of course, he's a CODfag to boot

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kek does this mean trump plays cod

Sup Forums- some faggot said something on twitter

enemy of the vidya general?

ding dong diddly based!

Sure hope not. Otherwise he loses my vote in 2020.

barron is now in full control


>line: "We've sent 52 F-35s to our allies..."
>misread: "We've sent F-52s (oops, fucked up, just press on) and F-35s to our allies..."

That's all, you fucking autists.

Obama played The Witcher

That's a Russian MiG-35 is this poorly shooped image

How many scoops do the pilots have

Pretty sure he also played Squad. I remember seeing a player with his name in one of the squads I was in, I believe it.


It is possible that this isn't a CoD-based lie and he actually meant to say F-35, since the US did in fact sell those to Norway recently.


he always was

That's not just some faggot, it's the burgers' King Faggot™.

wtf I love Obama now?

And a german leopard. Thats the joke

That seems like a stretch. He was probably trying to lie to his base to make them think the Cod weapon was a real thing that he made.

Trump has been know to make lies like this in the past.

You mean 2024.

wtf i hate obama now

When will this-a fucking orange Russian buffoon for to get impeached?


Elpresador said he used to play Black Ops 1 with Trump. Guess the beast was telling the truth all along.

Trump Supporters: Actually them F-52s does exist I seems them on my cah oh dooty game! Fake news!

>bad at Witcher

Literally how?

Part of me wants to believe that this was just a flub and he meant to say F-35s, but 52 and 35 are really strange numbers to mix up. Also, I find it really hard to believe that Trump plays COD, but I can't really explain how he just so happened to pick a plane model that only exists in that game. This is just weird.

I refuse to believe Trump does ANYTHING accidentaly, I swear he's just fucking around 100% the time like any other faggot shitposting here.

the witcher 1 combat is a weird clicking system

Are they going to skip the 2020 elections?

lol trumpfags btfo'd

How will they ever recover?

But he's only making himself look retarded. There's no angle here.

It was Witcher 2 before the nerf, you underage little shit.

They might as well

>tfw most admired
>tfw still lose to a man with a 6 gorillion disapproval rating
>mfw American polling

And people eat all of it up entirely

Are one of his kids doing a social science report?

45 will be impeached soon, Nazi.

Is that cartoonist dead yet?

Just means he's truly American

But they won't. Are you sure you didn't misread the post?

>imagined image of Trump playing CoD with his son
Based Dad. My Dad used to play war games with me too, and explain in detail things about guns, aircraft, tanks, ships, Nazi beliefs and technology, etc.

Which jet?


I don't get the angle, but whatever. I really don't care.

Anyone with half a brain realized he was just shitposting his way to victory.

>Trump says controversial thing
>Poll numbers go up

Holy fucking shit guys, Trump gets all his political advice from the CoD campaigns.


"If if if if if if if Okie doke" - media doesn't talk shit. Flub isn't even mentioned.

Trump accidentally says F-52 instead of 52 F-35s - entire media roasts him and calls him a call of duty player

Libtard redditor not having an argument. Checks out. EIGHT YEARS SON

>implying that he didn't just walk into walls

He won't be healthy enough to remain in office by 2020, you fucking morons. By 2024 he will more than likely be dead.


Try 12. More if you count Ivankas run with him as advisor

Back to _donald cancer.

B52s. Unless he's really was trying to say F-35 twice.

Barron has been the overlord all along user.

don’t threaten the presidents life you fucking third world street shitter

He was probably thinking of B-52s but mixed the F-35 up with it cause he’s a fucking moron

I dunno. Don't you find it strange that he mixed up the numbers 52 and 35 specifically? And that F-52 just so happens to be a model that only exists in COD?

Maybe he was thinking B-52? That's the only explanation I can think of.

I'm not fucking around.

and it'll probably work with the next election cycle too

He's 71-years-old and still has enough energy to fuck your mother's brains out, play some golf, attend meetings and sign shit, then fuck your mother again before naptime. Health's not a problem.

presidents can only be reelected once, dipshit


You mean Eric.

moar oppai

gb2 COD Donald

>bad at witcher
>bad at spamming quen

They sold 52 F35 planes.

is he gunna pull a 'no russian'?

On fox and friends this morning they did a segment looking back at the history of the B-52s band because it’s the 30th anniversary of the song Love Shack

Donald Trump is now officially vidya.

/ptg/boys, ww@?


Oh, okay.

wtf i love cod now

Politics is like an IRL videogame.

Lol I didn't realize we were having an argument.
Why are you angry?

ofcourse, the amount of fagolas that keep posting articles and twitter caps on this site is miniscule to the absolute media addiction normies have.

trump isn't the president, he's the god-emperor of whitekind

Ohhh. That makes sense. This is a non story.

Is he, dare I say it, /our/guy ?

>look at image
>read the boxes
>says she has a switch
>look at the image again
>she is actually holding a switch
Boobie magic

>like Trump because he pisses off the regressive left
>dislike Trump because he's 200% jew


The B-52 has a payload capacity of 70,000 pounds.
An AIM 120 AMRAAM missile weighs 335 pounds.
A B-52 bomber could be converted into an F-52 fighter by loading it with 208 missiles.
Assuming a 50% hit rate, that means 1 F-52 can theoretically achieve 104 kills in a single flight.
Only a handful of fighter aces have ever achieved more than 20 kills.
Most nations don't even have 100 fighter jets.
Donny is not an idiot, he is an aeronautical genius who will revolutionize the US airforce.

This. Trump never wanted to actually be president but won because the internet likes memes. He still doesn’t wanna be president so he just makes half-assed decisions based on the thoughts of his inner circle. He knows that once he gets out of this mess, it’ll be easy money for his businesses


>no you

A lot of call of duty vechices are based on prototypes. XM8 in call of duty still using the XM name.


Um why did they use a picture of Bones? Did he make this meme? I don't get it.

>mfw real life politics is just a simplified game of Civilization

This is also true.

Didn’t Chris crooker ha a sex change recently?

Just like most anti-Trump stories. They have to come up with a new scandal every other day to keep liberals tuning in and sometimes they REALLY have to stretch to make one.

Another example of this is the fish food throw that ended up being done by the Jap PM first.

>Sup Forums defending cowadooty now
Fuck, I guess I should have moved on like the other oldfags did in 2014.

That could be a CoD slip or just a dyslexic moment honestly.