cont'd since the one before hit the bump limit
Odysseykeks butthurt thread
Other urls found in this thread:
it's okay to like mario odyssey
good controls bad levels lazy moons
saved you 2 hours
>2 hours
What the actual fuck?
>Mario was better when I was a literal infant
>But before that...let's talk about Dark Souls and Nioh
Ratfaced autist
If you can't review a game without mentioning other games then you're worthless
I like his 4 hours of fallout 4
Jesus christ joe's uncle is the discord talking mad shit
he was just throwing them in to do a copyright deadlock so nintendo don't get any of his hard earned money
>joseph hamsterson
>sunshine is bad meme
well we're done here
>nintendo soyboys being THIS upset over some guy's criticism on a kid's game
>2 hours to tell me that nintendo games are overrated solely because of their brand
Thanks OP
Who the fuck would watch a 2 hour video telling them what opinion to have? You are pathetic.
>you fight every boss in oddysey twice
>hundreds of moons are for stuff you do multiple times
im kekking. people defend this game?
>Anderson spends two hours complaining about filler
>Yahtzee spends the first two minutes of every Nintendo video rehashing the same rant about how Nintendo rehashes
Is there some kind of mandatory irony thing going on?
BASED Anderson causing r/nintendoshitch kiddies to have a meltdown
>4 hours
>it's all filler. You do the same things over and over
>2 hour video talking about the same things over and over
it's like poetry
it rhymes
Oh, it is this retard.
Why do people care about the opinion of a 100% real cuckold who has pictures of himself fingering his asshole on the internet.
Also doesn't he have cancer?
Who watches this
That video was really fun to watch actually if you've got nothing better to do, scots have great accents.
post pics
no that's total biscuit who was manboobs
Good job everyone. You made hamsterboi's wife mad, because all of you are shitposting on their general chat.
>who has pictures of himself fingering his asshole on the internet.
No that's the atheist guy
i can't watch this he pronounces mario wrong
>this thing has a wife
I watched all 7 hours
Ah okay, i thought this was the fat turd with the edgy coat and gloves
So who is this guy why does his opinion matter?
I want to fuck that hamster(female(male))
This guy is 110% right.
pokemon fans disturb me on a spiritual level
Who is this soy chugger?
>Joseph Anderson is a prof
that one is actually good
he says lakitu wrong too wtf
the absolute STATE of nintensoyboys
i could play odyssey for two hours and have fun doing it or watch a video of some guy telling me why it's not fun
gee what a tough choice
what was it?
Death threats when?
There are so many autistic manbabies on this soyboy's discord. Fuck.
Yeah, sure.
yes, delusion is one of the most common ways of coping
this video is great tho, he explains literally every single mechanic in pokemon and why the series is stagnated as fuck using omega ruby as an example
Someone post the webm, you know which one.
It's discord, what the hell did you expect?
botw won goty just because of the zelda brandname and open world meme
lmfaooo some of y'all really watch this hamster face ass nigga?
walk in a circle dot web emm
Instead you are shitposting on Sup Forums.
lifegoals achieved.
Checked only the parts with the moons but holy fucking shit.
This looks like total garbage. Like at least 600 moons are boring filler content where you are just walking up to something and pressing a button or two.
Why is this game even fucking praised again?
I genuinely never seen one good fucking argument for it. At least BotW fags are trying with how the game handeld Open World formula but Odyssey has literally NOTHING going for it.
Even the "muh jazz" and the 1Up Girl song are beaten by Persona 5.
This game is a fucking joke.
sonynegro still mad that zelda cucked your favorite game hard
>It's the worst 3D Mario except maybe Sunshine, the game it has the most common with
What the fuck is he talking about? Seriously.
The truth?
Sunshine is better just because it had a hub world. No hub world means odyssey is shit
There's a reason everyone stopped talking about it a week after release. Absolutely mediocre game and way overhyped
I’ve been crying for hours. Fuck this piece of shit faggot
>over 1k dislikes
Hamsterson cucks literally SEETHING
i don't have a ps4, i bought a switch with odyssey and botw instead
Yeah no. I'm gonna stop watching it now, nothing he says makes any fucking says. He starts the whole video talking about dark souls for no reason at all.
>Mini-Direct was a dumpster fire of epic proportions
>Based Joseph exposes Odyssey for the bland mediocrity it is
Is it over for Nintendo?
OK. let's round up the most common counter-arguments:
> The video is long
> Joe is not attractive
> Joe says "Mario" in a funny way
> ...???
The quality of the above is all you need to know about the absolute state of the Mario demographic.
getting paid to shitpost on Sup Forums at work
don't worry, you'll get a job eventually little guy
well odyssey IS the dark souls of 3D platformers
He is right. Actually managed to expres what i felt better than i could.
Considering how quickly their stock plummeted today, I would say this is the beginning of the end
>It's not a masterpiece
Horizon Zero Awards
wow they're really desprate for that post 10 minute ad revenue
The only contrarian opinion sonygros can turn to is a literal autist posting 2+ hour long videos full of bullshit
Soyboys are seething so much that they'll latch onto literal who's as long as they discredit a Nintendo game.
lmao nigger doesn't even have spatial awareness
Hamsters stick together I guess
>100% real cuckold
>has pictures of himself fingering his asshole on the internet
source on both of these claims
Stu is retarded, cut him some slack. He was talking about murdering the video leaker yesterday.
>the actual state of Sup Forums
idiots, everywhere
He does look like a hamster
>Nintenbros can't handle criticism
He is absolutely right. Odyssey is a fucking mediocre garbage. It didn't even win anything at TGA (other than awards specifically tailored for Nintendo) because everyone forgot about it.
I mean fucking hundreds of moons are boring filler content, how do you even defend this.
Only some autist would.
How. How? At my worst I've probably gotten like 50.
>2 hour video by some literal who eceleb
You are not allowed to advertise your content on Sup Forums for free. You can pay hiroshimoot for ads if you want though
They have no counterargument except that webm, which ultimately doesn't mean anything since he went and collected all moons, meaning he had to beat it.
It's two hours of "I'm shit at the game so it sucks"
>mario odyssey is dark souls
What the fuck is wrong with Dark Souls fans?
In the last thread mods said it was okay to post
>Guy openly doesn't like Platformers
>Sup Forums is surprised when he shits on a platformer
I don't even have to check the thread to know that's a lie
>i know, i'll sabotage my own review to make money!
>that Mushroom Kingdom fakeout
I love when he fucks with things like that
I wonder how many retards fell for it