Imagine the doujins if Final Fight came out last year

Imagine the doujins if Final Fight came out last year

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>tfw Beat 'Em Ups gave me my ryona fetish
Look up School Dot Fight if you share this. Your dick will thank you.

But it has a lot of doujins.


If final fight came out today, they wouldn't have to make them male.

>tfw no half Japanese blonde thugdere ninja gf

>wanting a half mutant
I'd rather a have ching chong for the ancient skills.

What's his name?

There better be a dick tucked away somewhere in there.

But there's already one where they rape a shota and force him into prostitution

What more do you want?

Thank you for posting this. I'm going to jerk off so fucking hard

archiveofourown org/works/11054994

Those crazy nips

If that is not a man, she surely has lots of male hormones. I can't fap to that.


Why does everyone remember Poison, but nobody talks about Roxy?

It's like asking why nobody talks about Smoke but Sub-Zero before the later MKs gave them different personalities and motives.


Poison is a trap, is Roxy one too?

Doesn't Roxy have a regular boring vagina while Poison is the one with a cock?

Because she is literally just Poison but without the thing that makes everyone love Poison.

What's a doujin?

fuck off queer, she's ours