Sony Defense Force in 3, 2, 1

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The PS4 not playing PS2 and PS3 games were pretty obvious, but not being able to play PS1 games, now that's retarded.

Sony fix your shit

>Not playing PS3 games
Okay, the cell architecture is complex, however they didnt even give a free streaming solution to games you own. you're shit out of luck

>Not playing PS2 games
Nope they've got no excuse here

>Not playing PS1 games
Glad we agree

This is why I keep everuthing, I refuse to get jewed like that.

>not holding onto your old consoles so you don't ever have to worry about backwards compatibility

>backwards compatibility

Literal autism.

Just build an emulation PC and you have every console/handheld you want and more.
>inb4 PCSX2 is b-bad!

It doesn't actually have a cd reader, though the only logical reason for removing it is so they could charge for remasters.

damn sony cucks LITERALLY and unironically BTFO

Why should I have to?

I dont need to archive every Android phone I ever buy to preserve all my apps or preserve every computer I own

Its fine and nice for collectors or purists to preserve old consoles, but it shouldnt be a necessity, especially with modern consoles

I can't wait to pay $40 for shadow of the colossus!!

sony have been giving the middle finger to its userbase from the past two years because the console sells more than the ps2 without the good games. god forbid you if you speak this in the internet though.
same for crossplay and net code. they don't give a shit

Can't blu-ray readers read regular CD's though?

Fucking morons here don't see any problem with owning twenty computers when one computer could run all of the software you've ever bought.

xbox one backcompat is godly

games look and run better, and you can still use xbox one os features

>virtual console
>the same NES and SNES games for 10 dollars
>have to rebuy them every time you buy a new system because 'lol no account system'
Yeah no Nintendo can also go fuck itself with this

Wii to Wii U let you transfer for a fee.

Assuming you bought games for your old consoles, what possible reason could you have for selling them?

>for a fee.
Meanwhile i can access anything i want from PSN or Xbox account for free regardless of the system

The reason why PS4 doesn't have PS1/2 backwards compatibility was because Sony were too cheap to pay the royalties required for CD-ROM support (which is required for the entire PS1 library and some PS2 games like ICO and Contra).

>Extortionate price for PS2 emulation thats barely supported

>Cant even be fucking bothered to emulate PS1

wow sony wow

It's because they want to force their shitty streaming service

Big shame because Xbox has no games anyone would ever want to play again.

>Xbox has no games
What did he mean by this?
Did he mean "no weaboo games for us virgins" such as Persona or Gravity Rush?

>Emulation-based BC that came years later
>Have to patch in support for each individual game
>Release them piecemeal
>Can't even play the games off your disc, still have to download them
>Good job!

No, a good job would have been having backward compatibility in at launch, through hardware, instead of the $150 Kinect camera they tried to shove down our throats.

Xbone's BC is them trying to scramble and do BC at the last minute after they realized people actually cared about it. We could have had Xbone with full 360 BC but we got a 1984 spycam instead.

Anything less than the Wii's full GC backward compatibility or PS2's full PS1 backward compatibility is not a "Good Job" in any way, shape or form. It's a half-asked effort.

Son iggers are delusional

They could have just shoved the PS3's guts in there, its not expensive to produce anymore.

At least they're /doing something/ for backwards compatibility

>Half the list is unreleased
Every time. Why do people post these wikipedia lists of games as if they actually represent the games available right now?

Xbone has 7 exclusive games. This is beyond pathetic, this is beyond laughable.

Lost Odyssey though

We won lol, bend over if you want those old fossils

How is it possible to make backwards compatibility that only works with specific titles? Why are there only twelve Xbox games that work with it?

>xbox doesn't have weeb games so I can masturbate to anime schoolgirls
ftfy, and here's your (you).

no he meant this

All of those pricey remasters that picture lists can be bought for $20 or less.


>strangers wrath
>halo 1
>kung fu chaos
>splinter cell
Unironically kill yourself niggerfaggot

>HURR DURRR no account system XD
Is it 2012 again?

gee let's ask why sony can't even get one game to work...

>Xbone's BC is them trying to scramble and do BC at the last minute after they realized people actually cared about it
Meanwhile, while sony does nothing for bc...

>I-i-its only $20 or less

I have a copy of Ninja Gaiden Black from over 10 fucking years ago that works on the XB1 and natively performs in 4K


Fuck off you whore

Rpcs3 proves that Sony is simply incompetent. Decent developers with cell architecture documentation would be able to get rpcs3 running on the PS4 in no time

How many virtual console titles are available on Switch?

PS4 only has 17, not much better.

Both the SoyStation 4 and Soybox One are garbage.

It only has 7, those other 23 games are likely qualified with "console" or "Microsoft" exclusive.

