Shouldn’t game devs hire based on talent?

Shouldn’t game devs hire based on talent?

>he doesn't know the business world is all about connections and not actual skills

Yes but now everyone is trying to push a political agenda and sales don’t matter to anyone but the people investing in the game. They don’t see this type of shit till it has already hurt their wallets and the game is already out. Look at mass effect andromeda it’s fucking dead.

isn't this the guy who made mass effect andromeda and it tanked?

in the new world order cultural marxist religion merit doesn't matter

Is he? Why keep doing it, then? Anthem is going to be a disaster.

so long as they meet the bare minimum required to do the job, I suppose diversity points would do fine. and the less experienced, the more you can gimp them from proper pay, which is always a plus.

>Diverse art

I'm not murrican, can someone explain me what did he mean?

Diverse men’s not white

As long as they only ruin western games like Mass Effect or The last of Uncharted I don't give a fuck.

what if having the POV of black/hispanic people is relevant to the project?

He means "I'm going to hire these highly unqualified people based solely on their race" as if it's some sort of altruistic movement.

I literally just want society to collapse already.

They should be hired based on what the boss want

It means people who speak the same language and use the same social communities, with similar means and economic statuses who support the same political leaders and social values, coming together to create an artistic perspective that has never been shared before.

San Andreas was developed by white people.

They should be hired on their qualifications and if they meet the requirements for the job. Hiring unqualified idiots for the sake of diversity literally never ends well.

How? It's not like they'll hire a guy who isn't literally

Oh look, its Manveer 'White hate' Heir.

Fuck off commie

Isn't preferential hiring based on race, sex, or creed illegal?

>highly unqualified
Why do you assume they'll be unqualified? You're doing the exact same thing

Oh, the guy from Andromeda. Such a great game it came out to be without all those stupid white males.

He literally said the reason it tanked (in his actual opinion) is that it didnt have ENOUGh diversity, and somehow would have magically sold, if it had just a 'bit' more diversity...

>no racism, we're all the same!
>race shouldn't determine if you get a job, no discrimination!
>by the way you can't work here if you're white :)

Only in fucking Western societies is shit like this allowed to fester. If someone started to put together an "only white artists" club people would throw a fucking shit fit.

>he believes this

Where is the pic of that design team where it is a bunch of purple hairs with one older pajeet who looks like he is dead inside from doing all the actual work?

There are no such things as racism and sexism against white males

not if you do it because minorities be oppressed and shiet

Let's help our boy out. Find the most disgusting deviant art/tumblr shit out there and send it to him.

Only if you’re white.

These people are absolutely fucking deluded. Or desperately veil themselves in obscene amounts of denial. I pray that they wise up with age and figure out how the real world actually works some day.

Look at Mass Effect: Andromeda. That's your future with "diversity hires" instead of people who are qualified and have experience regardless of race or ethnic background. With "diversity" hires if a white man is going for the same job a black man is going for and he is more qualified he will not get the job if diversity hires come into play. It's hypocrisy.

Oh it's the guy that wished death to all men and got away with it.

Yes but it's nearly impossible to prove in court

Lol just make a tweet

Yes, actually. Diversity hires aren't a thing in STEM-related jobs, or even in graduate school admissions, hence why 78% of the admitted applicants to UC Berkeley's EE grad school were international students, particularly Chinese and Japanese.

Yes, 22% of the students were actually born in the US. Less than 5% were White. What the fuck are you doing, Amerifats?

In Europe and the United States nothing regarding racism, discrimination, or religious view laws applies to you if you're a white man.

LOL. This.

Everything business related has to do with connections
>Be Black stem major
3~ gpa get multiple internship offers based off recommendation letters, research I was able to secure just by talking to almost everyone I met in undergrad

Look at the tweet again. He isn’t asking for quality artists. The qualifying aspect he’s looking for isn’t talent or ability, it’s skin color. Rational people care about results, not skin color. This jackass price of shit is looking for the opposite.

so like the new star wars or ghostbuster ?

Even if you're a good artist why would you want to work somewhere that actively pursues shit ones

I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and say it just means skin color has priority and talent is still the ultimate factor.

He was contracted to work on it, not a part of the permanent team that got sacked.

>Why do you assume they'll be unqualified?

If you're hiring someone who is a sex or race as a priority then you create a situation in which you could legitimately hire one of the least suitable candidates over the most capable. Regardless of whether you were only hiring white males, black females, etc. If 10 people of 10 different combinations of race and sex apply for the same position and you're dumb enough to have pre-determined the race/sex of the person you want to hire you're a fucking idiot who's more likely than not going to turn away the man or woman most suitable for the job because their skin colour isn't what you expected.

How Californians have managed to sell the UC system, probably their greatest contribution to the world, to the goddamned Chinks of all people boggles the mind. UCLA is literally a little mini asia comprised of 98% slant eyed midgets and 2% wealthy jews, indians, and arabs, and 0% actual Californians


>white people form a singular social community, economic status, political affiliation, social values and artistic perspective

If people hired based on talent, we wouldn't be in the shitheap we are in today.

>this cunt didnt get purged for what they did to mass effect

There is no justice in this universe

Basically it means if your bloodline originated from Europe, you're not welcomed here.
Also its okay to be racist against White people because they started two World Wars, and bombed those knock off Chinese, and slaughtered Indians and enslaved chocolate people, and called me bad names in school.

>American devs.
>Running off talent.
>Hiring ineptitude.
Pick three.


Whatever he's going to make will be absolute garbage so who cares.

>wahh company dont do think way i would do

can you and all the other nihilists just get it over with and kill yourselves instead?

>assuming black people dont have talent
typical white supremacist

If it isn't hiring for diversity, it's hiring for nepotism/connections. Almost nobody gets hired for real talent these days.

