Other urls found in this thread:

Absolute pussy.

Ban Nintendo.

>how do we stop nerds playing vidya

Why contain it?

Beat it nerd. Games are for normies now. Go play your dungeons and dragons.

That's normie as well now

Crying of happiness from working hard and achieving your dream of having one of your idols work with you on your life’s culmination project is far from being numale, but then again this is Sup Forums so none of you autists can relate to that feeling.

You're only late about 7 years.

>man has shiggy as his idol as a kid
>grows up to make vidya
>makes vidya with mario in it
>idol shiggy praises it
his crying really isn't objectionable

It's been nu-male from the start. Just because you stopped jacking off and stopped eating vegetables doesnt mean you're a real man now, you fucking dork.

This. I find it fucking hilarious that NEETs on Sup Forums look down on other nerds for not being manly enough.

Don't bully the Soliani

>Having anything against soft crying Ubisoft man


You'd cry too if senpai noticed you too.

>how do we stop white males in vidya?
fuck off sjw you lost

what does nintendo have to do with nu males

you people really are delusional

Soliani is alpha as fuck though

More like Soyliani

>Sup Forums now idolizes chads and hates on normie nerds

What has this place fucking become

It's a projection of self-loathing.

We must import the chads.

Stop buying their games and giving them attention. Just like books and film, games will have their share of shit.

Shame shit that always happens.
People are beings sarcastic and dumb people don't get the joke and start repeating it.

tfw I would be considered a Chad here by Sup Forums standards and I still hate it

>Sup Forums is defending soyboys now


I miss when we just called each other faggots like a normal neets

What makes you any different? No one is here a Chad. If you're on Sup Forums, you're the lowest of the low amongst pathetic beta nerds - as it should be. Go back to facebook, you fucking normalfag.

We destroy their energy source, march towards soylent factories brothers PICTURE IS COMPLETELY UNRELATED!!

They still do it in Sup Forums I think. Still cringy as fuck.

I thought I was the only one. Have you forgotten most people here are a virgin past 21, or have imaginary girlfriends? Wew.

>Calling someone you don't like a faggot is cringy


Oh the classic double think in motion
>guys i am a nerd too i browse Sup Forums XD

Its like the soylent meme was real.


did you not see the pic? he;s a numale u dummy, crying or not

this isnt how actual people talk user, please elaborate on what you mean

When did I say I'm superior? I'm as much a pathetic nerd as the rest of you faggots. I've wasted half my life on this dump. Looking down on other nerds like you're Chad fucking Thundercock just shows you're cancer who should have been told to lurk moar, but didn't.

>looks like we gonna spend the whole day alone user, what you wanna do first?
Whats your reply?



This chick looks like she's both 12 and 32 at the same time. It's uncanny.

By waiting for more accusations

I'm still waiting for McIntosh and Burch to happen. Its coming

Because Sup Forums invaded a bunch of failed faggots. Nerds are cool with themselves and accept they aren't Brad Pitt. nu-Sup Forumstards are nerds too but they fucked up their life and hate themselves now


What's wrong with veggies?

Sshh let them all get t2 diabetes and slowly die a painful death.

Start sending loads of women to conventions, they won't know where to stand or sit.

I think some people are really losing the definition of numale. I don't know his personality (like in interviews or whatever), but that guy doesn't look like a numale. Just because he has a beard doesn't make him one

>guy cries when his childhood hero praises the work he's spent his entire life trying to achieve
Sup Forums was a mistake

If you have a beard and enjoy video games, you're a numale. God knows what that makes Sup Forums.

choose one (1)

reminder that you can be a bitch all you want, but you will never EVER be able to achieve what this guy did
he actually fucking did something with his life and you fucking call him nu-male because he has a fucking beard?
go fuck yourself you over grown condom failure

Real man don't cry.

Thats a nu-male, you are welcome.

Leave, doesn't matter if you're ironic.

>>>/lbgt/ faggot


>haven't had a friend since 3rd grade
>never had a gf, never kissed, never anything
>since graduating HS have done nothing

I'm fucked, aren't I? Can't see myself turning this around now, I've waited too long. If you haven't fucked in HS you're already done for.

Real men cry, but only when it looks like your life's passion project is going to bankrupt your company and blacklist you form the industry because of a bunch of unpleasable 25-somethings that were never even the intended audience.

