WiiCUck exclusives

>Every day is gettin' shorter...

Remasters are okay when Nintendo does it

lego city undercover is on pc xbox and ps4 so cross that off too.

Lego city is on the switch you retard

isn't this already on switch?


>Smash bros for Wii U isn't exclusive

Wait, #FE isn't a Wii U exclusive?
game is total dick anyways so i don't really care

I'm fucking scared to buy any 3DS games now bros

>Buys HWL
>Gets ported to switch
>Buys Dual destinies
>Gets ported to switch
>Buys Planet Robobot
>Gets ported to fucking switch
>Buys smash 3DS
>Gets ported to fucking SWITCH

Is nothing sacred?! I thought this would only happen to Wii-U fags

Friendly reminder to stop replying to console war threads

will we ever get a sequel to Capt Toad?

Well, I guess Wii U owners will always have Barbie's Puppy Rescue...

mario maker shouldnt be crossed off, retard

freeshop & if you like physical collections buy physical copies later.


>When your console is so bad you have to list snoopy and spongebob games

Its a list of every single wii-U game ever released by retail.

Yes, it's that small.


>No Fatal Frame

Again more proof that the Switch is complete garbage.


Did you even try? this is phonetically incorrect. "Yew" and "uh" don't make the same sounds. And you don't pronounce C"uh"ck and C"ooh"ck, it's a different word.

Laziest shitpost ever.

Bayo 1 was always multiplat so the WiiU only lost Bayo 2

First post worst post, in fact it's ok when So(n)y does it but so far it's been nothing complaining about Switch having too many remasters.

I've already had hundreds of hours of fun with these games, why should I be mad that they get ported?

>An 8th gen console is getting 8th gen games
Yes, and? Wii-U was a failed switch. Switch stepped in to take everything from Wii-U and move on with newer titles, without leaving them behind in the dust. The switch is not a new 9th gen console, it's a secondary 8th gen console made primarily to pick up the slack Wii-U left in its wake.

Expect all Wii-U games to be ported in due time, including the third parties.

>Paying 60 dollars for my old library
>When every WiiU owner got it for free or very cheap
>And some of the games control worse without the gamepad
>And with paid online
>And a worse (and more expensive) controller
>All for, again, 60 bucks a pop
The only reason I'm a loser in this situation is because you're sending a clear message to Nintendo that it's ok to be lazy and not release new games, dragging down the potential of The Switch

>Remembers Fatal Frame
>Forgets #FE

>Wii u gamepad
>Better than the switch

Oh I'm laughing. Everything else was on point but man are you deluded.


why is windwaker crossed off the list

>All of these are wii-U exclusives

I bought a lot of the wii u to switch ports last year, I didn't think they'd touch them, I haven't touched them myself so I don't know what to make of all this re-releasing, but it's certainly not a positive feeling.

Don't suppose wii u games will go up in price the older they get, ey?

is this every wii u game there is? that's kinda sad

If anything they'll drop. The console is hacked wide open, and can be done without abandon thanks to the no updates. It's going to be utterly worthless in a few years

Wind waker and Twilight Princess have never been Wii U exclusive

>The shelf on the back you can lay your fingers on and the bumps on the back you can grip
>Resistive>Capacitive touchscreen
>Superior WiiU inputs with a real dpad, better sticks and positioning, etc
>All around sturdier and less likely to scratch
If it was made today at 720p it'd be objectively superior to a Switch

>tfw you didn't buy a Wii U

Thats the point genius. They're crossed out because they aint exclusives.

>And with paid online

It annoys me how people gloat about how successful the switch is, do they not realise they've sealed the fate of every future console having paid onlline?

>tfw you didn't buy a 60 dollar port

Are you kidding me, the thing feels like a leapster pad with big padded handgrips
More like childproof safety for the raging manchild to not throw his gamepad and break it.

Almost all of this is wrong

Jesus. I feel sorry for people that thought wii u was a good console.

Theres nothing wrong about it. Multiplats are crossed out.

It shows everything you need to know about the Nintendo Pisswitch and its Switchlet audience when the actually brag how 99% of their Fisher Price Lego tablet library consists of ports.

Lego City should be crossed off
ZombiU although ported away, is still best on the Wii U. The menu gimmick is done best there. The world is still there and you can try and stare at it while the second screen is taking your attention, much like rummaging through a bag could actually be like.

Smash 4 might as well be Wii U exclusive. Only madmen still play the 3DS game when the Wii U one exists.

You say that, but I've seen physical copies of games for the GameCube go for tons in the pre-owned market, Piracy doesn't necessarily equate to less value.

>Getting this mad
I dont know what to tell you here, the whole detachable controller thing ruined the ergonomics of the Switch's design

The Wii-U is a good console.It's an HD 1080 wii with the entirety of homebrew at its fingertips. It's the Wii-U library that sucks.

