What went wrong, Sup Forums?
What went wrong, Sup Forums?
Nothing. Its a great game that went to a great direction from your typical 3rd person action shoot em' up.
Bad final boss and lack of monster types.
Other then that it was fantastic my love for it grows the more I think of it and the DLC was brilliant.
not enough Joe
Shitty enemies, boring story, a few terrible parts, but I think the major issue is the fact that hard mode wasn't pushed more as being the actual way to play since it removes or dampens my issues with the game. Even worse since they locked it behind a damn pre-order to you have to play though the shitty normal mode first.
Overall pretty mediocre compared to the classics, but still a fairly enjoyable game.
I rather liked the story. It was the first time in ages that I cared what was going to happen.
Plus I think the monsters are pretty scary. the problem is that there are not enouth types.
>intro and ending appeal too much to streamers and normies
>way too short
>enemy variety not that good
>Not A Hero should have been in the main game with Ethan
>bonus modes are behind a paywall
REngine and leaning towards traditional RE is all that's important and makes RE7 at least an 8/10.
Game could have use a couple more Molded model variations. other than that I really dug it.
OP's taste.
I agree with everything but the length part.
I think the games perfect for its length. like the classics.
Plus the Madhouse adds onto the games length in my eyes.
>>intro and ending appeal too much to streamers and normies
What the fuck does this even mean?
Well none of the games have particularly engaging story to be fair, it's mostly been about the characters, but too me it just felt a bit generic, like it could just as well have been Outlast 4 or something. Resident Evil have to me never really been scary, but I do enjoy that wonky mixture between the gruesome content and the more silly Japanese aspects and it just keeps me engaged more I suppose, and the dad was pretty much the only character that was interesting.
The monsters I just hated through and through. There wasn't a single aspect about them I enjoyed or found in any way scary.
>intro and ending appeal too much to streamers and normies
Oh yeah, can't believe I forgot about that. The intro is pure bullshit, I genuinely stopped playing the game for like 4 months because I hated the walking sim intro so much and thought this was it.
No zombies.
>Wanting zombies
The ending was clearly rushed and all the DLC ended up being kind of bad and pointless (okay, Swamp Puncher was fun). Other than that, they did a pretty good job and I have high expectations for 8 now.
>not enough Zoe
>no canon Zoe route
>you don't get to play the ship level as Zoe if you pick her
Also, was it just me or did they alter Zoe's face in EoZ to make her prettier?
They definitely did something to the model but it's hard to see what with all the anime covering her.
I think they molded her to look more animeish.
She straight up looks like a JRPJ princess.
End of Joe was one of the best DLCs I've ever played
End of Zoe I meant.
>End of Joe
Joe Never Ends.
Playing End of Zoe right now fuck these time challenges so much! fighting Jack in a limited time on Joe must die mode is fucking impossible.
>appeal too much to streamers and normies
That line was crossed at 4 buddy don't know what to tell you if you've been here since then.
It's certainly helped by the longer hair, but they also changed things in her mouth and jawline.
I kind of like the result, but it also bothered me a bit when I wasn't sure if it was intentional and what was the point of it.
>no pre-rendered backgrounds
>no tank controls
>no cute girls
>no incredibly soothing yet haunting atmospheric save room music
Just give me RE2 remake already
>all the DLC ended up being kind of bad and pointless
What? The DLC was great. Some of the best content the game offered. The only bad thing was that it came out so late after release.
its not RE4
I finished it last night, it was good.
Which DLCs are worth playing?
Literally nothing. The mainline games were a sinking ship prior to its release and it's a genuinely frightening and enjoyable horror game.
NoH is mediocre but it's free so you're only hurting yourself not playing it.
EoZ was genuinely good.
The gameplay. RE7 has the worst gameplay out of all mainline RE games. Also unskippable cutscenes can go suck a dick, that intro is awful.
>No cute girls
The two big ones, I guess. Plus Daughters and Nightmare.
Not a Hero is pretty fucking short, but at least it's free. End of Zoe is much better, kinda longer and has a fine gameplay twist, much better than Chris' boulder punch in Not a Hero.
