Holiday 2018


Awful fake mate, put in some actual effort next time

we've come to expect degeneracy

A port of a port of a port of a port.
I don't think so.m

I'd expect the actual Prime 4 to be out by then.

>he doesn't want the Prime trilogy with HD rumble

I hope it's not out til Holiday 2019 honestly
the longer they (whoever they are) work on it the better

I just know it's going to disappoint though, it will be Nintendo's MGSV

It is a way to hype up Prime 4

>Holiday 2019
Maybe Spring 2019

I want this.

It's just a port of a port. And the first port was a good one as it not only introduced 16:9 and affordable progressive scan but also better controls.

depends what else they got coming out that year
like pic related

True but with Halo 6 coming around Holiday 2019, I don't know if releasing around the same time is a good idea.

I want this so badly

>Halo 6
Wow its fucking nothing.

Why? What's the point of this, this rehash shit is stupid, everyone owns Metroid Prime already it came out ages ago

You don't even know how long has it been in development.

HD rumble

>Master Chief being the main focus and this is for all FPS Halo games going forward
>split screen is back
>lan is back
>black undersuits are back
>game will have all content at launch
>Microsoft's advertisements
Metroid Prime 4 needs to release before Halo 6 with a strong advertisement from Nintendo on the same level as Metroid Prime in 2002.

>He thinks people will buy an xbone in droves for another halo game
You're delusional if people already own a Switch which there are a good chunk of at this point in time, will buy an Xbone for one game and vice versa.

You're the delusional one Halo 5 still ended up selling 5 million in 3 months even with Master Chief sideline and split screen and lan removed. With all of that back and Microsoft's advertisement power, the sales will be massive. It doesn't matter how will the Switch is selling because the Wii sold over 20 million at the time ofPrime 3's release and that game could barely sale around half a million.

*of Prime 3's

Considering it was literally just a title card, I'm expecting it to take 3 years at minimum.

>Prime 4 will compete with Halo 6 just like how the original trilogies competed with each other

Prime 1 didn't compete with Halo CE since it released a year after Halo CE.

You're still delusional if you think Prime 4 and Halo 6 are competitors at all. One is a multiplayer focused game with a single player campaign (said single player campaign getting more and more boring over the years), and the other one is a single player focused game thats about exploration, and it MIGHT have multiplayer, but it also might not. Prime 4 very well might sell less then Halo 6, but they aren't competing with each other because they aren't remotely similar outside of being a first person.

If this is real then I would definitely buy a switch. If not then I'll still be waiting for NMHS3 not that shit game that coming out.

True, but those fucking journalist will pull the same shit they pulled back in 2004 and 2007 of comparing Prime 4 to Halo 6.

>sci-fi setting
>badass space protagonists with similar looking suits that can be upgraded to protect the user even more and both carry all kinds of powerful weapons
>galactic threats that include hostile alien races fighting human space marines, biological viruses that can infect anything and anyone
>both have a mysterious precursor alien race that seemed to have created everything
>both protagonists are assisted by a female AI (scan visor in Prime 1,2 and MB unit in 3)
>both 2nd games were rushed during development
>both 3rd games were advertised as being the finale to a trilogy


>He thinks that makes them the same
Once again, they are appealing to different people. Prime appeals to Metroid fans and people who like exploration in games, where as Halo appeals to dude bros who want a game to play with their pals online, and a few people who actually play the single player in the games.

nobody is ready to forgive 343i, theyve completely annihilated the lore, the gameplay, and the fanbase. halo used to be ridiculously popular in its bungie days, reach and odst were fucking awesome as well.

then we get 343 industries. halo 4 was so bad that nobody thought it could get worse, then 5 happened. why in the FUCK would ANYONE still buy their games after MCC?

>annihilated the lore
This is a bad thing? The lore is the problem with current Halo, glad Halo 6 is finally fixing that problem.

>reach and odst were fucking awesome as well
And your opinion is admittedly discarded.

i've never at all understood how people can complain about reach or odst. they're both perfectly good halo campaigns.

i never played online because i don't enjoy being squealed at by children though so maybe they had bad online. no idea. never cared. co-op reach is fun as fuck. sorry if you didn't have friends


Might as well use fucking dolphin.

I wish, that way I could actually play these games again.
I don't care if the trilogy is rare and worth money, motion controls are fucking trash and I'd trade the trilogy for secondhand prime 1 and 2 games without a second thought.

They're the worst in the series, Bungie were never good at listening to feedback, the only reason Halo CE-3 turned out so great was because Microsoft Game Studios made sure they didn't fuck it up, finally take Bungie off their leash and they start making mediocre garbage like they did before Microsoft bought them.

ODST was slow pile of shit with gimped jumping boring missions, empty hub world, worthless flashbacks that did nothing, no likable characters, short as hell with film grain slapped everywhere Bungie constantly states you're no longer a Spartan and so we won't feel anything like one but you do an to make matters worse you run faster than Master Chief with a support weapon, you can't dual wield or use equipment, and the game is filled with boring firefight segments.

If the anti-Reachfag is in this thread, he could explain why Reach is shit, if not I will do it in my next post because that game has even more bullshit than ODST.

>>ODST was slow pile of shit with gimped jumping boring missions, empty hub world, worthless flashbacks that did nothing, no likable characters, short as hell with film grain slapped everywhere
you just sound like a miserable person who probably complains about slow scenes in films loudly.

i wouldn't enjoy playing a co-op game with you

I wouldn't enjoy playing anything with you ODST was shit, now on to Reach since antiReachfag didn't post.

Reach is even worse, gives less of a shit about Halo CE-3's canon then ODST did, story is almost nonexistent, characters are worse than the ODST characters, the Covenant just feel like enemies to pass the time and don't feel like antagonist like they did in Halo CE-3, the game's levels were either mediocre or shit, Bungie somehow manage to fuck up the Elite and Brute designs, film grain and motion blur up the ass, slow movement speed, low jump hight, broken melee, heath is nothing like Halo CE's, shitty multiplayer, loadouts, armor abilities, bloom, nuke grenades, worst mp maps in the series, cutscenses that feel out of place, no power-ups on maps, cock teases such as massive battles and possible level in the massive super carrier. Reach and those who suck its and Bungie's dick can eat fucking shit.