We /git gud/ now

we /git gud/ now

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There's a Dark Soul Trilogy for Ps4


>everyone gets 60fps but nintendo

the real definitive edition, closer to the original

Who cares about the shittiest version?

I went in blind and platinumed it in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before.

Compare that to something actually challenging in vidya.....

>we'll get yet another wave of artificial difficulty rageposting from nintendo players
can't wait


>dark souls trilogy "rumoured" for Switch
>actually comes out exclusive on PS4

Where does it say the FPS nintendo gets?

on the dark souls website



Still no gf tho

delit this

Why do you care about it.

>No Demon's
whats the point

So this is the power of a $300+ console... whoa

Doesn't it cost over $400

You can platinum pretty much every single game in 10 days, how does this prove anything?

Nice try, faggot. At least put correct date on your fake picture next time.

30 fps?

I can't wait for people to say its fine because muh portable.

Its only tolerated in BB because there aren't better options available.

The game was built for 30 FPS, so it works better that way. As long as it keeps it stable it will be a great port.


Will switch blighttown run worse than ps3/360 blighttown?

It was the original fps for dark souls, it's fine as long as it's constant and doesn't have the horrible slowdown in blight town.

The human eye can't detect more than 20 fps anyway.

you shouldnt be optimistic

And if it does have slowdown?

>No better option available
DS1 & 2 turn into glitchy messes at 60fps

Then I won't buy it, simple as that.

Get ready for the sudden arise of "Dark Souls is the best game evurr xD" posting

Every time a Nintendo console gets a port, suddenly, magically Sup Forums starts discussing it like 1.) it's a brand new game 2.) Mindblowingly amazing

Once you notice it, it's so apparent

What? The only significant glitch in DS1 from being at 60 fps is the durability issue. Everything else is pretty rare.

And DS2 ran fine at 60 fps, what are you smoking.

I imagine it'll be just as bad as you remember.

Gee, I can't wait to buy this again for 60-70 bucks just so I can play it in 4K

oh boy i cant wait for online to fucking die in 10 years when they refuse to pay for a $5 server.

It's a 500 dollars collector's edition that has only been announced for Japan

FF9 is so easy that anyone could get that weapon if they just skip over all the dialog


>tfw Sup Forums was right about darksouls for switch

It's a good deal if you get DS2 and 3 too

For just DS1, hm, but Switch owners paid 60 bucks for Street Fighter 2 and Bomberman, so what do I know

What will be ported next? RDR? MGR?

>exclusive to Japan

Doesn't look good. If it's 60 fps that pretty much means its the same shit not even improved significantly like sotfs

>Sup Forums will now turn against DaS just for the sake of fighting off a boogeyman haunting their minds

But then again people are already doing it because of DaS2 or in minor part BB, nothing new here

>DS3 can TOTALLY run on my shitty fisher price tablet!!!!

Are there any changes?

Sup Forums now that the dust has settled, what was actually best dark soukls?

>pay $40 to play the exact same game you bought 4 years ago but with a higher framerate
uhhh no thanks


King's Field


>inb4 new Switch model in March

How many years of console fanboi posts absorption do i have to go through to become this brainwashed?

But I've never played a Souls game

Armored core

pretentious answer

unpretentious answer

in this episode of "Glad I pirated it"

but can you PLATINUM ff9?
I mean it's not hard, just tedious.
it requires killing 10,000 enemies and getting the 1k jump rope trophy. pretty sure theres other grindy trophies too

>Japan exclusive
>Doesn't even come with a console

>60fps on PC
Didn't we already get that? Also, what does the first column say? I can't read smilies

trophy for getting every ATE event or you have to start over. some have dumb prerequisites to trigger

I hope Dark Souls doesn't become the next Skyrim.

This is bait, but if people enjoyed the game back then at 30 frames then they can enjoy it now at 30 frames.

However, DSII has established that 60fps is 100% possible and you shouldn't expect less from a Remastered edition.

Original version

I think the first column is the original game for comparison

I think its safe from that due to the difficulty.

Newflash, it already has.

