Star Citizen: a boring game

>But once you've seen the eye-popping sights, once you've flown down from space onto a planet and then back up again - once you've seen the beautiful Blade Runner hubs with their rebellious posters on murky walls and flickering neon lights - there's little to do.

>There are a handful of missions to run, but they're tepid and boring.

>Even the spaceship dogfights struggled to impress me, owing to a distinct lack of heft from the available weaponry, which feels tinny and machinegun-y rather than thumping and deadly, like a Star Wars laser cannon - and more or less the same as when I last played Star Citizen two years ago.

This isn't even an "IT'S AN ALPHA!" kind of thing.
The core of the game is flawed.
There's actually not much to do, the whole premise of the game's content is akin to Skyrim's "infinite quests". It does not work.

But even the most grindy and repetitive games can be good when the gameplay is fun. This is clearly not the case, there is no good gameplay to be found in this game.

So, Elite: Dangerous?

should have just made a modern day wing commander instead of trying to go this far with it

Yeah, the core of it always felt super slow and boring. If that's what realism fags want, I'll stick with Freelancer.

Shame, I was really looking forward that that shit.

Well imagine how you must feel if you have spent thousands of dollars on it or even more.

>People are still trying to use the scam argument when they should just be trying to use the fact that the core game sucks

If it sucks after all this time and money it is a scam.

Aren't proper sound effects usually one of the last things to be implemented in gamedev?

>just wanted a modern Wing Commander: Privateer game
>intead get an alpha demo with absurd multimillions dollar backing which is just a glorified version of No Man's Sky and a lawsuit lodged against the dev by Crytek which may end up killing the studio off in legal fees

I guess there's always Starpoint Gemini and Elite Dangerous, huh?

>we'll never get Freespace 3
They should've bought the rights and made that instead.

>there is nothing like freelancer on the horizon now that both Elite and SC blew their load for mmo/realism fags

Ok, but i want to read drama. What do starcitizen-fags think about the state of the art?

It's been quiet. I think.

>Game costs 99 billion dollars and promises crasy things
>People are surprised it sucks

>If that's what realism fags want
Except I'm a realismfag and I couldn't be more let down by SC, there's no fucking realism to it at all.

Was that the scam where people gave literally thousands of dollars for spaceships they fly to nowhere in a game that doesn't exist?

>Game is boring because my dinky startership is weak in combat and there's no ground npcs for me to shoot

You just know some asshole is going to bitch that there are even any weapon sounds at all because "NO SOUND IN SPACE!"


>decide to build a house
>hire some contractors and create a design for the home with them
>takes time and money
>no ground being broken yet
>settle on a design
>find suitable land for home
>look all over
>settle on a plot of land
>level off the area
>build the foundation
>put the frame of the house up
>city council comes by
>bulldoze everything I set up
>end up living under a tree on the property for a few weeks
>die of hypothermia

Imagine being such a contrarian you want things to fail only because they aren't.


There's always X4! I'm sure the combat won't suck this time around!

I just wanted a space sim with gameplay as fun as freespace with like a dynamic campaign mode for lots of replayibility

Already happening, people always cry about sound in space, but nobody ever seems to bring up Star Wars when they're probably a huge fan.

This is what I've been saying when they first teased gameplay.

Basically No Man's Sky with better graphics.

There's Everspace.

Yeah you'll have your house finished. But you'll be long dead before it's finished.

>MFW Star Citizen will be released before Half Life 3 or Bloodborne 2 is even announced.

There are lot more wrong with X series than combat. I have more hope with Rebel Galaxy 2 turning decent than X unfucking itself from being german autism simulator in space

Both suffer from the inevitable problem of all void based combat games; space is boring. And space ships fall down to either being jousting ships or flying tanks, neither requires any skill or thought to play well. Without gravity aviation tactics go right out the window and all intellectual/mechanical depth is lost.

Are you kidding? They'd just fuck it up.

"We've painstakingly modeled every square inch of the new GTVA dreadnought you'll be flying from, and you can walk around the entire ship in real-time and see all the crewmembers doing their duties."

