If a game continuously kicks your ass, what do you usually do about it?

If a game continuously kicks your ass, what do you usually do about it?

a) take a break from it to return to it with a calm mind and try a different approch
b) search for a guide or ask somebody for advice
c) cheat (cheatcodes / save scumming)
d) drop the game forever
e) brute force though without changing your tactics
f) lower difficulty
g) something else

drop it and play dota again with my russian pals

>c) cheat (cheatcodes / save scumming)
Save scumming isn't cheating.

git gud.

Keep playing till I win

Simple as that, I don't give up. I'm not that good at games but I'm determined.

>search to make sure I didn't overlook important mechanics I didn't make use of (guild in Darkest Dungeon)
>think of a different strategy
>come back at it after a pause

>Save scumming isn't cheating

A tie between A and E. E first, then A.

A, E, or B if desperate.

a) take a break from it to return to it with a calm mind and try a different approch
This, sometimes I just drop it for 1 day and the next one I'm like "How I didn't see that, im probably retarded."

I try to brute force it for awhile so,I'll have a bit more muscle memory when I give up and try it later

for me I usually take note of who designed the characters or tasks that are impeding my progress, then erase them and their families from existence later on

Depends why it's kicking my ass. Usually it's e -> g(trying new tactics) -> b if im desperate. I do a sometimes if it's heavily skilled based and the game is raping me

Play something else for a bit. Then maybe use a different strategy.

I dont know, I rarely get stuck on anything but adventure games, for which I just use B.

If I know E will work if I suck less/rng-gods praise me, I'll keep at E because I like trying to beat shit based off my first instinctual response.

Usually E because I'm stubborn.

drop it forever

rant on Sup Forums and get btfoed even more

Are u me?

This is underspecified. What exactly do you mean by "kicks your ass"? And why am I not allowed to change tactics? Or are you assuming I tried that and failed already? If so, e -> a

>e) brute force though without changing your tactics
Why the fuck is this an option, but "brute force through while changing things up until you find something that works" isn't? That's literally what "brute forcing" is

That's what g) is for

Wow friend this is an excellent image so I saved it, thanks for sharing it in this thread just wanted to let you know.


brute force mixed with different tactics. fuck that game. i play to win!!

E or A

a b or c

A mostly. Games like Dark Souls and Furi are probably my main examples.

Rarely I do C, only if if fucked everything up and its close to the end.

Don't have much time for games these days, so I'll usually (d)rop it and shit on the game on Sup Forums.

It's not.
Save states is cheating. Vanilla save scumming isn't. It's just scummy.

E, then A if it doesn't work after a while.
I only use B when the game makes you find random collectibles without much direction. Fuck that shit, it's a waste of time.

G) brute force through it but constantly try to find and fix flaws between attempts.

if its a puzzle b, puzzles are for faggots
otherwise e or a

I do B when starting a new rpg to check for missables sometimes. Zodiac Spear scarred me for life.

>get my ass kicked constantly in a game
>fuck this
>masturbate furiously
>come back

Man it's that easy.

My approach is usually
e > a > b > c > f
I only drop boring games

I get gud and overcome it

>Try again and again getting angrier each time until I REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>Put game down
>Try again next day and first time it

It's cool, I know how to do it, I'll just try again later.
Except I'm still at it one year later.


>Die to boss couple times
>Game lowers difficulty or powers down boss without asking you

Where are you stuck mate

>e) brute force though without changing your tactics
>get mad
>break something expensive
>turn off the game and feel like an idiot for getting worked up over a videogame

>that topology

Touhou Imperishable Night, mang. I did multiple attempts at a perfect run on Lunatic difficulty (completing the game without being hit, without bombs yada yada) but uh, I can't make it happen.

> buy Dark Souls
> suck shit at Dark Souls
> beat my head against Dark Souls until I barely get to the bridge
> rage quit every couple hours
> give up
> Dark Souls 2 gets anounced
> buy Dark Souls 2 out of fucking spite
> beat Dark Souls 2 four times
And that's why I never beat Dark Souls.

The only bullet hells I ever played were in silly flash games and such, but that sounds like a challenge run to me. There's no shame in attempting challenge runs over and over

>skill/execution-based challenge
Try again until I'm fed up and play the next day

>puzzle solution/getting stuck
Read up online after an hour

I remember spending an entire day on one small part of a game back then. How did little me do it?

e and a

>Posting a fact next to a meme arrow and a laughing anime girl makes it wrong

A then E then B after a few tries, but only if I enjoyed the game from the start
Otherwise d

post more

I'll keep those words in mind, thanks bud.

Save scumming is cheating. I bet you say screen looking isn't cheating either. Just because you don't have to hack the game or input cheat codes doesn't mean it isn't cheating.

The same thing anyone who isn't a complete shitter does.
g) Keep trying while constantly changing tactics, equipment/loadouts, and trying to figure out how I can do better each time I fail.

Anybody who answers B, please leave.


And where's the line, faggot? Are you only allowed to play permadeath games since every time you reload it's save scumming?

