AGDQ: I Want to Live Edition

Rockman & Forte



Other urls found in this thread:

brb dilation break

i want to die


No fucking way. Is that the hotel shuttle guy???

I was listening to the stream during work.

What the fuck was up with the Ultima VI runner? That voice was unbearable, I had to turn off the stream.

I had to kill the stream, I can't listen to this guy anymore

ill dilate u bb


Fuck you I want to die.

Serious question, how is GDQ doing this year in terms of donations and viewership?
Is the event going to continue to grow or get smaller after this year?

Where runescape-guy?

>tfw need to dilate but all the dilation stations at GDQ are in use
ugh, do i really have to walk all the way to my hotel room?

>open stream
>hi this is protomagicgirl
>close stream


>all runs I want to watch are in the middle of night
I'll take what xe's having.

>Proto - unfinished (prototype)
>Magical - not based on science
>>girl - >
>Protomagicalgirl = unfinished, unscientific female

goth tranny
not kidding

I really dislike this somewhat futurist look on all the stuff on the stream
Well, at least they didn't use futuristic fonts

It's about the same from what I've heard. At the worst point they were 13k behind last years donations.

The next run better be good, I love Rockman & Forte.

The terribly low quality of these threads today are just a parallel to the low standards AGDQ has been providing.

why is linus tech tips reading donations

Get over it, edgelord. Life is for living!

let me join you

o-ok teehee


any good recent runs?

Why are there so many trannies

Time for me to get some sleep for now, stay cozy and sleep tight other 2hu posters. And remember the best 2hu is your waifu

I love this "bb" meme


I am up next cunts, fuck you!

remove trannies

How long does this Rockman run take? I want DrTChops

Hi Satania! Any more pictures of yourself you'd like to share?

holy shit its Dr Ryan from Mega64


>has a nice picture of a cat
>properly editioned
>now, then, later
>schedule link
What's wrong with the threads?

Fewer donations, I heard. No idea about the viewers. Also not bits this time, since there's no user cheering 1,000,000 every couple of minutes for some reason.

best girl

Is there any truth to the conspiracy theories about money laundering and phony anonymous donations?

Just do it on the couch. Nothing to be ashamed of. (:

power trippers where

>wanted to speedrun as a kid
>extremely girly looking boy, have always just looked and sounded like a girl
>all the trannies will make it seem like I'm an insufferable tranny

What's dilation?

Goodnight user

Do they even care anymore?

she gets fatter and fatter

You lied to me Sup Forums, you said trannies kill themselves at an extremely high rate, therefore it is statistically likely we would see a live suicide at GDQ with 90% of the total transexuals in America seemingly at this single event.

Is Edobean a real woman?

Is this the only real woman at this event?


Prove it by screaming HAIL EMPEROR TRUMP while you're on

have comfy sleep user

>it's a real girl
>she's dirty-ugly

edobean sounds tired
[spoilers] I bet she was up to late taking fat black cock





I literally thought that was the point though.


>doo a ballel Roooooll?

I would fuck edo bean's fat fucking asshole with my monster cock

Real woman and not a Tranny? Am i in the wrong stream

i'm more looking forward to protmagicalgirl no longer commentating for any run after rockman.

Of course he will find a way to wriggle himself into the spotlight somehow


Just put on a dress when you do a speedrun faggot

I haven't been watching since Superman 64 started last night, anything good between then to now?

Jesus Edobean got fatter.

shes real fat

>magicalfaggot on mic
>obesebean interviewing

>tfw staff couldn’t put up the emergency runner dilation station fast enough and had to cut the stream

I'll take that over boypuss


That's not true and you know it, fag

>worst thing about this years agq are these threads edition

Cool spoilers.

>they were a hour behind schedule
>now a hour ahead of schedule

So didn't they skip a setup block or did a run get canceled?

>Edobesse again
Glad I dont have my headset on. Her voice is the sound demons make when the armies of hell finally march upon this land.
>dem tits though

betas that can't get a girl so they become one and recieve the sexual attention they craved

I seriously have no objections to transexuals, but the people at GDQ have a weird trend of being insufferable.

I haven't had a problem with Claris though, formerly Miles.

POYO is not the only thing she can imitate.

mmm you look cute

I'll just masturbate to fantasies I can't obtain, thank you.

Who knew edobean looked like a 40+ man

I think that's because they missed their cheer goal by a considerable amount last time around

What is this oh no no no meme?



lurk more

Edobean? more like Edobese


i want to fuck edobean in her fat ass

fucking edobeaner

the fate of all hispanic women, fucking hamplanets

>spotting a newfag in one post

normie as fuck
comes from vine if I remember correctly

A normie meme


What's the total tranny count for this GDQ (including people not speedrunning)?

Is edobean considered white?

when's rabi ribi