"What an ugly little worm you are. What pile of excrement did the New Vegas thread pluck you from, worm?"
"What an ugly little worm you are. What pile of excrement did the New Vegas thread pluck you from, worm?"
I enjoyed punching him to death
>not making him lose his shit by pretending you're a Legion agent sent to assassinate him
he was a fun speech boss
>That image
>"We wuz Khans an sheeit, dontchu fuck with us"
>we sell chems to fiends, we badass
Continually BTFO'd by NCR
>We wuz wimmin and kidz, feel,sorry for us
The Khans were only in NV for the nostalgia pedos.
Man I'd love to play it some more, I just need to figure out why my non-energy based weapons fucking tanks my fps down to 1-3 fps when I shoot with them, fucking annoying.
Thats why I never break the Legion alliance with them
If Legion wins their fate is even worse
The worst part is that they were stronger than the precursor of the NCR in Fallout 1.
their outfits look cool and I wish they weren't faction armor
do you have any mods installed?
>tfw never ever have another studio contracted to make an isometric fallout game
It would be fucking great on Larians engine they use for the Divinity games.
>3fps playing nv
because your gpu was launched in 2002
>lol fag, kill yourself
>"You're good"
Well yes with NVSR and NVAC with the 4gb patch thing enabled, I have ~135 of them and even though my game runs normally at like 50-55 fps and I can't even remember the last time I had a crash, just shooting an ordinary gun makes everything stutter, I'm guessing because I have too many mods installed it's just clogging up the engine.
I'm surprised you could put together a sentence with such shitty reading comprehension.
Anyone know any good quest mods? I've played the someguy series 1000 times, Autumn leaves was neat.
it might be because you have a mod that removes hitscan. try disabling your gun related mods, or try testing it without mods, see if it's because of a mod.
Do you have CASM installed? Removing that worked for me ;^)
>I'm surprised you could put together a sentence with such shitty reading comprehension.
hurr hurr my superior intellect
Beyond Boulder Dome
Denver Dog city
Rockwell Descent/Pursuit
Boom to the Moon
Strangers Abroad
War, war never changes
Tales from the Burning Sand
>Outfits look cool
>dress like some angsty MTV punk band
>pc games always look as good as their concept art
Sorry to burst your bubble but New Vegas would still not look as good as this, even if it were a pc exclusive.
>Courier "Make the Kahn's your pawns" Six
>Courier "If it wears a hat with horns, make it wish it wasn't born" Six
>Courier "Yes Man was right" Six
>Courier "Make Red Rock choke on my cock" Six
>Courier "If they sell to the fiends, rape their dreams" Six
>Courier "Mongoloid Slayer" Six
>Courier "If it sleeps in a tent, it's life is spent" Six
>Courier "Bitter Springs 2: Kahn Massacre Boogaloo" Six
>Courier "If it wears a leather vest, killing would be best" Six
>Courier "Year round Kahn Concentration Campground" Six
>Courier "If her head is half shaved, put her in a grave" Six
>Courier "Leave a mohawk bitch dead in a ditch" Six
>Courier "Fertilize my lawn with the corpses of Kahns" Six
>Courier "Stuff Kahn Punks in a Highwayman trunk" Six
>Courier "if she has a black eye, make her fry" Six
>Courier "Wife Beater Corpse Eater" Six
The Kahns are here so they can finally be eradicated.
The North Road
>set him free
>Caesar thanks you for freeing him so he could be properly punished
He probably just thinks it's hot on female characters lol
He isn't wrong
Strange, I mostly just have Millenia guns and a couple "stolen" gun mods from GUNetwork, they shouldn't really be causing anything like that would they? Unless EVE or CaliberX would do something like that?
Damn can you imagine if Bethesda contracted another studio to work on an isometric Fallout, even if it was a spin off not related to the main canon?
That was my point or even a remaster of the first in second. My penis would be so happy to see Vault City or the Hub in an updated engine. Like I said the engine Larian made would be perfect for it.
