Why does Japan do this?

Why does Japan do this?

Too many newfags here

Why not

Why not?


Because penis.

Why doesn't America do that?

Explain this then

Also penis.

for the same reason hollywood does nonstop reboots and sequels. Marketability.

t. sub 1400000000000 newfag

Rule of cute

>Died to Assassin

I prefer japanese Nero

because we were given broskandar and COOL for male bonding between master and servant

They do it their own historical figures as well, it's not like they're specifically targetting the west, as some people like to imply.

because virgins are very prominent in japan

Why not?

Payback for being nuked twice.

Hey user, if you're gonna fake a filename you could at least use the right amount of digits.

>Japanese King Arthur

Wait, so who's Lancelot and Gwyn then? Does Jap Arthur get cucked like in Arthurian legend?

Do what?
It's accurate since the real King Arthur couldn't swim either, like many from that time.

Isn't it funny how Sup Forums bitches about using colored people in western historical pieces like when BBC casts blacks as white historical figures but doesn't give a shit about japan turning western historical figures into anime girls, it gets the old synapses a firing.

Because Japan is creatively bankrupt.

If the west did it, you'd flip your shit.

One of the oldest images I ever saved here

what is the problem?i actually like the female arthur,the legendary one can go suck a big one.

Are you gay?
What isn't good about that?

What route is this image on?

>king arthur
no it isn't
and that stupid meme and the advertisements for it is what made me play it and it has nothing to do with historical figures.

They think it's WACKY XD or are appealing to obsessives for money

Because Sup Forums are cockroaches and every time it's brought up, they turn it into some pseudo-political cultural conditioning bullshit, rather than just an unrealistic representation of a historical figure, much like most representations of said historical figures in fiction anyways.

t. fgo baby

Butt poking out of water is one of my fetishes

>Japanese King Arthur

No, seriously, what route?

I just wanted a bunch of historical figures fighting for the holy grail like was promised.
It's not even about that at all.

This definitely needs a nostalgia rewatch.

>being this assblasted
lmao, I'm so glad I'm not a nigger who constantly thinks about race 24/7

Because it makes my dick hard, they know what's good

Why make these threads? Nothing comes from them, nothing good for human consumption.
Want to know why Japan do this? Fuck you, that's why.
Tell me why you make these threads you shit.


>Does Jap Arthur get cucked like in Arthurian legend?
Yes, Arthur still gets cucked by Lancelot. Then Lancelot goes insane because he regrets it so much but Arthur refuses to even acknowledge his misbehavior and punish him for it.


Nah, you only have to be a leftist to think of race 24/7. Black's just happen to generally be leftists.

one is done to push a political narrative, the other is done because it makes dicks happy


As long as they do it to themselves as well, I don't see the problem.

i'm not surprised by this, it's expected of a tard such as yourself

Dunno but i like the one that jsut wears a little bit of samurai armor shit

post her irl version for comparison


stop spamming this shitty picture you cuck. At least use something better

Alright, I can somehow understand why JoJo is here but putting Fist of the North Star on this list stupid.
Ironic weebs don't watch classics.

why are all japanese women in animes drawn like white women


Because those aren't Japanese people

Because Japs want them to look attractive.

Fate/Hollow Ataraxia
Learn 2 Fate right

seems they took some liberties

The anime one isn't to be taken seriously, it's for fun. Black washing historical figures for the sake of propaganda is bad, nigger.

I miss SHD art

any good guide to get into fate?
it doesn't feel right to use the meme without reading the source material

I want to fuck the king and her son at the same time. I want Arturia to use me to teach her son how to please a man. I want my dick between the king’s breasts as she and her son practice performing oral on me. I want the king to kiss feed her son semen and teach her to swallow. I want the king to ride my dick like a horse and I want her son’s vagina on my mouth. I want to cum inside the king as I eat out the king’s son. I want the king to part her son's legs and show me her vagina. I want Mordred to scream for her daddy as I pound her. I want to fill her with just as much cum as I filled her father. I want enjoy Arthurian-style oyakodon.


Did you not see how they chimped out over H&M having a black kid wear a hoodie that said "World's Greatest Monkey"

No but they use the memes from them. Omae wa shinderu and the thousand punch shout

Your brain is rotten. Take a break.

They're not. They caricatures. Are your eyes a big as hers? Is you head as big as hers?

>tfw I only saved Demon's Souls OC when moving to a new comp and never moved my even older files

Just dont. It requires you to play a bunch of 60+ hour visual novels and their spinoffs and then watch bad anime shows and their spinoffs and alternate reality versions before you get to the actual good anime and even then it's just meh waifu/edgelord anime. Just jump in wherever you like.

Anime is dead serious, pal. Get off this website.

so did Zero no Tsukaima ever truly end or is it stuck in the same hell as hundreds of other light novel adaptations?


>what is Sup Forums

Don't bully her, she's too stupid to understand what peepees are.

Production order.

Shut the fuck up nigger.


you white nationalists are the dumbest motherfuckers around

this is just fucking bait at this point.

This is one of the oldest I have saved on my PC. Saved it during the '08 election and I recently rediscovered an old cache of Sup Forums images from my old photobucket account that I forgot I had.

It's just some butthurt retard trying too hard.

No that would be nogs


OP's image is literally supposed to be a British woman.

I'm not even white or a nationalist. I just want you to shut the fuck up.

I want to play this game too

Shit, I have a dropbox folder still on my computer with old Sup Forums pics. Damn this humor ages badly. I remember finding rage comics hilarious.

Watch Fate/Zero and then stop. Everything else in the series is 100% wasted potential.

The LN got finished Yamaguchi by a different author using Yamaguchi's notes but I doubt it will ever be adapted so pretty much yeah

That's not what statistics say.

After Yamaguchi died*

>Damn this humor ages badly.
Some of it, maybe, but certainly not all of it.

Why do black people sperg out when talking about anime all the time? You can see this when someone points out how an anime character has white characteristics and they go on tirade of why that isn't true.


this is my favorite pic right now

Because there's not an agenda being pushed by the japs. They just want more cute girls

don't worry his time will come soon

Both of these women are from England you fucking mongoloid