The problem is that, especially for ps2 and PS3 games, the specs that they play at are usually too poor to enjoy. Pretty much literally everything on both of those systems can't even maintain a stable 30fps

>BC users on Xbone only make a fucking small percentage of users on Xbone
>Xtards still act like Backwards Compatibility is a big deal

Man xbros are laying it on hard sonybros lately. They can't even defend since it has the definitive versions on the one x

Xbox One more like Xbox One Trick Pony

And? Stop deflecting. Both consoles are shit, Xbone being BC with 5% of 360 and XB's games doesn't change that. They should have just made it full-on backward compatible like the Wii or Wii U were, with the actual hardware.
>Defending emulation instead of actual backward compatibility

It's a big deal to me. I exclusively play BC titles and HD ports on mine, since it mostly functions as a 4k Blu Ray player that happens to run halo in split screen

>multiplat that was remastered
>fucking lol
>can play on PC for free and without shit controls
>the worst one that's also available on PC for free without shit controls

Why that game of all games?

Requires a red laser.
PS4 drive has only a blue laser. See pic.
PS3 did this by having 2 laser diodes. One red, one blue. One can read CD/DVD, one can read BRD.
PS4 just has one for the blue laser.

>Xbone has 7 exclusive games. This is beyond pathetic, this is beyond laughable

Yes it only has 7 exclusive games, but that is if you discard games that were also available on X360 or Windows 10.

Can you blame Microsoft for releasing a game to all their platforms? More money to them and it allows less fortunate customers (with no Xbone) to enjoy a Microsoft product. I mean I would still consider a PS4 game to be a Sony exclusive if it was also available on Sony's handheld console

Its not expensive to buy a PS3 either.

I'm sony/PC and I agree. Fat ps3 was the height of sony consoles; it's been a sharp nosedive since then. These days, when I say I'm sony/PC it's because of retro games. I have a kickass CRT that I play PS1/PS2 on, and a PC for everything else.

nigger I watched a DVD on my PS4 yesterday


>praising Microsofts shitty whitelist approach
>no WiiU, the king of back compat
>doesn't even mention the 3DS takes DS carts

Sony are still the worst though

>Using a game console to watch movies on.

Obviously the Switch has a different cart reader than the 3DS, it's not like with optical discs where they can all be universally read

>only 30 exclusives
Quality > quantity

Besides let me ask you this; how many PS4 games do you own, 5? 10? 15? Who cares if a system has 500 exclusives? The best games are always multiplats and we all know this

>>Defending emulation instead of actual backward compatibility
When the game plays better on the new hardware, who the fuck cares?

...because it's connected to the largest TV in my house?

Because the optimal way to play multiplats will always be on PC, so exclusives are pretty much the only reason to own a console. That and portability.

>switch literally is just rereleasing game from past consoles for full price
>somehow this is not mentioned at all
Nintendogaf, everyone.

>optimal way to play multiplats will always be on PC

Sorry didn't mean to reply for That

I couldn't give a fuck about your console war bullshit. I just want to know why I can't play Kotor2 or Jedi Academy on Xbone, when I can somehow play Kotor1 and Ninja Gaiden Black.

oh wait nvm I did
disregard this post I am retarded

It's something to do with the way it's set up. They have to make a really slight alteration to the game for it to work, so they need developers permission and there are also problems with licensing in old sports games and stuff. The only thing stopping all Xbox games from running is basically paperwork

>smug anime face is an argument

also I'm not btw
sorry this is confusing

>the optimal way to play multiplats will always be on PC

What? Didn't you guys get GTA5 like a full year after console release? And I'm pretty sure multiplat games such as Red Dead Redemption aren't even available on PC.

I personally know PC "masterraces" and they only play shooters, moba's and indie 2d games

So far Neo Geo MVS and like 1 Play Choice 10 arcade game

Backwards compatibility is being phased out in general. Why do BC when you can just sell a remaster?


>here let me reply to their post in greentext but attach a smug anime face, that'll get 'em!
ah beat me to it

Then it's not actually backwards compatibility, is it?

Sonyfriend here.

It's bullshit, but PS4 remains the better system so what can you do?

>Ninja Gaiden Black
>Jet Set Radio Future
>Panzer Dragoon Otra
>Otogi 1 and 2

Buy a pc

Yeah the only game that that's actually a problem with right now is Red Dead Redemption, so either lose one game or get the best experience on all the others

It is, really. You can put your old disk in and play the game on xbone for no additional cost

I believe he meant Xbox One games, user.

>I put game in
>It plays (better)

its backwards compatibility or at least a better variant

go away

>implying it isn't.

I have one.

I'm actually not poor so I'm an idort.

he's asking a very good question you dumb fuck frogposter

I'm not sure why other companies don't adopt the same model and principals as MS does. It's a great feature and adds so much more to your library without having to plug up your old system(s).

Hello fellow idort
Shall we have a good laugh at these peasants?


>I put game in
>it doesn't play because it isn't part of the Microsoft's pre-approved list

Because Microsoft have Windows, and a long history of working with backwards compatibility all the way to the 80's

Meanwhile Nintendo just do whatever the fuck theyre doing and Sony is full of shit

I believe the term is "partial backwards compatibility"

Stop putting PlayStation disc in your Xbox?


I use bc very often on my bone. if ps5 doesnt have bc I will just rent one play the exclusives and give everything back. I have enough electro trash at home.

Yeah but it discounts the game as a potential reason for getting an Xbone, which is what console wars are all about