I looked up guides for a shit ton of the shrines in BotW because I wanted the Master Sword as quickly as possible

brute force until i find a safe way to deal chip damage then repeat until victory

A after a long angry monologue about the situation

Mix of both a and e. Take a break, then come back and brute force.

Fuck you game. Your ass is getting beat.

Don't reload unless you literally have to in order to advance in the game.

>was stuck on a boss until a friend told me he'd send me a good doujin if I beat it
>beat it the next time
Good motivator.

First e, brute force, then g, try new tactics, then a take a break.
Anything else and you've given up and you've never actually beat the game.

Depends on more things:
First of all, if I am playing the main or optional content.

For main, always A and nothing else
For optional, I may want to check guides mostly for hidden content, faming spots, optimal builds etc.

Never anything else.

Savescumming might not be cheating on a technical level but it's just as gay and low-class.

It's like preferring to be called a rapist instead of a murderer

G. Basically E, but I brute force different tactics.

If it's absolutely terrible and I'm talking I'm stuck for weeks, I'll do B and F as solutions.

If that doesn't even help and it's something that I can grind, I'll do that. I absolutely hate grinding though it's really a LAST resort.

e is the only fucking opion so always e.

I feel like cheat codes and save scumming need to be in a different category. For instance, quick saving between every fight in Skyrim isn't the same as just typing tgm and being done with it.

80 thousand polygons

It Depens. If I know what I am doing but the game is just hard, I start planning my moves, try New tactics, see if I can use stuff to my advantage, etc.
If I am completely lost, I have try for ever and i still don't know what to do I try a guide

I take a break to clear my mind and calm down. If I don't then I'll continue to play and get more and more pissed resulting in a rage quit. It's a very good method for not breaking my controller

The "I don't want anything unfavorable to happen but I'm too pansy to input a cheat code because that's wrong so I'll waste my own time exploiting a different non-gameplay feature with the same end result" category


This, sometimes I gotta not see it for awhile so I can resharpen myself

I watch people that us good at it and analyze their gameplay tactics and strategies
Then if I like what is involved I push on until I beat it or consider it not worth my time and drop it.

Saving the game so you have something to go back to if you get a game over isn't savescumming, user.

No game kick anyone's butt these days unless you absolutely suck at video games.

No game is challenging unless it's a competitive 1v1 game like fighting games. Team based competitive games require less skill since you have people that'll carry when others are struggling as well as taking the blame out yourself and pushing it on others whenever you lose.

97.0% of Western games today aren't challenging, do not present a "challenge" at all, but rather, they focus on story.

80% of Japanese game today aren't challenge, do not present a "challenge" at all, but rather, they focus on cosmetics and appealing to Otakus/NEETs. The only challenging Japanese games exist in the form of Action Games.

The era of challenging video games are long gone, even the developers no longer exist or have adjusted they way of game development to cater toward the current generation. The remaining few who have stuck with the old ways are very niche and publishers are too scared to tryout new things nowadays.

Kill yourself.

>these days

So you only play modern games?

As a racan vidya fan the only options are A and E.

Re-evaluate what I did wrong and try another tactic
I've beaten pic related so my patience is pretty much unlimited and I usually don't have to try that hard in any game

1-Keep trying to advance in the way I have been doing because it has worked so far
2-Become a little bit frustrated because it's not working, but keep trying
3-Look up a guide online
>it's the same shit I've been doing so far
4-beat stage/advance in story but feel no accomplishment because I looked at a guide instead of continuing to push forward

(a) or (e)

If the game is RNG bullshit, then (d)

He pretends that the market hasn't been always full if easy marketable games to the general public like if old games were dpecifically hard when only arcades were by force to get the most quarters out of people. What a clown.

Of course he does. Do you think all the retards talking about games "being dated" or having "PS2 graphics" are joking? They're all genuinely that retarded

I've played all the old game that I needed to play back when the PS2 was a thing and there's no reason to go back unless I want some nostalgia. PS3 and PS4 hasn't had a single game as difficult as the ones from the PS2 era.

A, and if A doesn't work, B,
If all else fails, C


>all these poles

How about all those PC games you have missed, fag.
Or all the ones released in recent days?
I bet you can't even beat the first level in Dusk on highest difficulty.

You never played snes, nes and n64/ps1 shit right?

G) it Gud.

Seriously. If I'm getting my ass kicked, then I'm obviously doing something wrong, so I change up my playstyle or tactics. What fucking retard does the same thing over and over again if it didn't work the first 49 times?

Depends on how the game plays and how I'm losing.

Sometimes I revert to a previous save an play from their using prior knowledge which eventually gets me through.

Sometimes I'll use literally every combination of items w

People is too dumb to live, user.

Sometimes you can see the potential in a strategy but just need more practice to execute it properly.

I generally try to brute-force it while I change tactics, it has to be kicking my ass real badly for me to look up a guide.
I never lower the difficulty. I'd rather just quit and admit I've been beat.

>Roommate asks to play Bloodborne
>Watch him

I decided not to backseat him since he's played Dark Souls, but God, was it hard

Depends on the game and how exactly it's kicking my ass.
Usually start with E, then a combination of A and B. Then E again and finally F if I'm still stuck.