The World Ends With You Final Remix

Hype-chan finally lives on to see the New 7 Days.

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Fuck this random girl, new scenario with FUCKING SHO confirmed, will he drop the freaking moon this time?

Was he god?

>he didn't read the secret reports

Nope, angles are stronger than him.

The God of Homosexuality, maybe.

No, that's Hanekoma.

I tried to get them all, but I got too hard for me back then.

I'll probably be able to do it now.

>Hanekoma was unironically afraid his alternate self would report him to the angels

>mingle PP hell all over again

It upsets me how little porn exists for this game, hopefully this inspires some artists.

>Bonus episode where everyone acts the opposite of how they usually do
>Joshua is even gayer

What a twist.

All right you brainless fags! post TWEWY's music that makes you go all PI!

The twist was he stopped trying to hide it. Since it's the normal Josh just taking a break until he heads back

So is this a confirmed Switch exclusive? PCfat asking here, not trying to start a console war, just wondering since I don't have a switch yet.


It's published by Nintendo, so yeah.

Nintendo is the direct publisher so probably yeah


Will this version use the looped versions of the songs or the full versions?

you can emulate the original but it's pretty janky since the controls are so suited to the DS

>no dual screen

At least the series looks like it's possibly building up to a sequel.

No he was the conductor. Possibly a low ranking angel or something like a nephilim. The coffee shop owner was a real angel, and I'm pretty sure its implied at some point in the secret reports that he A) outranks Joshua and could wipe the floor with him B) would have saved neku and friends had they failed because he liked them and didn't agree with gods plans.

>Neku will never be in Smash
That sucks, but at least his series isn't dead.

Not true. Controls are better and more precise than touchscreen.
>Long Dream playing
>We can do this neku!
and thats when I fell in love with this game.

Switch has a touch screen though. So unlike Solo Remix it'll have the same gameplay but both characters will be on the same screen.
Can't wait to destroy the fucking screen on this $300 tablet like I did my first DS when I got the game origianlly

mate i've tried it and it's just not the same and i've seen many others display the same sentiment, but if it works for you then i'm glad

>When you get shot by gay Jesus, but think you got shot by a math thug, but you really actually got shot by gay Jesus.

I'm scared. How the fuck will this control? The Switch has controllers with buttons and a capacitive touch screen when in handheld mode, but still only one screen like the mobile phone port, and that played very different from the DS original.

Fucking based Hanekoma.
Does a cooler dude even exist?

i hope they keep the original music and not replace it with shitty remixes

This game really was a trip.

Alright thanks, another reason to grab a Switch.

Control partner with the buttons on the Joycon and use the touch screen to control Neku. The key difference will be that both characters will be on the same screen. Judging from what little footage there was in the Direct that seems to be the gameplan

I assume that you control Neku with the touchscreen on handheld, and motion controls on TV mode.

Probably the ones from the mobile port.

unpopular opinion but i prefered the gameplay of solo remix

i have no idea how those were.

Nintendo publishes his game now like with Bayonetta, so you never know.

Nintendo also publishes a bunch of Square games lately, but still.

>Takeharu Ishimoto (the composer) is no longer working at Square (though he's still freelance)
>Main female vocalist SAWA broke her jaw and can no longer sing, became deaf, and retired.
>The Death March is probably done with before TWEWY ever got a proper sequel

few extra tracks and higher quality across the board

Ok, but why?
Full versions.

They made it sound like it has a 'Touchscreen Mode' and a 'JoyCon Mode', though controlling Neku in JoyCon Mode seems confusing. Not sure how that will work.

Regardless I'll probably play it in JoyCon Mode entirely just to have a new way to play it.

>>Main female vocalist SAWA broke her jaw and can no longer sing, became deaf, and retired.
But she is going to concert in some day.

>Main female vocalist SAWA broke her jaw and can no longer sing, became deaf, and retired.
Oh wow that sucks.
Hope she's doing okay.

>Main female vocalist SAWA broke her jaw and can no longer sing, became deaf, and retired.

stop this meme
>SAWA is happy to be performing in her first ever US concert, SAWA - THE LIVE! She will be performing her favorite songs solo in an accoustic set on Saturday night! DONT MISS IT!

>>Main female vocalist SAWA broke her jaw and can no longer sing, became deaf, and retire
What the fuck?!

What do you think the purpose of Sho's revival is?

Who's your favorite
Cloathing Brand

Beat, Aqua Demon/Holy light, Wild Boar here.

>paying real money for music remixes
trash game

>broke her jaw
How the fuck do you even do that on the first place?

Making the new scenario about him because he is popular as fuck.

>Main female vocalist SAWA broke her jaw and can no longer sing, became deaf, and retired.

Wew, how'd that happen?

"It" was too big.

Shiki, Lightning Rook, Pegaso

Sooo...was it confirmed to be an exclusive?

