Was AssCreed Rouge as good as IV? Is it worth playing the remake?

Was AssCreed Rouge as good as IV? Is it worth playing the remake?


>Kotaku link
Reddit pls.

So you think if I take my sealed unopened original copy of Rouge to gamestop that they will trade it for the remaster at no cost?

It was the first related artical when searching for the remaster, who cares where the correct information comes from?

>Is it worth playing the remake?
Yes. Rogue isn't just a side game. Once you finish AC3 you should play it, since Rogue continues, expands and concludes the the whole American Saga of games (AC3, Liberation, AC4, Freedom Cry). Rogue will definitely give you an different perspective of the Assassin's whether or not you like the way they're portayed it's up to you.

Supporting that tranny and sjw lair should ban you from Sup Forums permanently.

I'm more interested in seeing whether the updates are also coming to PC.

>bringing Sup Forums talking points into Sup Forums

Only one of us should be banned.

Yes, its my fave ass creed

>muh Sup Forums
Yup, typical Kotaku reading trash

>muh sjw
Yup, typical Sup Forums brainlet.

I’m hoping a free patch like Todd did.

>bayek legacy outfit
>bayek in snow environments
I'm getting this
>Arno outfit for Shay
full circle, a twisted full circle.
Someone has a sick sense of humor over at Ubi


Hope this thing comes to PC too because the original port is kinda bad and only uses 2 CPU cores.

>linking directly to kotaku
Consider suicide.

>No III and Liberation as well
Missed opportunity but yes, Rogue is pretty good.

this is weird

I feel that it's definitely not as good as IV, but it's still one of the better AC games. If you haven't played it yet, get it.

Beats the trashheaps that are Unity and Syndicate.

Rogue has a bunch of gimmick outfits and weapons.

Shay had the best outfit of any AC Protag but the lack of Hood was really disappointing.