Tfw you bought a Wii U

>tfw you bought a Wii U
How the flying fuck was I supposed to know they'd just port every single good game on this thing to the next platform five years in advance?

>console war bait


The Wii U is literally the biggest scam Nintendo ever pulled off. But you know what? Nintendo fans love getting fucked in the ass as long as Nintendo is "winning".

>can buy used wii u for less than $100 in certain refurbished centers
>can hack it wide open, giving you full piracy across multiple console gens of games
>got to play games and dlc for free, meanwhile switch has to wait years and then pay $60 plus tip for each title

MH3U and Super Mario Maker aren't on the Switch yet, so...

Isn't this the same for the PS3 and Xbox 360?
Why is this a issue now?

Wow, you mean Funky Kong's been on the WiiU Version this whole time!?
And that all of Pokken's Ex-Arcade Exclusives were ALSO on the WiiU Version, and that it too will be receiving Aegislash and Blastoise!?
Tell me more, Anonymous!

Hey I made the same mistake and I have no interest in the Switch but I don't want the Wii U gems to rot away on the Wii U.

We literally where Beta testing, bro.

what does it fucking matter? It was the cheapest console at the time anyway and came out with a few solid gold games. I hate faggots like you, fuck you.

This desu. I own a WiiU and already bought DKCTF for it but I still am super glad it's coming to the Switch cause more people need to play it and it deserves more sales. DKCTF is fantastic.

This. It also helps that the WiiU not only plays Wii games but upscales them.

>tfw i already played all the "good" games on switch besides odyssey AND i have all my wii content to enjoy WITH a well endowed virtual console

Still the best nintendo until they get their shit together.

I don't get how the Wii U is so hated, yet the Switch is so praised, when they're basically the same concept (the only difference is you can take the Switch anywhere, whereas you can only take the Wii U to the next room over, because the range is shit). The Switch is shaping up to get literally every Wii U exclusive, which I'm fine with. The more people that can play W101, Bayo2, Tropical Freeze, etc, the merrier. But why do people act like the Wii U was a monumental piece of shit, when all of it's games are going to the Switch after the fact? Like, if it was such a piece of shit, why do you want it's games on the Switch? Not only that, but the Wii U has value in terms of it's backwards compatibility and the hacking/homebrew scene (where you can literally pirate all the games/DLC, add emulators for old consoles, and add Gamecube backwards compatibility. Hell, you can even play Gamecube games portable on the Gamepad now. Being able to play F-Zero GX on the toilet is a dream.) I'm happy that the Switch is doing well, and getting the Wii U gems that a lot of people missed out on, but I'll never be mad at the Wii U. IMO it was worth owning.

It matters that they just keep selling the same game over and over. No wonder Bethesda hopped right on board

It's pretty scummy it sounds like for loyal Nintendo fans but it works out for me.
Really hope WW/TP make it over too

>Waaa I spent $300 on something two and a half years ago

Terrible marketing, you were forced to play one way on the game pad no options like the Switch has, and it took its entire life cycle for any good games to be put on it.
Even Nintendo jumped ship pretty early as there was no true 3D mario for it compared to the Switch Launch title

it's all an attempt to fuck over those retards that kept talking about how "ultra rare" WiiU stuff will be in the future while simultaneously buying every crap game on it to invest in their "super cool rare collection" that will be in the background of their youtube vids

>tfw i hacked it
having access to wii, virtual console, vc injections and gamecube games plus wiiu games that are overpriced as fuck where i live is pretty worth it to me senpai

WHy? Why does it matter x-years on? Already bought it? Don't buy it again. Didn't but not interested? Don't buy it. Interested but never heard of it before? Buy the fucker.

You make no fucking sense - none. Nintendo knows the Wii U was a fuck up and it was a fuck up because no cunt bought the thing. It was a fuck up because they didn't make enough money which they're no fixing by creating OPTIONS you thick fuck.

>no true 3d mario
Damn why dont I have a true multiplayer mario on my otter consoles

DO you hack the Wii U or the Wii within it? I'm tempted to pick up a white one just for HDMI gamecube games and Fatal Frame IV.

the only thing ultra rare about the wii u is the gamepad, those prices are going to keep going up.

Same. I bought my Wii U for $250 bundled with Mario 3D World and Nintendo Land and got Donkey Kong, W101, and NES Remix for free from club nintendo. I'm still playing Xenoblade X and Smash and there are some other game i've yet to finish too. I had fun with my Wii U while it was out so I don't really care about ports, I'd rather play new games.

