Never played a crpg

Hey anons, I never played a crpg and as my first I was interested in pillars of eternity, but I'd also like toplay divinity original sin 1 and/or 2, what do you think is best to start? feel free to tell me about other games

First rpg? Play Age of Decadence with a hybrid character.

thanks,I'll look into that

Don't do that, AoD is meme trash. Play Baldur's Gate

pillars is good. you're probably about to get a lot of recommendations from nostalgiafags for games with very bad rules and ui

Play KOTOR1 first. It's not isometric like your typical crpg games but it's a good starting point to learn about D&D shit like dice rolls and stuff. After that I'd probably play Baldur's Gate 1 and 2.


Rather do what nostalgiafags say than what numales say.

you're retarded and have shit taste

I just played through pillars as my first crpg and thought it was kind of boring granted I did finish it.
Going to play through divinity 2 next when I can think of what party I want

I'd say you start with something modern like Pillars of Eternity or Divitiny Original Sin 1 and then go back to play the classics if you had a good time.
Pillars of Eternity has a more ambitious storytelling, deep lore and real time combat while Divinity has so much more humour and interactive turn-based combat. They're very different, but both amazing. Give it a try

Not an argument
Pillars is numale core, has no plot, and the combat is shit

>this is what user thinks of pillars of eternity
>"oh look a thread about a game I hate, better go post!"

age of decadence is great but it's really unforgiving.
you might want to start with something easier

>Pillars is numale core, has no plot, and the combat is shit

reread the op you fucking retard

The OG Infinity Era games are worth checking out too. Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, and Planescape.

Arcanum: Of Steamwork and Magicka Obscura's also great if you're looking for something different and don't mind GURPS.

it's not a PoE thread

not an argument

what kind of person played pillars of eternity on release and would still be mad about it years later?

I'm not mad, it's just a bad game

no, it's a very good game


I played it for the first time last week and all I did was call you a retard. I'm not person trashing it, although I did find it a bit boring.

no, you're a retard

yeah that's what I was thinking too

>"oh look a thread about a game I hate, better go post!"

>my first I was interested in pillars of eternity, but I'd also like toplay divinity original sin 1 and/or 2, what do you think is best to start? feel free to tell me about other games