>Know some pretty alpha as fuck guys
>They talk about playing Ghost Recon Wild Lands on Xbone
>"Ya'll getting on tonight?"
>"Can't wife is home..."
Is marriage truly the worst thing a man can do to himself?

the manliest men cry without even noticing the presence of surrounding soyboys, nevermind sparing time to think what they'd think of the act

get a good haircut, groom your eyebrows, start a proper skin care routine

start dressing good and working out

know how to calibrate yourself socially. i can can say outrageous shit around girls and they love it because i'm confident and funny

buy raiblocks now and you will be good by the end of the year

>real men cry
Stopped reading there, i come from a manly family in a manly neiborhood and i can safely tell you, we don't cry.

If the earth gets cursed by a drought that only my tears can break, you guys are fucked.

Can't use onions though thats cheating and not real tears.

By sending you back to Sup Forums

>not normie shit

> i come from a manly family in a manly neiborhood and i can safely tell you, we don't cry.
>he says as he posts porn on 4 chan
>on fucking Sup Forums of all places
you know, I don't know why, but I have trouble believing you

>only Sup Forums hates nu-males
WTF i love Sup Forums now

Sup Forums are nu-males

Trying too hard user, bet you'd cry if you stubbed your toe.

Back to Sup Forums you literal underages

They're certainly the only ones who feel so threatened by their existence that they have to call anything they dislike them.
Shit, I'd take Gamergate over modern Sup Forums with zero irony.

Sup Forums is full of nu-males, neckbeards, fatasses, and non whites pretending to be white Germans.
Like this?

>Real men listen and make life decisions based on what a bunch of mouth breathing social outcasts on an igloo building imageboard say

How did Sup Forumstard come up with this? Do they seriously expect anyone to care? Like seriously, I can just press X and they basically don't exist. How can they take themselves so seriously?


I don't remember videogames ever being filled with alpha males.

This is a real danger, we better be careful about acting like dumb assholes or we might attract waves of actual dumb assholes to Sup Forums.

Thats because you only have yourself to compare your expectations of me to, and by that its obviously gonna be bad prediction.
But thats not a matter of belief, thank god.

>Cries when chopping onions
>Calls himself a man
The problem with wimps like you, is you think you are wolves in sheep's clothing.
I bet I could rape you gay faggot.

Good job OP didn't say beta males then.

Buy real games instead of Bing Bing Wahoo #15.

This. I recently reconnected with somebody from high school who now weighs over 400 pounds and lives with his parents doing nothing. Turns out now he's a "libertarian" and he loves the word cuck more than he loves hot pockets (which is a lot).

you taste in porn is shit, and post your face

why you guys ripping on this guy? he actually made a good game

Dear God, no

Much like the word 'reddit' nu males also fail to understand the word 'nu-male' and believe its meaning to be random, thats because its an internal joke bud, you had to be here longer than 4 years to get it and every time someone thinks its random when the posts they complain about has a clear patern behind em, its because they are nu-male redditors in denial.

lurk more.

Also lmao
>no YOU are the nu-male
>see he has a beard
so fucking bad haha give up

Sup Forums is 100% nu-males

Yes, it's the beard, not the fucking facebook frog he's holding up.

>le us true 4channers I'm definitely not from reddit guize
>also 4 years is a lot do I fit in yet??? xDD
Fuck off faggot.

>guy who unironically uses nu-male tell others to lurk more


I don't think a single person who's been here for over a month would use that word in a post.

Its like saying that taking viagra and looking at the furniture when the hardon pops up means you wanna fuck stuff.

So is being humble a Numale trait now or what? This guy did absolutely nothing wrong. Also I hate how beards are now associated with numales.

Is this the latest version of this image? I keep seeing it updated.

Imagine being a baby faced loser with no friends.
You'd take it out on randos online too.

this game was good, he's crying because senpai literally noticed him. meanwhile you play horizon, you fucking queer

>I've been calling people insults randomly, I can't even remember how to explain what they mean anymore.
You're a lost soul sir.

keep posting more monroe you son of a bitch

This accurate post sure ruffled some redditors feathers.

>post this
>poster counter won't go up
Nothing more pathetic than samefagging to save face. Even leaving the thread in shame is more respectable.