't mean I have to accept it