If he died he would have been erased, he's just sleeping user


Buy a Switch, user.

>Joshua because he's simply the best
>Lightning Rook because it passes the puck quickly and looks stylish as hell. Also enjoy Love Me Tether
>Hip Snake

She may do small things, but she's still retired.

Hanekoma is an angel and his role in the Reapers' Game was 'Producer', an overseer of sorts that tries to ensure people follow the rules but is generally supposed to be hands-off. Him teaching Pi-Face the forbidden art of creating Taboo Noise and resurrecting him was a big no-no in that regard and he noted in the secret reports that such meddling was likely to land him in trouble with his superiors/peers/whatever. He didn't regret it though since all the events of the game ultimately led to the miraculous outcome of Shibuya surviving. I'm not sure if he ever wrote anything about wanting to save Neku & the others specifically, though. Also not sure if it was ever implied whether Joshua "outranks" him or not. They're both just powerful beings running the Game.


but she can still sing.

Reminder the English version is the casual one
>Character or Noise attack/defense have changed slightly. Some enemies, mostly Boss Noise and Taboo Noise, do more damage in the Japanese version.
>Enemies such as Grizzlies also do more damage in the Japanese version.
>Mingle PP rewards have increased in the US/EU version.
>>Espers from 20 to 50 MPP each
>>Ordinary People (AKA Civvies) from 3 to 20 MPP each
>>Aliens from 20 to 100 MPP each
>Many items' stats hugely improved; below is just one example.
>>Angel Feather: from ATK -24, HP +600 in the Japanese version to ATK +30, DEF +30, HP +2000 in the US/EU version
>Eden's Door evolved into 1 Yen in the Japanese version - a devastating punishment for evolving the Holy Field pins incorrectly. In the US/EU version it evolves back into One Jump From Eden.

How do you think the joycon controls will work?

I don't want to get my fingers all over the touch screen honestly

Black Uranus

I'm so fucking happy.... today was a good day....

>Espers from 20 to 50 MPP each
>Ordinary People (AKA Civvies) from 3 to 20 MPP each
>Aliens from 20 to 100 MPP each
thank fucking god


Mingle PP was a mistake anyway.

>>Mingle PP rewards have increased in the US/EU version.
>>>Espers from 20 to 50 MPP each
>>>Ordinary People (AKA Civvies) from 3 to 20 MPP each
>>>Aliens from 20 to 100 MPP each
Literally nothing wrong with this.

>>Many items' stats hugely improved; below is just one example.
>>>Angel Feather: from ATK -24, HP +600 in the Japanese version to ATK +30, DEF +30, HP +2000 in the US/EU version
>>Eden's Door evolved into 1 Yen in the Japanese version - a devastating punishment for evolving the Holy Field pins incorrectly. In the US/EU version it evolves back into One Jump From Eden.
Holy shit. Was the iPhone port the same as the US DS?

What the fuck was her problem?

I don't see anything wrong with any of these changes.
non canon

you made her mad and now she is reviving sho to kick your ass with math power.

>sick in bed wearing my TWEWY shirt
>find out there's going to be new stuff
What a day to be alive. Here's hoping they manage to capture the feel of playing it on the DS.

Also nerfed combat pins. Burst Rounds and Summon Rhyme have 50% efficiency instead of 150% and 120%, which makes them unusable trash.

At least it won't be as destructive as Pokemon ranger. God I miss touch screen destoryer games

don't die user
otherwise it will have all been for naught

i hope the kingdom hearts 3d tracks are in which only played during a couple traverse town cutscenes

Joshua, love having casual orbital strikes
Sweet Talk Tether
Hip Snake

Get well soon anonymous.

Dog shit game.

The original Pokemon Ranger had some great gameplay. Wasn't nearly as challenging when they switched to the health bar system, albeit easier on the screen.


Minamimoto gotta be one of my favorite vidya villains ever

If I recall those tracks were DLC for Solo Remix.
Other than that the only other track that they could stick in is from the anniversary event

Someday Kingdom Mix is fucking goat tier


>Nintendo publishing TWEWY

No shit he wasn't dead, Reaper's don't leave a course. I've been saying he lives for years.

>Angel Feather got an enormous buff
>it's still trash for a late game equip

It could have been ATK +99, DEF +99, HP +9999 and it would have still been balanced.

Thanks. Man, I haven't seen a TWEWY threads since the anniversary last year but they're always so nice. Its pretty nuts that a stand-alone handheld title generated such a dedicated fanbase.

>though he's still freelance
Keiki Kobayashi is freelance now but Namco still managed to pick him up for Ace Combat 7 after doing most of the previous games as a Namco employee
there's still hope
Death March tracks better make it in

Who /neverlostfaith/ here.

Feels good.

Some of the captures in the original Ranger were way too hard desu. Switching to the health bar was a major improvement.