Stellaris: Apocalypse

>you can now blow up entire planets with a death ray
>you can (finally) get Titans and Star Forts
>new army systems. No more attachments for armies

You ready to actually be able to do a right and proper purge?

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forgot the vid

Warscore is still broken
FTL horribly unbalanced
AI is fucking retarted
Paradox does what they do best and shit out gimmicks for the shekels

No I'm not ready

They're changing FTL. Hyperlanes will be the default, and you'll be able to find two-way wormholes that you can stabilize, as well as portal systems that you can repair and utilize as you progress through the game.

I still have no idea what I am doing in the war department. The AI always seems to be ahead of me in Ship power every time. I can surpass them in science and infrastructure, but in war I just can't fucking do shit. it pisses me off. Only paradox game I haven't been able to brute force.

>slowly adding things that have been part of moo2 for decades

Are you upgrading your ships and shit?

Nothing makes me happier than shelling out more money for DLC that changes the end-game I never reach

It's bullshit game design. I run into the same problem all the time. There is always at least one or two empires that just doomstack you to death and there is nothing you can do.

yes, but they always have double the ship power and ship capacity.

need to git gud at fast expansion. max fleet size is directly related to your pop size.

something I hope they'll eventually fix is just how samey all planets and systems feel

Modifiers for inhabited planets are rare and generally speaking don't fundamentally change how you use said planet. Oh sure you got a high gravity planet, it'll look exactly the same as any other planet only cost slightly more to build up.
Oh you got a tidally locked planet, your citizens will produce slightly slower and be less happy

and don't get me started on the non-inhabitable planets having virtually no distinction other than looks.
You know if they at least had an optional "statistics" screen that showed their mass, composition, size etc that'd give some impression they were in any way distinct.
And really any inhabited planet should have at least one modifier and the more extreme ones like tidally locked should entirely change how the planet is used.

Build more space stations, space stations directly influence how many ships you can build
also on harder difficulties the AI gets bonuses to it's fleet capacity.

And just because a fleet is larger or even has higher total power, that doesn't mean it'll actually win. The fleet power calculations aren't 100% accurate and if you build your fleet to counter another fleet it can win.

They fucked up when they made planets basic as hell. Instead of having a few dozen easily managed planets, they should have given planets a lot more micromanaging and depth with things like planet-specific politics and resources and make them WAY more valuable such that 3-5 is a lot, and territory is based more on fleets + stations and planets are a huge deal to capture. Having zero attachment to your worlds is the biggest flaw of this game.

eh I don't mind have lots of planets if those planets have things unique about them

take EUIV, you can have a lot of provinces in that one but at the very least every province has it's location, trade good, culture, religion, terrain and climate.
Then you have a bunch of modifiers that directly change exactly what sort of province it is, like rivers, centers of trade/estuaries, potential trade good production modifiers and other unique modifiers etc.

While it's fairly basic, and some amounts of terrain will feel similar, you will still have a bunch of provinces that are distinct to eachother and as a result notable.

That's the biggest problem is that playing tall is shitty unless you do a cheesy science nexus rush.

So they're eradicating player choice and customization?

No, they're just changing something they decided they couldn't properly balance.

Other forms of FTL made combat a nightmare since you could be attacked from almost any angle.

Also, forts were useless since you could get around them.

But FTL is a player decision.

You as a player decide what FTL is used

They're also adding a bunch of new Civics and shit, like one that makes you start on a Tomb World with a huge bonus to Tomb World habitability, and one that starts you off with a 25-tile Gaia World but makes it basically impossible for your people to settle on anything but more Gaia Worlds.

You don't decide what kind of FTL the AI uses.

But you literally do

Unless something changed because I haven't played in months but you can force the entire game to use one FTL mode