No, it's not millenia mods or Eve, newer CaliberX doesn't have that either, don't know about the older verion
this on for example removes it
do you have this mod? if not try installing and actually removing hitscan, it might solve the issue. do you have that issue when using missile launchers too?
It would be an amazing game. We can only dream though
>Benny betrayed us for literally no reason!
Has this thread just turned into everyone shitting on the Khans?
I like it!
I don't, I'll try installing it after I check the missile launchers, so gimme a min
They deserve nothing less
>Courier "When in Red Rock, Whip out the Glock" Six
>Courier "Remove Khanbab" Six
>Courier ""Ambush Bitta Springs" Six
>Courier "the Cure for Khancer" Six
>Courier "
Okay so Missile Launcher doesn't affect the fps even the slightest, even less so than super high-rate of fire energy weapons, I'm going to try the mod now.
Missile launchers don't use hitscan if I'm not mistaken, that's why I asked. so that indicates that there is a problem with hitscan and removing it might fix it.
I'll give some of them a look.
Fuck, well that mod didn't help and I got really excited about it actually making difference since I thought it could be something about the projectiles, I tried something else though, I typed in sgtm 0.05 in the console to really slow down the time to see when the stuttering occurs and it looks like most shots don't tank the frames when everything runs really slow, but that doesn't really help.
Found someone having a similar problem, maybe try pic related
So im going to be doing a punching build and i was wondering if there is any mods i need to get that even expands the game a bit for this playthrough. if not ill just stick to the graphics mods and play vanilla
>using a mod to fix a problem you don't know the cause of
Come on now, user. If you want to fix the issue you're going to have to man up and start from scratch so you can figure out what the core problem is
I like that quest just because I get to hear Laura Bailey praising me when I do well at it.
Relax PCbro, Gamebryo made sure the game looked AND ran like shit.
Do you get to see him on a cross? I'd like to taunt him like I did Benny.
Too bad she gets raped by Legion-kun
I'm really holding on to that as the absolute very last option, cause I'm a lazy piece of shit, and i'd rather die.
Even if consolefags didnt exist, gamebyro would have still limited the game a shit load, and bethesda arent gonna make a new engine for a game they want to do worse than their own games
That's only a half truth though. It's obvious that with New Vegas's 18-month dev cycle and ancient Gamebryo engine, it wasn't going to look beautiful, but it's due to being on consoles that locations like Freeside and The Strip were cut up and limited in size, so we know it would've at least looked a lot better.
It's kinda similar but not quite it, I'll try anyway, I guess I'm going to have to record the problem or something, not that I have any other software other than shadowplay and no editing software either.
You can ask on that place too
I have made a forum post about it the NVSR thread, but everybody is just busy with windows10 problems and ignores my posts.
There's a reason Freeside Open isn't known for its stability
Make a post in the same place as that guy, in new Vegas technical support sub-forum
>Not driving papa khan to have the Khan's commit suicide against the legion at hoover dam.
It's the only way to make sure all of those degenerates die for good.
How can I trouble shoot what mod is giving me giant warning signs on pool tables
I tried dog City but got stuck at some point unable to find a key. I liked travelling through a ruined city again though.
Alright, I guess doing that and just wait for an answer would be the best for now, just gotta write up a fucking essay about my problem and maybe do a vid about it too.
Don't talk about my Waffu like that
Switch version when?
>fucking NCR, suppose to deal with this shit we're responsible for in the first place.
The followers are fucking retards and also responsible for teaching these fags.
>New Vegas on a Console
I'm not even gonna go into switch shitposting, but user, as someone who did that for years, that's a can of worms people should just leave closed. More over it's such a mess why port it to something new and potentially invite new fuck ups? It doesn't take a super computer to run.
it's just trying to keep you from the dangerous vice that is gambling, user
Millenia did something similar for me, but it only effected guns from the mod and only happened when I was playing TTW. Went away after some NVSR tweaks. That was ages ago though.