They have talent. For getting arrested.

considering he worked on ME:A and probably didn't move to america after the person in the op is a leaf.

>Diversity hires aren't a thing in STEM-related jobs
Depends on where you work. My cousin is a biochemical engineer at NASA, and he says there isn't a single white male in charge of him. All are either female or a minority

> not getting the point

>absolute garbage

I think you mean absolute POO

>Shouldn’t game devs hire based on talent?

diversity IS talent, shitlord

Hiring to specifically make your workplace more diverse is racist. Hiring someone not-white because they applied and are qualified is not racist. These stupid sjws are the ones making racism and sexism grow - they aren't fixing anything. In the short run, they'll do more damage to themselves, but in the long run, when enough 'diversity hirees' are fired or quit after sales plummet and stocks fall, companies will find the correct solution of looking at skill again. It's a shitty fad that will fade in a year or two - after enough financial reports and office closings to make their minds click

It really seems like they wouldn't be making a video game anymore, that sounds like a documenrary

Don't you know, a meritocracy is offensive because non white-males are put at a disadvantage!
t. some white bitch

Stupid goyim, you can't be racist against white """"""people"""""".

>Or desperately veil themselves in obscene amounts of denial
He is a fucking Hindu

You would have to do the same if you came from a country that literally had a billion people swimming in shit


>These stupid sjws are the ones making racism and sexism grow - they aren't fixing anything.
That's the greatest irony in all of this. These people have probably created more racism and sexism more than they have defeated it.

The joke is that diversity hires are all communist SJWs who started out with money

Nah, they just triggered fags who get upset at forced integration.

Most people truly do not give a shit unless they're failures looking for an excuse why they couldn't get in to X school or Y company

>d tier developer
The skill level isn't diverse

>90% black is diverse

Virtue points

You mean skill fucktard

talent is a tool of the patriarchy and a white male value

only traitors to the cause would stoop so low as to even acknowledge it

Only if you manage to get the courts to agree with your interpretation of the law.

The idea behind hiring based on diversity is that people of different cultural backgrounds tend to bring different experiences and styles to the table.

It's perfectly reasonable, as long as they meet a minimum talent threshold.

It's true, most people do not have principles nor even a basic grasp of the ideals they espouse or even a vague understanding of what goes on around them at any given time.
That's hardly anything to be celebrated, though.

so if dont hire niggers nobody would care?

thats great.

if talent is spread evenly across everyone, only picking people who look a certain way is denying yourself access to potetially talented people.

but if you just want more cod, fifa, and assassin's creed then i guess it doesnt matter

>so if dont hire niggers nobody would care?
almost nobody yes
but the tiny minority that does care is concentrated within a left-wing elite that wields enormous media influence and political power
so you'd be fucked

if you do something that aligns with their politics it's fine though

Unless your conservative XD

>if talent is spread evenly across everyone
Of course it is, user. Anything else would be illegal.

Diversity in Western countries just means "lack of white people"

Because in his proposal where he is asking for applications, he is not asking for quality. Therefore, quality is of secondary concern for him, and if that's the case, he's going to have less talent than he would otherwise have. In addition to that, hiring "diverse" means hiring "minority". This ALWAYS lowers the quality of the people you are hiring because you are restricting your pool of hires way too much for arbitrary reasons.

Imagine that you are hiring for a game, and you need 10 employees. Your pool of talent consists of 100 potential workers, all rank ordered by what percentile of talent they're in, so you have the bottom person at rank 100 who is total shit, one guy who is at rank 1 and is the best of the best, and the 98 people at every rank in between.

If you do not care about diversity, you would just hire ranks 1 through 10 and get the best possible employees, who are all more likely going to be white men for no particularly racist reason, they're just more likely to pick this career and therefore they are more crowded into the top. Your game lacks "diversity", but you have gained skill. If your hunger for "diversity" trumps skill, guess what you do? You restrict your pool of talent from the 100 down to the 10 minorities you can hire. 90% of the possible workers are gone.

What happens now? Well, it's not likely ALL of your minority hires are shit, but if they're evenly distributed you have a WAY worse team than if you didn't care about that. For example, you may have ranks 9, 19, 29, 39, 49, 59, 69, 79, 89, and 99. Notice that this distribution is GARBAGE. You've only got one guy in the top ten, several guys who are are just average, and then over half your team is on the scale of below average to shit! That is preposterous, and the only reason to tolerate hiring such a shit team is that they're brown people and women, which is irrelevant!

Meanwhile you could have had the top 10 best if you just weren't hiring based on identity politics.

Lib here. The law was placed to prevent racists to hire people based on race and businesses back in the past prefer whites more than anything else making it nigh impossible for minorities to get jobs.

Most of society doesn't actually care about any of this ridiculous shit
It's just fringe extremists arguing about who's better

i hate this motherfucker so much


Kek so he came in got paid made shit game and got a lot of other people fired?

No, it's government subsidized.

this is so dumb it hurts

£10 says they're "hiring" to bang

its still difficult for minorities to get jobs. the amount of companies that aim for diverse hires is miniscule compared to the amount of companies who still prefer white hires. Oracle, Valve and microsoft for example will immediately ignore your application if youre slightly brown or asian and not men.

No. You should definitely hire somebody purely based on the colour of their skin or background.
That isn't a completely backwards and racist thought process at all.


When I see retarded people talking about how all white people are racist and all men are sexist, it's hard not to notice they've just created more sexists and racists. It's just now it's on the opposite side so that makes it "okay" in some people's eyes. When none of this shit should be tolerated at all. You don't fight racism and sexism with more racism and sexism and I wish some of these people would understand that.

lifes unfair faggot deal with it.