Daughters is the only story-relevant Banned Footage tape, and Nightmare is kind of a Mercenaries-like survival mode that comes with an additional difficulty.
The intro is fantastic first playthrough but it does make multiple playthroughs a bit of a slog. Still went through it four times though.
Really? I thought RE7s combat and gameplay was really good. it felt good blowing up a monsters head and the gun play felt natural and shooting doisn't make you feel like an FPS guy but like a normal dude who's never used a gun before.
Yet they still make it fun to play.
The beginning of the game is some quality shit, mr baker being the highlight. It looses steam very fast once you get out of the mansion. Meh not a bad game.
End of Zoe is legit the best DLC I have ever played for a game.
It alone is better then RE5 and 6 combined.
That awfull taste
>Not loving the RE7 save theme
>no incredibly soothing yet haunting atmospheric save room music
flat out wrong.
>the theme that plays when you get the Gauntlet and start one-shotting everything
>"Ready for use"
Everything after the first hour of the game. It started so good and then it became crap so quickly.
I'm 99 sure the VR is the reason for this.
It's not bad and it fits but I still like these so much more
>Hey Jack! you remember that time I broke your nose when we wus kids?
>Your a wimp Jack! you could never beat me!
Your last link is fucked.
I know, sorry
Everything. It's the DOOM 2016 of its series; praised by underaged nufags, dividing the already split fanbase more.
Been playing it for the last several hours. On a scale from 'shit' to 'fantastic', I'd rate it somewhere between 'alright' and 'pretty good'. I'm glad they went in a different direction, but it has a lot of flaws that add up to make me feel disappointed by it.
>I hate thing's that are new.
Desperate attempt to ride on the coattails of Amnesia and Outlast.
Pic related, it's the head of the Capcom business management when he saw Pewdiepie play walking sims and getting "the clicks".
>inb4 buttblasted Outlast Evii fanbois
How is it like Outlast?
>I hate reading comprehension
Imagine being this much of a jaded fucking loser.
How is anything I said wrong?
I'm assuming he's talking about the bits where stealth around the house to avoid the Bakers. Of course, the major difference being that you can actually fight the fuck back because the game has actual combat and that's why RE7 > Outlast.
Your also forgetting that this only happens twice in the game while almost the entire game is about killing monsters and bosses.
Nothing. I went in expecting a shitty hide and seek amnesia clone but got a genuine survival horror. The molded were pretty shit but other than that I really enjoyed it. I finished end of Zoe about half an hour ago.
I loved playing the demo, seemed like the direction of P.T. Then it came out and watched a playthrough by a good, enjoyable streamer and... Don't know, survival horror did not last too long
>some Outlast Evii fanboi took the time to make this before crying himself to sleep
lol soyboi
It means what faggot and autistic mean: Nothing
It wasn't bad. I preferred it over Alien Isolation. And it was much better than stuff like Outlast and Soma.
wtf are you talking about? P.T is not a survival horror game its just a horror game.
Unlike 7 there was no form of survival like ammo and health management in P.T
>actually thinking REVII is like Outlast
Quickest way to tell if someone hasn't played it
>actually thinking REVII is like Resident Evil
Quickest way to tell if someone hasn't played them
You sound like such a faggot
Let me guess
>muh Old characters and shitty storyline.
>muh fixed cameras.
>genuine survival horror
>RE2 levels of ammo fucking everywhere and even a item that allows you to find items
>still has a large focus on combat scenarios
>genuine survival horror
>fun game with lots of replayability
>constant updates
>fun dlc
uhhhh what do you mean what went wrong?
>>muh fixed cameras.
He can't even say that because 4 5 and 6 exist.
Stop ending your greentexts in period, save it for the regular sentences.
It kinda makes it easy to spot your samefag shilling.
So RE2 and RE3 arn't survival horror games anymore?
RE3 and Code Veronica are borderline action games. Don't let that babby tier nostalgia tell you otherwise.
About as much action as RE7.
What the hell is your point?
You might as well say SH is an action series since that gives you a fuck ton of ammo.
Your wording makes your samefagging extremely obvious.
Comprehend, spic pajeet?
Show me who I'm samefagging.
