What was your favourite game of 2017?

What was your favourite game of 2017?

>tfw 1%'er


don't these statistics directly counter pol's soyboy paranoia white race death craze?

wow nice source

Nobody asked me whether I had sex or not
Shit thread

don't use infographics to counter infographicland.

pol is just a bunch of butthurt fags whose only perspective of life is in their pc monitor.

>some random person's tumblr is considered a nice source

Sup NeoFAG

this infographic is Sup Forums-tier

>lose virginity at 23
>8-10 sexual partners a year from then out
a late start is still a start, bros. Clean up your act and do some situps.

>tfw you're a statistical rarity

I just keep fucking up my chances

>1% to miss

Did you had sex?


I'm only half a virgin

My girlfriend and I are both virgins even though we mess around a lot
Every once in a while I stick my fingers too far down on purpose to make sure it still hurts her

>tfw had sex once
enjoy your sad lives anons
chad checking out, bye nerds

Your cousin doesn't count

your mom does

This is the most retarded thing I've read all day. Congrats

Honestly I'd be fairly suspect of a girl that was a virgin in her mid 20s. She's either crazy religious and not for me, or something else is wrong.