"Yeah, okay, but how's the combat? You know, the thing the whole game is about? And what about the mission builder? You know, the thing that's kept Freespace alive all these years?"

"Who cares? You can walk around a big ship! IMMERSION!"

>FFXV was in development just over 10 years
>10 years
>Star Citizen didn't start development until they had staff and studios
>Technically in development for just over 5 years

Half way there kid, God forbid the people who love to play games take the time to learn how they're made.

>ignores all the shit Star Citizen shits out on a weekly basis, giving you an inside look at what game development looks like
>games a scam, never coming out.

Proof that humanity deserves to die before the heat death of the universe.

>space is boring
Hence why Freelancer got it right by making space highly inaccurate.

What's realistic about it? It doesn't even have Newtonian physics for space travel. Don't see how anyone caring about realism would care for SC.

I don't, Rebel Galaxy 2 will probably just be more like the first, with its broadside based gameplay

Friendly reminder the scamlord in charge of SC was the creative director for Freelancer, meaning he is the person that made Freelancer not shit according to your current opinion that will likely change for the sake of contrarianism.

>It doesn't even have Newtonian physics for space travel

Isn't there? I thought it just had multidirectional thrusters, hence why ships drift when turning

Except he was removed halfway through the project, I'm not even sure what you're supposed to be arguing. Jorg Neumann probably did more to make Freelancer good than Roberts.

There's really no better measure for the stupidity of someone than how easy it is to take their money.

Dont care, making a nude mod for gillian anderson and am going to enjoy the game that way.

Exactly. Absolutely fucking no one wants space games, they want Hollywood space games. Fuck realism in space thats literally the worst form of game design and yet both SC and ED made that mistake, now both are absolutely irredeemable from a combat perspective, and ironically the same bullshit tactics in one works in the other. Fighting AI there is literally an exploit that is unpatchable in both games, all you do is fly backwards just out of range of the enemy and shoot at where they are, the AI chased and gets hit even if they are out of range.

Thats how shitty these games are when they follow realism.

Why is there even an article complaining about a version of the game missing tons of content and features. I mean no shit its barebones and boring. 95% of the galaxy isn't there. Buying ships isn't there. Proper trading isn't there. The only places to visit are a few small stations and ports and some ramshcakle prefab mining colonies.

I mean, not saying the game will be some wonderfully engaging amazing wonderfulness or something, but virtually nothing that is supposed to sell people on the game is even in outside of very bare bones versions.
I imagine once you can travel around an actual portion of the galaxy, actually change your ship configurations and buy NEW ships, crew your ships, get into real fights and conduct real piracy or defense, and all that other shit, the game will be far more interesting.

That's what Squadron 42 is supposed to be (it even has its own Blair, voiced by Mark Hamill and everything), but honestly, Wing Commander's gameplay wasn't as good as Freespace.

The earth is flat

>Isn't there?

No, and multidirectional thrusters would be retarded to brake a momentum built up by large main engines anyway, if we're talking realism. Then there's the lasers, the weapons, the fucking everything.

It has a bit more depth to its ship systems than games like X, that's about it.

It sits closer to realism than just pure fantasy game design.

He got kicked out half way through and someone with actual fucking brains finished the game.

Roberts is great as the ideas guy, but he should absolutely fucking not be involved in development.

Yeah, but i have even less faith in X, they were going full ED space trucker autismo from the start, i don't doubt they will continue doing that shit in next installment too

Would actually be a good game if they didn't go full retard into roguelike and procedurial generation. Make some 20-30 star systems you can explore, trade, mine and fight in, slap some half decent campy storyline, pretty much freelancer right then and there.

I think some people have actually tried to argue that the "sounds" in Star Wars are actually coming from a sound system inside the fighters themselves, implemented to give better situational awareness or something.

>No, and multidirectional thrusters would be retarded to brake a momentum built up by large main engines anyway, if we're talking realism.
Maybe you should actually play SC. Its not entirely accurate but it is more realistic than just being made up star wars scifi. And thats a problem and why the combat is shit in the first place

>actually coming from a sound system inside the fighters themselves
Not him but no ship should even explode or make sound like it does when viewing from inside the ship.

