Other urls found in this thread:


>says remasted
>is actually a remake using DaS3 engine
what in the everloving fuck did they mean by this

Check the catalogue before creating new threads, retard

Impending disaster.
The return of the shittiest game ever.

autism the post

it's how remasters should be done

That they will finally bring poise back.

if they don't spruce up the second half of the game then I ain't buying it again

Any new game modes/mechanics?

they said that combat changes should be expected
also I just found out but From isn't doing this, the PS4/Xbox One/PC version is done by some Polish studio while the Switch version is handled by a Chinese developer

Got an actual source on that, bud?


I can't decide if I should get the PC or Switch version.

The PC versions of all three were badly optimized and had fucking 360 controller buttons as the layout. Just overall shit ports. I don't know if I want to give them a 4th chance.

nice definitive evidence user holy fuck!

I platinumed Bloodborne in 10 days, having gone in blind and never played a Souls game before, and there's nothing you can do about it.

I then received an unofficial trophy for having subsequently destroyed the game's legacy in the process.

Pic related.


>360 controller buttons as the layout
So these bother pc fags too?
Kek. Buy the switch one to change things for once then.

I probably won't buy since I bought all of them already. Is there really a point?

Vaati is an investigative journalist

No one cares neet.

Day 1, then.
Would've been pointless to get this on pc if it was just a resolution and fps bump, but I would like to see everything with ds3 tech.

why cant I find this anywhere online for preorder

this is copypasta

It's because BB is the entry-level babbies first souls game.

Except when they remove poise and put in ds3 rolls.

>Using DaS3 engine
>Apparently running at 60fps on the normal PS4 and Xbox One
No. Chance.

>remaster made by a chinese studio
expect the worse

Someone post the webm.

won't be running on it's original engine at 60fps

gonna get it for PC and Switch

>People are actually excited for this

I'm in employment and have been consistently since I left university.

I own a business that employs 10 people.

Great another 5+ years of Dark Souls threads

That only leaves one option:


Runs at 30.

Portable dark souls is pretty much the definition of heaven. Tempted to buy a switch now. Not to mention The world ends with you final mix. They blew everyone the fuck away with this mini direct.


It's my own trophies.

Never bothered with the rest. Tedious gameplay, basic combat akin to games released 20 years ago, painfully linear and laughable PVP.

>Sees a CGI boxart
>"Seems to be running on DS3 engine guys!"

Unless it has new content I don't get why people would buy it.

>Portable dark souls
at 30fps and 10fps in blight town

Vaati is a stupid piece of shit, I don't believe him on anything.

>Dark Souls is now portable.
Now sure how to feel.

You've been posting this for almost a month now. How proud of this are you?

It's portable.
It's fun.

Can't argue with that.

why people pretending you couldn't play dark souls on the go before?

>Get to play best souls again with a new online community
I mean sure its another $60 but fuck it, its worth it

>das3 engine
not even going to buy this garbage

It'll probably be $30

Soon it will be his one year anniversary spamming that. Check the date of the trophies.

Is the PC version delayed or what?

That's the definition of remaster though, If you use new assets it's a remake

>DS3 engine
>60 fps on PS4


Who gives a fuck. Portable dark souls. You can play it while you're taking a shit, or driving on a bus. And it's dark souls.

Reminder to ignore the Excalibur 2fag. Taking a week-and-a-half to platinum a game while using back up saves to get different endings and getting carried by summons and STILL taking 10 full days to plat one of the shortest Souls games is something most people would be embarrassed to admit.

The archive only has his posts going back to December, so I wasn't sure if it went further.


>wanting limited rolling directions

I haven't played the original. I'll get this version.

I'm excited. Wonder if it'll be 40$


I know you're upset I destroyed your favourite games legacy of all time.


o rlly? Last time this was posted the user said they were employed at a corporation to handle their finances, bad copypasta is bad

Hello user, I hope you will preorder Dark Souls™ Remastered on PC and the console of your choice, thank you
did u rike it

I cannot wait, I'm taking the day off work.


How can I rike it if it's not out yet. Gimme 4 months and I'll tell you then.

Are you lonely user, do you think demeaning others enjoyment validates your existance?

Must have been an imposter.

My account is Cloud__ffvii (2 underscores). See the trophies for yourself and message me. I'll call you a cunt in reply.

Zelda is much better amirite?

*Best game legacy of all time
And you just destroyed your credibility, pathetic

i really don't want to sound like a mustard, but this is a game i've played a 100 times on both ps3 and pc so I don't even see the point.


This is the definitive dark souls

Zelda is an incredible game, yeah

>actually replying to him


>wanting sub 30fps and fucked stamina along with FP

Dark Souls 2 engine or bust.

As long as it's equal or better in terms of FPS/resolution to the Doom port, I'll be happy.

So the remake is ethier going to be ruined by altering all the mechanics or the PvP is going to be butchered by casualizing invasions like DaS2 or DaS3

Last Zelda game I played was OoT, which I thoroughly enjoyed in fairness.

Ironically enough it's the combat to OoT that I compared Bloodborne to in the first place, which caused all the meltdown.

That's not what the engine is.

He's a piece of shit faggot retard i have to reply, yeah i'm fucking mad

>So the remake is ethier going to be ruined
it's not a remake. it's a classic "HD remaster"

>altering all the mechanics
Did you not like the faster pace of DS3? Not trying to insult here just curious.

Who /GettingItOnSwitchJustToFuckWithNewPlayers/

So all we got last year from Fromsoft is a DLC and all we're getting this year is a remaster. Are they planning on making another game anytime soon?

That doesn't make any sense. If you're going to try and engage me, at least use legible sentence structure.



>Did you not like the faster pace of DS3? Not trying to insult here just curious.

Not sure it was about the speed more so how host's could summon phantoms, seed you, summon blue phantoms, had double your estus and more health.

Phantoms got nerfed so hard that summoning had no penalty unlike in Dark Souls 1 where summoning usually brought invaders who could viably kill you.

6 player online, so the forest will be 10x as fun

Oh god I literally feel the FIFA and black hole void of taste

Most switch owners who are interested in this probably played a Souls game before either on last gen consoles, PS4, or PC.

>mfw pinwheel doesn't drop the mask when first killing it

>Did you not like the faster pace of DS3?


Souls combat is not even structured in a way that benefits from being faster.

>halfway through SL1 at Duke's Archives playing on PC.

Did I just waste $20?

so which china studio did bandai give this to, does anyone know yet

>Dark Souls remaster

Does this mean the lord and savior of PvP Emarrel will be returning?


>People think Switch owners just aren't PC players

Both machines are for autist so it should be obvious they are the same people from PC.

I keep seeing people make claims like this. Did I miss a trailer? All I've seen is them revealing that it's a Dark Souls remaster. That's all they showed.

Like 720p 30 fps isn't worth it.