Why are there no good games for PS4 outside of GTA v? I just bought this console and every time I go to target, Walmart...

Why are there no good games for PS4 outside of GTA v? I just bought this console and every time I go to target, Walmart, Sams Club or game stop all it is is stupid first person shooters and sports games. Where are the good games?


You can play fortnite and battlefield 1? Pretty gud games

Can't you play those on Xbox or PC?

Sounds like World of Warcraft

They're on your "reasons to get a PS4" list, retard.
What, you bought a console without having any games in mind that you want to play on it? Lmaoing at your life.

I bought it for gta v and for the blue ray/dvd player

Again, Xbox, or a decent PC could have done this and provided you with better games.

I hate pc because I don’t like online gaming or gaming with a keyboard and Xbox is going to be discontinued soon so the only consoles left are no balls Nintendo band ps4. Outside of halo PS4 has everything Xbox has anyway. I don’t like halo series after 3.

Yes but no one plays xbone and pc has a dead bf1 community full of hackers and British youtubers

>*dab charge*
>I NEED TO BUY MY 1080 FOR $900!!!!
>heh, see you in autumn, cuck

>no one plays xbone
BF1 is more supported on Xbone because it's on EA Access.
>Xbox is going to be discontinued soon
The Bone is on track to sell more than the 360. And that sold a lot, so I don't think Xbox as a brand is anywhere near done.
And Halo 5 had pretty fun as shit MP with the best forge they've had in a long ass time.

You could try Yakuza zero. Its a fun brawler set in 1988 tokyo. However it does have quite a bit of cut scenes.

Ace Combat is coming, that's enough for me.

Uncharted, Until Dawn, Bloodborne, Horizon, Last Guardian
Also Ghost of Tsushima The Last of Us Part II Death Stranding God of War Concrete Genie Detroit: Become Human Red Dead Redemption 2 are all yet to come and look very promising

Why the hell would someone buy a console without previous investigations about the games for say console.

I don't buy a Switch because I don't like Zelda or Wohooo man.

You're the only one to blame here.

>last guardian

Don't buy these

Don’t take anyone on this boards advice at face value.

Sup Forums has pretty dogshit in games. But look at some of the ones mentioned on YouTube and see if you like what you see before blindly getting anything Sup Forums suggests.

>Last Guardian
>God of War
>Detroit: Become Human
>Last of Us 2
I can't find the "Man With No Taste" picture on my PC, but this is close enough.

>I bought a console for one game and to watch movies
>uuuh, why does this console only have this one game I wanted?



Sup Forums has the best taste in the internet, bar none. Uncharted 4 is unplayable dog shit

It was his parents user

Why didn't they keep this case and just shrink the mainboard? The slim PS4s look like shit

Lol Sup Forums has terrible taste in just about anything. Look at the shit threads that get posted here. All Sup Forums manages to consistently care about are chicks with dicks, shilling for Nintendo, and being an edge lord faggot.

Also, I won’t speak to uncharted (only played 2, and it was pretty good), but horizon zero dawn was pretty good.

you listed two games that aren't even out yet

A GoW game that looks worse than the last 4 games, and a David Cage game. Don't need to psychic to know that those are gonna be trash.