What are the chances they remove estus and use blood vials instead in the Dark Souls Remaster? It really is the superior system
What are the chances they remove estus and use blood vials instead in the Dark Souls Remaster...
They won't. It's a remaster and not a remake.
you made this thread yesterday you dumb ass
zero, you dont change a perfection
now fuck off back to Yharnam
Vials are the worst part of BB. Removes the tension of travelling and absolutely trivializes the latter 2 thirds of the game in exchange for making the first part quite annoying if you get stuck on a boss (read - get hit by the one-hit kill attacks after a long-ish fight)
Dark Souls 3's system of gathering both more healing items and making them more potent as rewards for exploration is perfect. The numbers just need to be tweaked.
the fuck is wrong with you user?
DS' combat is much slower than BB's, changing the healing mechanics will fuck the game up
Same I hope it is at least an extra option, game is too tough as it is and this will make it easier to get through parts of it
Are you retarded or just acting like a hipster? Why the fuck would you want to have to farm for blood vials when you run out?
>he had to farm for blood vials
Wow you must be shit at video games
That's some spicy bait.
Really if From had any sense they would remove the healing from Humanity.
>needing to grind for healing items
Nope, expected nothing less from a casual
>bloodborne is the mostest hardcorest and isnt for casuals!
spam attack to get free health back, blood vials are the fastest and most effective healing items in a souls like title to date, but you have to grind to get them. It's a shit system mate, sorry.
>mfw DS3 kicked my ass all over the place
>mfw beat most of the bloodborne bosses first try on my first playthrough
Spam attacks to win, that's all Bloodborne is. There's no tactics or strategy to be had here. Bloodborne was a cinematic gaming experience, but not a very good gameplay experience.
I wouldn't mind if they finished the rushed zones. It really was a flawed masterpiece.
Yeah grinding for those shitty items sure is fun... People tend to forget the healing system is total bullshit in Bloodborne. It makes me dont wanna play it, while its an easier game.
Why does this look so tasty?
yeah, it looks like cherry syrup, love that shit
>Blood Vials
>With no rally mechanic
Good b8 nintendo toddler.
>switch the good system for the garbage grind system
huh I really wonder
That looks like whiskey
>Removes the tension of travelling
Explain yourself.
Probably over 100%.
>get hit by the one-hit kill attacks after a long-ish fight
Shitter who got walled by BSB detected. Get better at timing doges. There are no OHKOS or true combos in BB.
10 DAYS.....
Bloodborne is the easiest of the Soulsborne platinums to get.
to me, blood vials are just estus, except they can also run out between boss battles and force you to grind echoes or brick boys before you get to try again, which can really fuck up the gameplay flow.
What's the source of blood vials? I know it's blood, but don't you need to drink a special kind of blood to experience the healing effects? Yet your hunter goes around drinking anyone's blood, probably ingesting every form of STD known to man.
First runs of Souls Games are very different to the second and third runs. In Dark Souls 1 and 3 (Not 2) you often went exploring and had to deal with the fact that with all of the enemies, environmental hazard, twists and turns, you're going to take some hits. As the dungeons went on (See something like Sen's Fortress) your supply of healing items gradually decreased and you had to start being far more economical about your health, maybe switching your playstyle to a more cautious one rather than #yolo ing in all the time. You'd put a lot more thought into your exploring and as the damage ramped up, your soul count got high and your estus ran empty, things got a little tense.
Do you press on hoping to run into another bonfire? Do you take the bone and get some upgrades? Or do you push ahead and find the latest bonfire. You'd have to search all around for it, but when you finally found that bonfire or that shortcut? Pure relief. You managed to get through the area and carved out another safe-spot. The fear of dying that had haunted you for the last while finally dissipates when you get to sit down, drink some estus, maybe level up a little.
This is absolutely not the case in Dark Souls 2 or BB because of all the free healing. In BB you don't have to worry about health management when exploring because every enemy dishes out free health like candy, and half of them drop vials on top of that. There's never any chance of them getting low unless you get walled by a boss, and in that case, rather than going in and out to learn the fight and you know, have fun, in BB you occasionally have to go "Welp I died on Ebby because I haven't yet figured out that to not die to her charge I just have to not dodge. Guess I better go sit through 30 minutes of loading screens to get some more vials so I can get back to having fun against this boss."
menstrual blood