Just go watch Intersteller

The most glaring problem is that they copy ww2 dogfighting when they should be doing naval-like warfare. Having the game use radars and lock-ons in a more prominent fashion would be the way to go.

Imagine having ships jam or detect others while their wingmen fire railguns and missiles, optical zoom functions to see really far ahead or other reasons to use technology for tactics that rewards smart play. None of these space sims are space sims.

Taking a fantasy game and making the dragon's wing a bit bigger "to better lift it, realistically" doesn't suddenly make it realistic. Yeah it's a tiny bit closer to realism than some other space games, same way Call of Duty is a little bit more realistic than Counter Strike because grenades can actually one shot you. Still far from it.

I did, and luckily refunded recently. See above, just because they put in a tiny bit more depth to it doesn't make it realistic. Just for starters exposed cockpits are retarded, and so are the "laser" weapons in it.

There's no fucking realism in SC, I don't see why any realismfag would care for it unless he dumped way too much money into it and can't accept his mistake.

>there are people who paid 10 thousand dollars for what's basically just Elite Dangerous

Limit Theory and Underspace are both on the horizon at least.

The reality is that real space combat is probably going to be trying to find your target from light years away and shooting FTL lasers at them while trying to cloak your own shit as best as possible

No. Freespace got it right by making space highly inaccurate while also having interesting combat where not everything is on the same 2-D plane and not making the game Open World Diablo In Space. And by having joystick support.

Well thats true, naval-like warfare is one way to do it. But when people say 'space combat' they think Star Wars fighters v fighters v capital ships in close range fast fights.

I think fundamentally the first thought has to be 'how do we make this space combat deep and fun' before you even think 'how should the ships move' which is why ED/SC are so shit. The first thing they designed was how the ships moved and the combat is now a consequence of that.

Its funny playing either game then going back to something like War Thunder, where actual tactics and energy management are so important. Some F2P unbalanced Russian shitshow has deeper combat than ED/SC combined.

Well yes they stated this multiple times on the conferences they organize.
They plan to start adding missions next year(2019).
I dont know who writes these articles or should i say hit pieces.

post yfw you didn't fall for Star Citizen

>Taking a fantasy game and making the dragon's wing a bit bigger "to better lift it, realistically" doesn't suddenly make it realistic
You failed to understand what I was saying. On one end of the spectrum is pure fantasy space combat, like Strike Suit Infinity. On the other end you have 100% realistic space combat like I have no idea. But SC/ED sit closer to realism than pure fantasy when it comes to space realism which is the problem.

And opinion discarded

look i know you spent 10000 dollars on a scam but you dont have to defend it

The more I hear about what real space combat would be like, the happier I am when games go for Ace Combat in Space instead.

We are talking about the way ships move in space, not the weapons or other scifi features. No space game is entirely realistic but SC tried very hard to be realistic with ship movement which is why its a shitshow of boring jousting.

Did you even read it? He's not complaining about that, he's complaining that the base is shit.


I dont even have a PC to play the game.
But I did watched that 7 hour conference the had last fall unlike the reporter writing the piece.

Didn't the Limit Theory guy dev so hard he went insane?

I only read the shit in the op hold on.

I think he recovered and started working on it again.

Real space combat would be the fucking worse. There is honestly nothing less enjoyable in terms of forms of warfare. You can detect ships from insane distances, would fire a missiles or kinetic projectile based on a computer simulation and either it hits or it gets hit by a defense. That would literally be it. You would never even see your enemies in space.

And yet developers keep trying to make Newtonian physics features in their games which just ruins everything.

>FTL lasers
Light can't be faster than light.

>People spent tens of thousands of dollars on items for this before launch
>Likely no refunds
Would they have rathered it was vaporware?

>On the other end you have 100% realistic space combat like I have no idea.
Children of a Dead Earth.