>you were forced to play one way on the game pad no options like the Switch has
If you're playing portable on the Gamepad, why would you need to use another controller? Secondly, some games did let you use the Pro Controller while playing on the Gamepad (Smash 4, Hyrule Warriors, and Bayo 2 immediately come to mind)

>DO you hack the Wii U or the Wii within it?
but ill admit i havent gotten to work wii games as intented with the software provided because i dont have a external hard drive usb, and i just have a normal ass usb's

You can do both. You can hack the Wii backwards compatibility mode (essentially the same process of hacking an actual Wii) and you can hack the native Wii U mode.

glad i bought mine for $120 and all the hacks came out right after

you can put anything on it. even DS games on TV or the pad with increased resolution

some Gamecube games give problems and Nintendont is fucking unstable at least last year...

you can use neogamma on the vwii side to load wii games from a sd card

Desu hacking the Wii is easier if you just want Wii and GC games.

what games? nintendont works with all the games I throw at it. phantasy star online, smash bros melee, soul calibur 2, star fox assault, fzero, etc.

And xcx, and i doubt theyll be porting that or mh3u

If Switch ports weren't fulled priced I'd be pissed, but I'm glad I played those Wii U games when I did. Now I've got plenty of time to focus on new PS4 and 3DS games the Switch will never see.

Bloody Roar and Lost Kingdoms were the ones with the worst problems for me they would crash all the time and yes my USB was of good quality

>new PS4 games

wow. Lucky you, haha

funky kong is literally easy mode, he's just all the character abilities combined and also can't drown.

>tfw the Wii U was the first console you bought on launch day

I was prepared for another Wii scenario where they'd be sold out for years... ha ha boy was I wrong. No regrets though, the games came eventually. Got a Switch on launch as well. Much better compared to the Wii U's launch.

>can hack it wide open, giving you full piracy across multiple console gens of games
>tfw you already bought all the good games


>60 dollars for years old games that have or will occasionally play worse without the gamepad or be changed for the worse in some way
>When they're free/cheap on a now much less expensive system
>With better controllers
>And the WiiU was the only platform getting consistent exclusives in 2014 and 2015
I "lost"? How?

backup the games with your hacked wii u then sell the games to recoup your losses

How is it a scam?

Were you using trimmed isos? I remember Bloody Roar didn't work for me neither, but I was trying a trimmed iso of it. I tried using an untrimmed iso, then it worked.

>Caring about Nabbit Kong
Pokken DX is quite literally the only worthwhile WiiU port Nintendo's done and it's because they decided to hold back Pokken Arcade content that was already made from the WiiU version to make the Switch release look better because 20$ is a lot less than 360$, based Nintendo.

>new console
>no b/c, just port games("thanks for the money fags")
>new digital store misses games from the previous store on the previous console

I skipped Wii and WiiU. Always wanted the Wii for the GC compatibility, but the Wii is easily emulated on PC. Wii U wanted for a few games, like Hyrule Warriors that is a guilty pleasure, but now there will be a definitive version, so kek. Switch will eventually get pirated which will be a bonus for a portable emulation device

I always thought it was wrong. That and the no b/c on the PS4.

>plays wii games
Is this true? Cuz I've been meaning to buy a wii just for wii sports. Why the fuck don't we have a switch sports yet?

it plays gamecube games too, if you hack it. you can even use the gamecube adapter or the gamepad itself to play them.

Wii and Gamecube

>Why the fuck don't we have a switch sports yet?
because you have 1,2,3 switch now sit down, shut the fuck up and enjoy it. -kimishima

What did he mean by this?

If you haven't noticed, Nintendo ports all their games...over and over and over. The wiiu just happened to be a disaster of a system.

Was it your first Nintendo console? Because 95% of all Nintendo games either get a port or mechanically identical sequel on their following consoles.



F-Zero GX port/sequel when? Oh wait, that's right. Never.

YHou are the 5%, im sorry.

You should have known when it failed miserably. There was nothing really wrong with the games themselves, just the console.

tfw you bought a PS4 instead of a Wii U, and now the switch is cheaper with better games

you've been able to get refurbished WiiU's for 200 for ages.
>better games
They're the same games, user.


