Are they seriously not giving the dark souls remaster to existing owners?

Are they seriously not giving the dark souls remaster to existing owners?

This is next-level scumbag. From soft is a bunch of money grubbing losers and you should pirate all of their games.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm having a gut feeling that it will be some form of DLC upgrade.

It just wouldn't make sense to differentiate both these DS1 versions with achievements and online play. It would be economical to have both of them play with each other from the original DS1 and Remastered version. Would not make sense to separate both owners.

>what is SOTFS

hardly scumbag behavior when it's been standard practice on consoles for years
people still buy it so why give it away for free?

Or maybe you're just an entitled whiny brat?

It's not Fromsoft who decides to do remasters anyways. It's the licence holder Bandai Namco.

This isn't consoles, on PC there is precedent to give out remasters to loyal buyers.

I will be pirating this for sure and will be encouraging everyone to do the same.

>Talking shit about the best developers around right now

>hey give us $60 for a game you already own or we'll take away the online playerbase
Sure is best around here

If you already own it then why do you need it

They did the same with scholar of the first sin, what did you expect?

Doesn't mean I can't be mad about it.
Splitting the community.

>devs are responsible for pricing
You retarded OP?

I would buy DSI on pc again if they fixed the second half of the game.

This is a BAD attitude, you should pirate it if they fix it, THEY OWE YOU for the first game.

>not giving the dark souls remaster to existing owners?

You want a switch with that for free too?

Wasn’t SOTFS given as a free update even without the crowns dlc?

I could not even buy it until it got off games for windows live train.

They dont owe me shit.

It was like 20steam bucks to people who had bought the vanila.

Online play will be split


Oh so they are scummy, no more from soft games for me, I'll wait for fitgirl.

This is only an issue on pc.

>known for making the meme genre popular
Gotta roll roll roll roll praising the sun xDD!!

>own first Shadow of the Colossus
>remaster gets made
>60 bucks for remaster
>whatever I'll buy it
>same game, upscaled textures
>a 2nd remake is around the corner
>gonna ask 60 for it again
>I'll buy it again

Fromsoft is less scummy than most, the fact you get a discount at all proves it.

Name Five (5) games that were remasters that you got for free because you own the original, I'll wait.

>inb4 you can't even name one so you just start shitposting/spamming dumb memes

Sup Forums has the most predictable people on the planet.


If you dont want to play the multiplayer sure.
all from soft games are success peaces and a bunch of rehashes after.
>armored core series
rehashing shit
>dark souls 1-3
I was kinda bummed about not a lot of armor being new.


Bioshock Remastered.
Original Deus Ex
Darksiders Remastered.
Starcraft Remastered

You all got it for free if you purchased the original. Whatever, I don't got one more left for your retarded argument but other developers were kind enough to do so.



You forgot Skyrim Special Edition as well but it was a limited time.

look at that white soft skin imagine how good must it feel to rub that against your cheeks.

I can't believe you FROM software cucks are defending them.

DS1 for PC was a bad fucking port to begin with and the community had to fucking fix it and knowing that you'd purchase a full retail price of a Remastered version with all the community has done for the original? Big fuck you. Most of you blind fucks are so mindless. We deserve a remastered for free with their original halfass port to begin with.


This, they OWE us.
There are your 5. It is EXPECTED, nay, we DESERVE this.

>Starcraft Remastered
No. They just gave away the original.

When the fuck did Deus Ex get an official remaster?
Darksiders company went under.

Bioshock did do this and devs remained solvent.

If a company does a nice thing and goes out of business, that's not going to change anyone's minds on if something is a good idea or not.

Fucking cute

If you owned the original Starcraft and actually bought it with your own money before it went free to play you got Remastered.

>When the fuck did Deus Ex get an official remaster?

>Darksiders company went under.
Doesn't matter. It was still free.

>Bioshock did do this and devs remained solvent.

I love FROM software but this shit isn't going to fly with me. Stop sucking their cock so much.

That's a man baby

That is a mod.
>This mod requires Deus Ex on Steam.
Not even free.

Fucking gibsmedats. The game is 7 years old. They're theoretically improving it? Spending time and money. I won't buy the new version but i don't feel entitled to it.

This is why pc sucks as a platform. The culture.

They released a broken port, it is still broken, and now they are splitting the online community, and they have the NERVE to charge ME again.

Remember community made remasters?
That's the real shit right there.
>reworked from the ground up
>made sure to not fuck with the base game
>put actual effort into it (not some third party chink dev who does it just for the quick cash)
>adding extra content
>all 100% FREE

Webm related is Freespace which came out in 1998 (!!!).
This is how it looks now. works prefectly on modern PCs in all resolutions and framerates you could come up with, runs on a community made upgraded engine, has full mod support and lots of other stuff.
THIS is how you remaster.

Yes it's an official community made mod OK'd by the developers.

>Not even free

Are you fucking retarded? You buy original game you get Remastered MODDED game for free. Stop being so fucking dense.


Man, fuck modding that game that shit is too much of a fucking hassle. The mods and the community are awesome though.

This is why consoleniggers get to pay for online twice.

No, it's not the same at all. It's a fucking fan mod. Just because the developers say "this is bretty gud" is not a fucking remastered release. You stop being dense. Words have meanings and just because you want to use some retarded definition nobody uses doesn't mean you can force that on others.