>SC tried very hard to be realistic with ship movement
>very hard

Not even a bit. Again, doesn't even have Newtonian physics, offloads that lack on "b-but we've got tiny thrusters that cancel out the momentum from the huge main one in like 1s!", and if it did "try very hard" then it wouldn't have us moving around freely in space anyway and it'd have us manage orbits and burn.

>Children of a Dead Earth.
I knew this existed but forgot the name

Fucking worse, realism is cancer

>Would actually be a good game if they didn't go full retard into roguelike and procedurial generation. Make some 20-30 star systems you can explore, trade, mine and fight in, slap some half decent campy storyline, pretty much freelancer right then and there

Holy shit, this. I love Everspace but it could have been so much better.

Space is generally damn boring unless you have some cool progression mechanics or interesting content. How about having some raid bosses just like from Dodonpachi or other bullet hell games, how about diving deep beneath into planets core and blowing up hidden enemy base or giant worms. There are tons of options but games like E:D just take the easy way and make you travel between point A and B and that's about everything.
And given SC is still in alpha, very unfinished, it could support itself in theory when there is enough player interaction and people forming groups aand all that but we might never know because the game's development is so slow.
Just getting EVE Online in same format as Elite Dangerous would be fucking awesome but that wont ever happen.
It's all bit mediocre right now.

>every space game now is an engineering game rather than running around in a fun world fighting ships with friends

Ive read through it.
He is complaining in a general sense about everything which is right to do since the game is not delivered after 5 years.
But he is complaining for all the wrong reasons,everything he mentioned was talked about in public on how and why it is happening,why the fps drops,why no story missions yet,how economy is planed to work ect.
This guy didnt make his research and this looks like a general impression of someone who just became aware of what scam citizen is,a traumatic development that wont finish to at least 2020.

>Not even a bit
Yes actually, a lot. Maybe play it sometime. Your saying SSI and SC are the same when one is pure fantasy combat and the other has some resemblance of realism.

We're done here.

so every open world meme game ever basically

>This isn't even it's an alpha
Nigger literally only combat and trade is implemented. Do you also have trouble breathing with how retarded you are?

Yeah that was like two years ago and still not even a minimally viable product. Not even a gameplay video.

Turns out that open world meme and busywork isn't a substitute for proper gameplay and level design yet again.

You haven't read it. The core problem has always been that the actual gameplay is fucking shit. Shooting felt godawful, like a retarded ARMA, the dogfighting feels like a weaker version of Freelancer with the speed turned down to five miles an hour. Even with good framerates the game is a slow mess, and has been that way for years, and they show absolutely no desire to change this.

Post yfw you paid less than the price of a full game for two full games and this drives shitposters up thew all

I can't find a link to Underspace and Limit Theory is dead in the water. Every upcoming space game is a space engineers clone or X4.

>the game is basically a facade


What kind of retard rates dogfighting based off sounds and impact rather than, you know, actually dogfighting?
Doubly so when he's flying a fighter and one of the smallest ships in the game. Why would he expect his little mosquito to have big fuck off cannon attached when it's made to duel other small ships or gang rape bigger ships in wolf packs?

For that matter, how desperate for views do you have to be to review an alpha build in the first place?

Just to avoid confusion, I'd include Freespace under Ace Combat in Space. Deeper than Freelancer but still nowhere near realistic. Just the right balance.

The most Newtonian or otherwise "realistic" any space game should ever get is letting you thrust up and down like Descent or fly in one direction while facing another like the Shelton Slide in Wing Commander, and that's only because those are fun things that make combat more interesting.

Pro tip*
there is no gameplay yet,of any kind.

Underspace is a Freelancer clone being made by Trainwiz, so no hope there either.

Is it consoleplebs that cry scam? Can't have the game so the ultimate sour grapes.

There is, I've played it since the beginning, and it's always disappointingly bad. It made me realize that simfags and people who want shit to be as tedious as possible are pure cancer.

the 2 games are released?

>the dogfighting feels like a weaker version of Freelancer
>weaker version of Freelancer
>weaker dogfighting
>than Freelancer
Good Lord.

>so no hope there either

selling hard scifi to casuals not profitable.
