User, that’s... *giggles* that’s really small!

user, that’s... *giggles* that’s really small!

It gets scared around the worst sonic girls

t. Amy

I can only sustain an erection when exposed to fresh sonic memes please help

Has this actually happened to anyone here? Feels like it would break a man

Has happened to me, but luckily nobody else other than the girl who laughed at me knew about it so I didn’t feel as depressed as I probably should have been. That girl ended up dying from drug overdose years later anyway.



that's a mirror pointed at your titties, cat

Boys don't usually have titties.

Anons how do I get my small penis humiliated?

Did you know forced fornication is also known as rape? Did you also know that you can't spell that without cat?


Compared to a human, Blaze is pretty short. Considering this, your dick would be quite large to her.

Be smart, anons, date short girls

Flash it in front of some roasties

>cursing your off-spring with manlet genes
>genes mostly inherited by the mother
What a cruel person you are.

She wouldn't even react if the dick isn't barbed

>perfectly average
that means it it was one millimeter smaller then it would be below-average

>wanting children

Not a fucking chance in hell, especially with the way the US is right now

Alright, you got me. You know what, let's go for some chocolate pudding shall we?

you're under arrest

As long as my dick isn't tiny I'm happy

>That girl ended up dying from drug overdose years later anyway.

nothing better than when a roastie ends up toastie

I gotta 6.5 inch dick, no idea about the girth but it's not that huge
How fucked am I anons

It's like carrying a real doll around. lol

Not so fast, lanklet! HIYAAAAH

Not as small as those tits

Ah, but you see that turns me on, itty bitty kitty titty

I was about to say the same about your chest, board.

You are literally flat and small, just like Sol emeralds

No bullying allowed!

>No bullying
>The cat that just bullied us

Sound logic.

It's only okay when girls do it, you misogynist!

>literally flat

Best sanic girl.

How can anyone find this sexy in any way? I don't understand this fetish. Is this one of those weird fetishes that Looney Toons gave to kids?


Sure she's flat, but how's her backside?