>tfw you bought a playstation
how the flying fuck was i supposed to know i'd be able to play all the games (without having to rebuy them!) on the next system 5 years in advance???

It's Nintendo, they've been doing this shit since the Wii era. Don't be fucktarded.

This, the Wii-u is perfect for DS games.

I bought it later for cheap and now it can play every NES, SNES, N64, GB, GBC, GBA, GC, DS, WII and WIIU game FOR FREE
Enjoy paying full price for those Switch rereleases

fuck me, can it? thats what i get for being out of the hacking scene for a year and a half

you could have played all NES, SNES, N64, GB, GBC, GBA, DS games for free with emulators...

a wii does all of that except wii u games, and wii u games aren't a reason to buy a wii u otherwise it wouldn't have bombed

What amazing logic (?)

Yeah but my PC is shit and i can play all of it on the tablet


I'm still waiting for Tokyo Mirage Sessions

Same with 99% of Switch games but i can guarantee you that Sup Forums will suck it's dick super hard once it gets some kind of virtual console
Sup Forums even hype up the WiiU against PS4 and shit and muh hidden gems but now it's suddenly shit

It bombed because of the horrible name and marketing. It was basicly marketed as a Wii addon. You guys need to stop acting like it sold like shit because no games, because by Sup Forumss logic the PS4 would've bombed even harder than it.

Sorry man i just wanted to play XBX, Captain Toad, DKTF, Smash, W101, Bayo2, MH3U, Splatoon, Pikmin 3 and BOTW for free and catch up on some Wii and GC games for free on the tablet comfy in my bed

You'd think I would've learned after the game cube. Next nentendo console will be shit. Then the one after will sell like hot cakes.

the only people that actually own a wii u that think this are casuals. there are still like 7 or 8 great games that havent had a port announced. that's the amount of worthwhile ps4 and xbone exclusives combined

hack it and play gamecube games off the wii u gamepad.


So the GC is shit? And the Wii is great because it sold well?

You bought the games on the Wii U you can still play the games on the Wii U?
Are you just upset that other people can now play the games?

>mfw I can't sell it until they port X, W101 and #FE
>mfw I can't even sell it then because I really like the backwards compatibility

I don't love getting fucked in the ass
Bought a Wii U and am refusing to get a Switch until they stop porting Wii U titles and have a sizable, cheap exclusive library, who's with me?

>The Wonderful 101
>Xenoblade Chronicles X
>Super Mario 3D World
>New Super Mario Bros U
>Pikmin 3
>Kirby and the Rainbow Cruise
>Windwaker and Twilight Princess HD

I will buy it once i can pirate games and emulate shit, just like i did with the WiiU
The fans did way more for the WiiU than Nintendo themself
I still have tons of GC and Wii games to catch up on anyway
>tfw i got botw and hyrule warriores + endles wave of DLC for free

Shit because lack of support. Yeah it had some good games. So did the wii u. But they gave up on both. So did third parties. Then after a couple of years they chucked it.

>bought it to play Breath of the Wild before the Switch was ever announced
>mfw I ended up not liking Breath of the Wild
I've never been so disappointed with Nintendo in my life.

Why do Switchfags attack Wii U so much? They even get more hostile towards it and its owners compared to dealing with Sonyfags even.

>suddenly all the games that Sup Forums hyped up forever are shit and don't count
Gotta love Sup Forums
Just keep buying those fullrpice Switch rereleases buddy

>buy a 3DS on day one
>no games for at least 2 years

Geez, I wonder why.

Insecurity and buyers remorse
They're the biggest begging race ever since the Switch release

user, that's your own fucking fault. They warned you it was gonna be very different from other Zelda games. They warned you for years.

If you buy a console for a game that isn't even released yet, you're dumb as a sack of bricks.

Are they making a new Smash for the Switch or something? Why haven't they ported it?

>tfw already played BOTW for free + DLC
>don't care about XB2
>don't want to pay 350 just to play Mario
>tfw i'll buy a switch 2-3 years later when it actualy has some games
Always works

>tfw nintendogaf starts console war shit with their own console

>Switch owners are Wii U owners because it's nintendo

Fucking kek. Nintendo fans are really well beyond any sanity.

The unannounced sequel. Basically the Dark Souls of Party Games. You need the Joycon+ which includes Super HD Rumble, giving you near lethal electric shocks if you lose to your opponent.
