
I went in blind and platinumed Bloodborne in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before.

I don't know why you millennials are so desperate to play such easy games again?

Pic related.

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>switch getting the worst version
n-nintendo won g-guys!!



MMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, this pasta

>Most cinematic version
>Can alternate between 1080p and OG 720 for that nostalgia

Looks like the best version to me faggot.

What's the very bottom box of the graph say?

can you possibly be this mentally challenged for real?

Is this saying the remasters can summon more dudes?

Yes. I could be you, a person who unironically posts about there being "worst" versions of multiplats

>implying there isn't a worse version of multiplats
How many participation trophies do you have, faggot?

>30 fps isn't worse than 60 fps

up to 6 people just like in dark souls 3, yes


So is it just Dark Souls 1 or is it the whole trilogy?

Just one. The trilogy is PS4 exclusive. Which is pure nonsense by the way. DS doesnt even need a remaster. DeS, yes. but DS? Why?

>7 years old game
y...y..y..yeah bros we did it!!!

>nintenbros comparing a console that can barely run a 8 year old game at 30 fps and a console that can run a 3 year old game at steady 30 fps
What in the world did they mean by this?

4k 60fps without dsfix on pc
possibly reworked lost izalith
working multiplayer

why mods stopped banning this fag?

I've just returned from a ban. Snitch.

Why do people want to play games on this underpowered, overpriced "hybrid", again?

Don't the 60FPS version fuck up some of the mechanics or did they actually fix that?

Because that's an exaggeration and most people don't care about performance enough to dislike 30fps.

>resident Evil revelations
>payday 2
>dark souls
>hyrule warriors
>street fighter II HD remix
>mario kart 8
>even BOTW

So its a literall last gen portstation by Nintendo then?

i missed you

won what exactly

Congrats on worst version

Nintendo fanboys really are absolutely fucking cancerous. Neck yourself, cunt.

>getting this absolutely assblasted over the obvious truth
You've got some problems.

Good one. Hope your next spelunk doesn’t involve fire or you’ll be hitting single digit fps.

>steady 30 fps

Fuck I want a DS1 remaster for PC with updated graphics. Never had the chance to play the original and experience the multiplayer in its prime.

>30 fps


that's literally happening you tard

>reworked lost izalith
The hype is real.

It's coming to Pc, Switch, Xbox1X and PS4

I'm actually really surprised Nintendo was the one to get the hookup on the announcement. Doesn't really mean anything, it's just odd.

Stop talking about this you stupid fucking retarded fuck!

It's a butchered port made to work on the Switch. Do you also think that the Switch got the full version of Skyrim, let alone the newer edition?

Can easily run at 60 on Switch but From and Namco don't give a fuck.

Bloodborn is next, mark my words.

very bottom talks about the dlc

>Nintendofags defending cinematic framerate now
Oh how the mighty have fallen

of course it got the newer edition
the new version ran better than the old version on the same hardware

fucking tech illiterate retards

It was meme made by one faggot who lost agains't a /dsg/ fag but it gave you your jump distance is shorter


That's for DSfix only, brainlet user.

I never said anything about the switch version. user wants a DS1 remaster with updated graphics and prime multiplayer activity which is happening. L.A Noire remaster on switch didn't stop the other versions from looking better, the switch one just looked worse.

Not the same as the PS3/360 version. Can summon more people and will probably have better textures and graphical effects. It's better to stay at a consistent 30 rather than have a wildly fluctuating uncapped framerate.

Wew lad.

>remake of a 2011 game
>PC version already superior

How did Nintendo win?

Ashen One confirmed for next smash?

>experience the multiplayer in its prime.
nope, no more flipping havelmoms and giantdads with electroZweihänder

How is the Switch weaker than an XB1? What the fuck were they thinking? They could have easily made it with similar specs and processing power and still sold it for $300

>sloppy fourths
>w-w-w-we w-w-won guys!!

Found a leaked version of dark souls running on switch

>using Sup Forums lingo outside of Sup Forums

The Dsfix version just makes certain actions take more precise timing and slightly gimp your jumps which unfortunately means you need to switch to 30fps for a couple of the really long jumps

Add Bayonetta 1 and 2 to the list.

gee user, I don't know

Is there a translation of this?

>more cinematic version
Holy fuck, I didn't think you guys existed. I guess I've been proven wrong....


But that would go against his claim because it's also getting Bayo 3

Not an argument.

Friendly Reminder

Dark Souls >>> Bloodborne / Dark Souls 3 >> Demon's Souls >>>> Dark Souls 2

>Can easily run at 60 on the switch

>dark souls has been portable since its release on pc
>d-doesn't count!!!!


So blight town is going to be 5 fps instead of 13 fps now?

>Most cinematic version
Now that's nice maymay

Holy fuck this faggy OP made it look like it was only for the switch. I was so happy I started yelling like a retard in my own house.

Yup, that's right. There are people who don't act like ADHD addled children whenever a cut scene in a game happens.

Thanks. Now I just have to decide if I should get it on Switch for portability or PC for performance...

These people are mentally damaged

>Not doing a Souls 1.5 Ashen Demons HD Remix of both Demon Souls and Dark Souls

>they're claiming the original ran at 30fps

Top kek, I guess the remaster will be running at a solid 50fps with dips to 20 in blightown and crystal cavern.

>putting the word muh infront of what the other person said
Wow great argument, user. Keep it up, proud of you.

These are also the same people ruining Sup Forums.

I'm getting both. It's gonna be $40 so I'm gonna shamelessly double dip

blighttown gonna crash on switch hardware

These people are mentally damaged

60fps blighttown is pretty nice

this is so true

Is your brain the size of a gnat?

This is great news. A handheld version of Dark Souls? That's INSANE. Can't wait.

>2 endings 7 minutes apart
>went in blind

>a fucking 910m
>stronger than anything
Its barely stronger than a x360. The only thing that keeps it afloat is more efficient instructions.

I own a Switch and am considering buying this (prob on my PC though) but I don't see why people want handheld Souls so much, out of all possible games that would be great on a handheld, why Souls? Are you really going to be "in a Souls mood" while on the bus or train?

Ironic coming from the fanbase who talked shit about the PS4 for having games running at 30fps



That's crazy they decide to reveal this on a nintendo direct when it's coming to all platforms

not him but souls is that best friend I can always rely on. If I'm bored and don't feel like playing anything else, Dark Souls is always there for me.

*also on PC*
*also on PS4*
*also on Xbone*

same with the SNK game

most styx fans are faggots

Already confirmed switch will be 30fps. Which means blight town is going to tank just like it did before.

Confirmed for never playing at superior frames on PC.

Sorry but I just mailed From and they said it's 144fps locked confirmed

This and motion controls for the ultimate LARP experience.
Soynyggers don't know what they're missing.