The "new" SOTC is $40.

Nigger, you spent 5 bucks on the game. Fuck off.

a remaster should be 30$, that's it, no 60$ for the same game but with HD graphic, is the same game for fuck sake.

Oooh, where can I download this?

Nope. I checked out of modern games for the most part.

Works fine on my computer with the patch. Guess you shoulda issued a refund.

Oh wait valve are cunts and back then you couldn't. Don't blame from for valve's actions.

To further clarify. It's a fucking mod and not a remaster until they go full monty like Titan Quest and fucking have it be a development fork you can opt into via steam's patcher.

>Implying the community can't Remaster a game with mods

It's a fucking remaster and it qualifies as one as a Remastered Mod and it's official by the Devs. Deal with it retard.

>Locations throughout the game world have been re-designed with new aesthetic and gameplay detail.
>A new soundtrack has been composed by the symphonic >electronica duo EdenShard, based on the original score.
>High Resolution Textures courtesy of New Vision.
>High Detail 3D models courtesy of Project HDTP.
>Direct3D 9 Rendering courtesy of Chris Dohnal.
>Multiple gameplay modes in the form of Shifter, BioMod, and a custom variant of Human Renovation.

gonna need a link

I dropped it pretty early on because it felt too old for my taste but with this I don't see any reason to not give it another chance.

DS1 remastered will run on the current engine and will use assets from DS3 so it isnt just the same game with better graphics.

If I take an old moldy hamburger and spraypaint it and try to sell it for full price that's kind of scummy don't you think?

>food analogies

Your logic isn't even internally consistent. Are you a Bethesda shill and want to normalize paid mods?
Your position is that you think it's a remaster when it's a mod. Is a remaster?

If you push so hard to call mods remasters when the norm is to charge for remasters the logical conclusion of that is that mods in general should be paid. Especially when you say entirely new content constitutes a remaster.

>new soundtrack has been composed by the symphonic >electronica duo EdenShard, based on the original score
There was literally nothing wrong with the original score. Its like faggots constantly making new scores to metropolis.

I wanna seize her means of production.

Show me some remasters that original owners got for free. This isn't some epic challenge, I'm not trying to be clever, I genuinely can't think of any

literally download the installer and it downloads and installs everything for you.
Then you just start the launcher and play the game.

A bunch of indie games.

Skyrim Special Edition (limited time)
Bioshock Remastered.
Starcraft Remastered if you purchased the original before it became free to play.

>We deserve a remastered for free

for all the hard work you put into the fixes? Fuck off you freeloading cunt

>cute trap
>filthy communist

I am conflicted.

Poorfags BTFO

Communism is cool.
Glorifying CCCP is not

divinity:os1, wasteland 2 the witcher 1 and 2 although the games just got patched, darksiders 1 and 2, bioshock 1 and 2, infinite wasn't remastered for pc because it looks good enough for the devs, serious sam 3(?) ownders got fusion, company of heroes.

>Communism is cool.

Eat shit and die. Capitalism stronk.

No, it fucking not. Unless you like dying as soon as someone accuses you of conspiring against the regime.

>>same game, upscaled textures
the textures are the same

That's a cute girl, user. But let me show you the power of the free market.

>>Implying the community can't Remaster a game with mods

Not if it's a Nintendo game

>that makeup
I'll stick with the commie, thanks.

They did it with Sots, why not fuck us again with this release?

Example of a blind fanboy.

nope, example of a faggot who pays his way in life

skin too light

In reality real rich people are frugal with their money. Real actual poorfags spend their money foolishly and end up being broke.

You're one of them.


This is actually true.

i dont care about playing it a second time on PC.
! will glady fork over my money for a switch version though. just as soon as the beta tester tell me how well blighttown performs.

but then again i dealt with it on my PS3

t. gypsies

actually, what you're both describing are the two outliers and the largest demographic just gets by with average income who can strike a balance between what the want and what they need. Of course, this sort of knowledge only really comes from stepping outdoors

>when everything they've made in the past decade has been a huge success
What did you achieve in the past decade?

Dva-cheh is better.

No if that's an actual remaster on a new engine as rumors are saying

It's a trap!


I'll gladly give them more money if they fix post-Anor Londo and create the perfect game, but I kind of doubt that will happen.

>serious sam 3(?) ownders got fusion

That's nowhere close to comparable. Fusion doesn't actually give you any content, it's just a launcher and way for people to swap between SS games without going through their Steam library.

Are you fags serious? Entitled cucks I swear to god. No one owes you shit, fuck off with this shit.

grill is polina belka
yes, girl. not girl(male).



>Bought DS2 + All DLC for PS3
>Later on, bought SOTFS for PC sometime later and it turned out to be a downgrade

The biggest thing that I was hoping for with SOTFS was that they were going to integrate the DLC zones into the game better, as places you walk to, but noooooooooooo, you still go to portals and open them with DLC keys. Fucking lazy faggots.

Vanilla DS2 is the best version of the game. The only thing I liked about SOTFS in particular was that they arranged the rocks in area before Giant Garl Vinland so that you couldn't just run through it. You were bound to get caught up and forced to stop the zombies from hitting the bells that summon the reaper dudes or you would fight the reaper dudes. Before you could just run past it no problem, which was casual af.