Come on PCbro, you are blaming the innocent.
>Doesnt take a super computer to run
I wouldn't ask for a switch version if I hadn't already beat it on PC. Switch is comfy and I want NV to double up on the comfyness.
On pool tables, or the pool tables themselves? Because they can be two different things. Be it either the Table is missing it's mesh or the balls. You have anything effecting either? You get new balls mod user?
Post good companion mods
>tfw mod author will never update him and had more shit for once you reach vegas
If I could locate the item with my mouse cursor and see what it was called, I would know the issue. Is there anything to replace those warning signs with something more useful?
Yeah this effects all my projectile weapons even vanilla as well as modded in ones, my NVSR .ini is pretty much tweaked to what everyone else says helped with stutters and other problems and I guess that has helped every other aspect of the game except this problem, no bHooklightcriticalSection or bReplaceHeap
Let's be honest, the time they spent porting the game to consoles and making Gamebryo work on three different systems could have been spent making the PC version less shitty for release
So, how many women have you claimed in the wasteland through the help of mods?
You have Caliber by chance. I'm spitballing here, but I think it does something to the projectiles, though honestly I think that's only something that'd effect VATS.
>by NCR
Puh lease. NCR can't even kick Fiends shit and only good at killing fleeing elderly, it was Vault Dweller and his grandchild who did all the hard work.
I do have CaliberX 5.04 But I thought I tried uninstalling it and seeing if that helped some months ago and it didn't make a difference either, I could try again?
There were no sequel planned initially, but even that way NCR forming around assbackwards Shady Sands and not Hub is pants on head retarded.
None because sex mods are a level of pathetic I'm even above.
I mean you could but if it didn't help probably isn't the issue. I mean like I said I was just spitballing, since in all honesty I've noticed a boost in performance of all things since using it.
You try disabling everything and starting a new game (use some commands to get weapons and get somewhere with some enemies and so on) and see if it still happens?
You go around killing people, doing drugs and possibly eating corpses. The only thing stopping you from being able to do practically everything is the lack of graphic sex and child killing.
Shady Sands was founded by vault dwellers from Vault 15 while the Hub was a trader town run by water merchants who practically ran the wasteland economy.
NCR isn't just a wasteland nation, it's an ideology. It makes a lot more sense that it was founded by a group of educated idealists rather than a group of greedy businessmen, even if the businessmen ended up running it.
I started a new file after installing some mods, theoretically if I wanted to get more mods would it be safe to install more on an existing game file or are there any that requires you to start a new game first?
>educated idealists
At the time Vault 15 opened, maybe. At the time of F1, they are just another bunch of villagers with funny names somewhat resembling the multicultural population of 15th. And even then, its ideology is not that different from Hub's.
That depends on the mods.
>Post good companion mods
you start
There is definitely a mod doing some hokus pokus bullshit to fuck with me when I shoot projectile weapons to cause the game to stutter so hard, cause a game with only the base game and dlc gives me like a solid 60 even in goodsprings while firing a minigun, but that doesn't really surprise me that a pretty vanilla install wouldn't cause that problem.
Should I just assume then that all mods are safe to install unless it says so otherwise on the instructions?
If the mod doesn't need the script extender, you're good, otherwise you're also good, unless you're fucked, then you're fucked.
Shady Sands was established just 20 years before FO1 started. Vault 15 only opened a year before that. A good number of people in the town were still vault dwellers, including their leader.
Has anyone else ever gotten this many hours in an ES game without using a single sex mod like me?
>Shitting on niner
i bet you like willow too you faggot
>can't leave without him making always allied with the dog faction
Niner is a guy Cass and not in a good way
Delilah with the voice update is probably the best female next to Melissa Williams as neither are gf experience mods
Oblivion only has fetish mods so yeah I have.
Not at all. I liked Niner but I don't feel like playing with him anymore since once you reach vegas he has nothing else.
Delilah is pretty good, though I tend to use jip to make her my medic while I focus on repair. Never tried Melissa though.