Just look at how many devs joined in on the fire meme yesterday.

Why don't you ever fuck off?

Did you completely miss the "X is the Dark Souls of..." meme?

Watched couple of Nintendo fan boy stream of the direct mini.

I found it kinda weird that the most of them hadn't touched dark souls at all.

Nobody should platinum 9, on top of being a shit-ass fucked up port (easily square's worst since 5&6) there is way too many nauseatingly boring things to do that don't matter, like chasing the hippo and watching every stupid ATE

why even get a PC at this point lmao
switch has better games than literally any system out right now

Nothing's equivalent to the Nintendo state of mind..

Nintendies don't have any other console/PC. Why do you think BotW was so incredibly mediocre yet praised so highly? These people didnt play Skyrim, ass creed, far cry or any other game BotW rips off

Is that surprising? Nintendofans take pride in only playing Nintendo games.

I genuinely can't wait for the switch version to come out and all these nintendofans come out and say dark souls is amazing after actively shitposting it for a decade now.

>tfw I'm going to have to shell out £30+ for the pleasure of doing low level invades against people on the switch and ruining their fun

The shit I put up with.

>These ports are being handled by a separate company from the Switch port, and will feature rebuilt lighting and SFX based on Dark Souls 3
S-s-so(n)yboyss b-btfo right guys

shit nigga, you on overdrive tonight.

lol I'll just be here enjoying the game as it was MEANT to be made.

I do have a gf, I'm sat next to her now.

Why's that weird? I played Demon's Souls and Bloodborne and they were both pretty okay but I never really cared to play Dark Souls.


I'm going to get both this year if the circumstances are right. PC for all the multiplats and more niche games that don't get elsewhere and Switch for the exclusives and portability

Right, the entire gaming press and unrelated devs like Witcher's, AC's and Ken Levine praised the game because they never touched another console

>HD remake of seven year old game that everyone else has already played to death, datamined, and made thousands of hours of lore/gameplay videos for coming to all platforms

So, so, so incredibly wrong.

Try PAL version, no FMV skips, no glitches, no PS2 double disc speed.

You've absolutely never done it to be so blasé over the matter.

Hey PC can get away with it, why not nintendo?

Public figures in the gaming industry HAVE to praise Nintendo. Otherwise the Big N calls in a favor from their Yakuza contacts

1 year anniversary soon :^)

Just back from a 3 days ban

>We-can't-get-the-newer-games-working-on-the-Switch Edition

>PAL version
why would I do that

It was ported to PC pretty early after the initial release so it's not as big of a deal there, and the PC port allowed for a pretty objectively superior version of the game. Switch is probably literally just getting the original release of the game while the rest of us are getting an HD remake with new textures and assets

Oh so DS3 doesn't run on Xbox and PC? Oh man, Sony truly always wins, and (you) must be so lucky to be able to pay 500$ for these old games in a foreign language version!


More challenging.

I don't actually expect you to, you'd fail and you'd feel bad about it.

That's sony exclusive :)))))

30fps is fine u morons, since the animations/inputs dont benefit from more frames, it just makes the game look a bit better, not play any better.

I doubt online tickrate is any higher than 30, if that even

Only auto attacks
No limits or whatever they were called
You have to count to 10 before proceeding to the next line of text
Uh... anymore made up rules? How about every time you take a hit you have to watch Ac while the game is running?

Now that is challenging!

>Remastering something on hardware inferior to the initial iteration.

What I'm hoping for:
>Remade Lost Izalith, fixed Bed of Chaos and parts of the game after you get the Lordvessel, such as the later parts of Seath's area and so on
>Better character models and customization so you can make yet another waifu
>New content, be it something small like armors, weapons, or something big like bosses and areas
Now, none of this shit will actually happen and it's just a simple cash grab with a Switch version for Nintendobabies attached, but there's is potential here and if you want PC players to buy it fucking again when DSFix exists, you better put in effort.

w-we did it!

Haha you think the Switch is going to be a locked 30FPS.


>500 dollarydoos
Fucking what?