
> All of those ports for the Switch
> Out of all of them, they couldn't port Tokyo Mirage Sessions


At least we got TWEWY

kys weeb, even if Nintendo would port the game on the switch, you will cry about it buy censored and you will only play once the switch it's hacked for free

>only 10 people actually liked this game and somehow all of them are on Sup Forums shilling for a switch port

What are you exactly trying to say in your post?

- Many ports announced
- not the one you wanted
- you're mad about it

so you just open a thread to say you're mad? it's not like we didn't know it before

What kind of new features would a Switch port of TMS theoretically have?

No one gives a damn about this game except maybe 5 people on Sup Forums. Most people who played it never want to think about it ever again.

Give it a rest already, Cody.

Literally my most wanted Wii U port. Who cares about DK
I hate that it doesn't have offtv play on Wii U, a Switch port would fix it

I can almost assure you they will eventualy release uncensored ports of this and X and maybe even FE Fates

Xenoblade 2 just released and we have SMT incoming, they might not want to cause to some games/genres to overalp so much specially if they take time to beat

Dude, there's always next year.

>port adds the ability to skip sessions
>4th, one time romance side story for character of choice
>bigger, interconnected overworld with more locations and less load times
>bonus postgame dungeons with more FE characters
>a secret boss that isn't just a reskin of the original
>no censorship

>they didn't port the game that sold like shit and got negative reception from everyone but 10 weebs who shill the game on here all the time
imagine my shock

outside of censorship and overworld shit, I can see Atlus doing that like how they do with most rereleases

>no kowashitai
>no xenoblade X

literally the only wii u games I liked, fucking nintendo having to pander to furries that jack off to dunkey konga

Why did Kowashitai take off when Black Rain and Give Me are so much better?

Because it was blasted in the trailer that crushed everyone's dreams.

Fuck off, we're getting SMT V and that's all I wanted. Go emulate your weebshit

Switch game aren't censored. They contain every single language in the cartridge. The software in the cartridge is identical for each region. The switch's current region/language settings are what determines what language the game is in. Therefore, switch games cannot be censored by region. Whatever Japan gets, we get.

yeah sure like with the snk new game coming out to the switch, that it's totally not censored (not that I care you weebs deserve this)

But it's not censored. What are you talking about? You just look like a retard

Fuck off spic.

XC2 just came out. They'll announce it later.