Did you even read what I wrote? :D
it tried to rip off both texas chainsaw massacre and outlast at the same time instead of just being a god damn resident evil game
I find RE7's gameplay decent. But I 100% think it can't support itself without a gimmick being thrown in. Not A Hero shows this really well, as that's just pure gameplay and it's kinda meh in the end. Then there's the other things: like how I don't think the item management was done too well (too much bloat) compared to the classics, too many guns compared to too little enemies and enemy types (the balancing really), how cramped all the areas were, and the general pacing of the game.
I feel RE7 is closer to RE4/5/6 rather than the classics (or at least RE1) in terms of how it presents it's gamplay. Yesterday I actually replayed OG RE1, and you can tell that the entire game is built around exploration and item management, not about killing enemies. You can completely avoid 99% of enemies in RE1 (bar a couple of bosses).
RE7 forces you to kill enemies. Trying to avoid most enemies in RE7 feels like you're brute forcing a tactic that the game wasn't built around, and this becomes more apparent the further you get into the game. Running past enemies in RE7 feels more like running past enemies in RE4 than RE1. It's something you can do, but it's not how the game is intended to be played. And you can easily see how the designers want you to play RE7 from the boss fights. The fights are structured like RE4/5/6 with ammo scattered everywhere, it's treated like an action game. Whereas the classics treat boss fights as a test to see if you didn't waste all your items on trash enemies, it's a test of your exploration and item management skills.
I think RE7 is a weaker mainline title personally, because the designers didn't actually know how to design a classic RE and ended up designing an action game with a horror/classic RE skin. But then RE4/5/6 do action better (6 fails on absolutely everything else though). I do feel RE7 has potential, it's the closest we've gotten to a classic RE in years, but at the moment, it's only a gotten as far as a skin.
Yeah I don't understand what the hell you are talking about.
The intro would be fine for me (first time through anyway) if it wasn't an RE game. Mainline RE has a good habit of starting pretty damn fast, bar RE6. It's a shame that the series is losing the fast start, I don't think people appreciated it enough. On repeat playthroughs, RE7's intro is straight up awful no matter the context. But even then, you can't skip any cutscenes in RE7, luckily they don't last for too long past the intro though.
Not enough emphasis on the family. Jack was the best part of the game and he got taken out halfway through the game. The ship section went on for too long and the mine section was the worst part of the game.
Even then, the game was still incredible and I hope 8 takes the same approach.
fuckin this
it was a little rushed since it was all new, and so it was lacking in content in some areas (like enemy variety and level variety, also the final boss felt like a placeholder for some real final boss)
Other than that not much went wrong.
tl;dr Tries too hard to appease multiple styles of games, and achieves being good at none of them. All the while the fans it should be catering to are left wanting.
-First mistake, first person. Only offshoot games in the series have ever been First person. It does not work for mainline games no matter what nu-fans or marketers pretending to be old ones say. See my final point.
-second mistake, scripted events. If I need to say anything more you're part of the problem
-third mistake, trying too hard to be the original resident evil while not actually being it, making the game a cocktease. Instead this game comes off like a outlast clone, the comparison Capcom's paid marketers hate having to deal with but its the truth. If it wasn't trying to be like it, the comparison wouldn't exist.
It would have saved itself all the comparisons in the world if it simply wasn't a resident evil title, it should have been a spinoff title or new series. If it did that it would have gotten more critical fan praise, instead the only thing it did was sell to normies and hopeful old fans like me who got burned.
before ppl try to deny the marketing, pic related has come here multiple times for many different companies.
How is like Outlast when you only stealth twice in the entire game.
The one time with Jack and the optional Mia tape are the only parts where you have to stealth.
How do the two short ass moments that last no longer then 10 minutes make the game like Outlast?
No one ever explains this shit.
Also no there is nothing wrong with it being first person and the scripted moments are only annoying in the start while the rest are super quick and last like 10 seconds.
Play the new DLC
He said Joe not Jack.
You didn't play the game. You don't even fucking get weapons in Outlast. The game is also more of a "god damn resident evil game" than whatever the fuck 6 was, with the inventory system, layout of the Baker mansion and puzzles.