Games that would be better if made by different devs

Oh yeah the lack of lootboxes detracts heavily from the game.

splatoon 2 is great though. who do you think should've made it?

>splatoon with mouse in keyboard

Unless its made by some wacky Japanese dev who isnt afraid to lewd the squids, i am not interested

The only thing that could be better is the controls with M&K support and a better singleplayer. Otherwise I could only think of ways other developers would fuck it up.

All they need to do is Make salmon runs constantly available

>cover system
>sjw faces
>no cuteness
>self serious
>press x to sidle
>press y to perform execution
>stick aiming only
>aim assist
>idol is a self professed male to female tranny
>other is a slay queen slay strong independent black womyn
need i go on

Give me one, ONE good reason why the maps aren't just random and cycling all of them all the time. Why make it so you have to play hours at a time with only 2 maps to see.

that would be fucking tight

This is what I wanna know too. Ive had game for few days and I think Ive played 3 or 4 different stages and in each session, its mostly 2 stages

Siege deserved better.

Patch notes are baffling
Basic shit like matchmaking is still a mess
Netcode issues
New operators are all over the place balance wise
Maps removed
Operator bios start looking like sonic fanfic

The initial devs did the best they could but it was a small team.
Think they would of made a CS successor if they didn't fumble it so bad.

Should've been made by Blizzard, desu

Play more than one mode.
Allows you to choose your weapon based on maps. Certain weapons work better on certain maps.

Why do adults like this? It's a toddler shooter. It's like Mario rabbids. It's xcom except it has unfunny rabbids characters for 5 year Olds.

Please don't post my wife ever again.

I dont think ive seen another game like siege before. idk what company would make this and have i last like ubisoft did


There are 6 maps on at any given time. But it's mostly so you get acquainted with the other maps so you're not just playing the same map over and over again. You can just grab some friends if you want to select maps.

Because they aren't children, and therefore aren't insecure about being seen as "grown-up". You might understand in a few years.

I really like Splatoon, but can someone explain to me the design choice behind rotating maps and Salmon Run only being at certain times?

Why did you even bother to reply to him?

Yeah Siege is some kind of miracle that even Ubisoft couldn't stop. I wouldn't want to fuck it up by changing any element of its past. Game's not perfect and Ubi does stupid shit to it every season but somehow everything works out by the end of the season and the game keeps growing and growing.

Splatoon had too many sexualized lolis

keeps the modes fresh by only having them open at certain times
if all modes were open all the time, people will naturally gravitate to the one that's most populated, leaving the rest ignored and underfilled
look at call of duty's matchmaking, especially for the older/obsolete titles. people only play team deathmatch and ffa while every other mode has a quarter of the players

this image makes me fear the future

Oh fuck.

>how to ruin a game in 1 easy step