That port shouldn't even be counted. They fucked it up so bad.

And it's mostly wrong

But they're not on Switch, why list them at all?

Gamecube is different, it didn't exist in an age where digital distibution was a thing. 5 years from now you'll sitll be able to purchase wii-U digital titles, which means if you can't find a physical copy in a garage sale, it doesn't matter, because its always accesible. The wii-U itself might go up over years after production, but the games will sink like rocks.

WTF, as soon as they announced Tropical Freeze for the Switch my Wii U copy disappeared off of my shelf! Is this happening to anyone else?

Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it isn't a port, It's like when people say BOTW is a switch game.

i don't have a wii U so i play the 3ds one. it's hard as fuck.

Good for you. You can now buy these games for full price, when we all already played them for free

Explain then.

Nothing ever said "only on switch" it says "Wii-U exclusives left" That means exclusive only to the wii-U and nothing else.

>games I played 5 years ago are suddenly devalued because they got ported

Yeah! Except mine ended up in the trash can... weird....

Then why they include them in list to begin with?

Why are Switch, Wii-U, and 3DS fags fighting against each other instead of Sony and Microsoft?

You can't shitpost about them being exclusive anymore, so what the fuck was the point of playing them now? You wasted a portion of your life doing something that didn't contribute to your epeen.

I'm thinking of trading in my Wii U at this point. The only game i'm even slightly interested in at this point is Smash 4 and I haven't played it in like a year.

IT's called comparison you can't be this obtuse.

>Explain then
It. Is. Wrong.

>Why are console warriors retarded?

Age-old question.

>5 years from now you'll sitll be able to purchase wii-U digital titles

You'd think running servers is free money. And yet, Nintendo shut down the Wii's digital purcahse servers when they were more popular than the Wii U's currently are

>For free
You pirated them, which is going to possible on the Switch faster than it happened on Wii U
Enjoy your overpriced Fisher Price toy that doesn't do anything decent a hacked $20 Wii can't do

Where is FE# TMS?

There are no PiiU exclusives because I can play them all on PC. Not like I would actually want to because Im not Soyboy after all, but still its possible.

>tfw still need to play w101 and bayo 2 but want to sell my wii u before it's worthless
>have a cfw on it and I'm not sure if I can remove it


So let me get this straight...
Half your future library is available on a cheaper device with access to piracy, the entire Nintendo back catalog, homebrew, and cheaper copies of the games, all on better controllers (or any controller you want, even a Switch pro, thanks to homebrew)
And somehow you think that your console main backbone being the ability to play all these old games for 60 dollars a piece, eventually, is a victory for you?

Dude what?

>when they were more popular than the Wii U's currently are

But the image also forgets others exclusives like TMS other than deceiving you with the Zeldas. You're really dedicated to defending this poor shitposting attempt, what's the point of this dead horse beating?

What exactly is the problem? Will your games stop working if they are ported on another console?

You might as well cross out Splatoon 1 since it's a dead, abandoned game that has been replaced with 2.

Sell it, W101 is on the way



They're shutting down next year

They're just upset that the Wii U is being cemented as a bad purchase

You're dealing with console warriors, user. Games only have value when you can use them as shitposting ammunition.

>A wii-U is portable

Captain Toad should have never existed.

Nintendo is sending out yakuza death squads to hack to pieces every Wii U left

>Portability is worth paying significantly more for every single video game on the Switch, Nintendo or Multiplat.

So it was a bad purchase because games that came out for it got ported to another console five years later?

Anecdotal complaints from the time. Nobody is actually buying Wii U stuff now. Nintendo mistakenly thinks they're seeing real traffic from WiiU USB Helper

I actually wanted to play Pikmin 3 on cemu but now there is no reason to believe that it won't be ported right before Pikmin 4 appears.

I mean, yeah. If they'd just waited they could have skipped it and got a better system with all the games on the Wii U plus more

My WiiU's games are so good that they're being used as life support for another console, and that somehow means I made a bad purchase?

It is. Sorry you can't fathom why people would leave their houses instead of sitting and getting fat off cheetoes.


>A lot of money

Get a job already.

>new super mario bros: 3+
>new super luigi bros: 7+
is luigi confirmed for being the thinking man's brother?

I thoughts this was about exclusive but there were never were to begin with.

XCX Switch is all I want.

>It is

But Switch loses other features like backwards compatibility and eventually free online, it's not that simple

Why buy any console ever, when there will probably just be an emulator someday? Wait 30 years and you'll probably be able to play any contemporary videogame for free in a browser, just like you can do with NES games. Every video game is a bad purchase.

>A lot of money
You are only buying a single game? Ah shit, I forgot you Soyboys are so starved that even1 game is blessing for you Soyboys.