Female warriors

>female warriors
Are there any games that respect basic biological and historical reality?

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I dunno. Isn't snuff/rape kinda illegal?

>heavy black eye liner
shit gets me so hard.

Lagertha a CUTE

>no helmets
>historical reality

>Ragnar's ex and her troop of hoes go on a super secret mission to flank the French led by Rolaf
>They get fucking destroyed by Rolaf using proper tactics and the terrain to his advantage

I liked this show. I should catch up with it

>Blocks your path

female warriors are fine if the game isn't trying to be super realistic desu. Its still stupid and unrealistic, but so long as the game isn't saying "THIS WAS THE NORM IN PRE-INDUSTRIAL SOCIETIES" then its fine
I'm a little annoyed that they're putting them into mordheim, since the game is supposed to be all historical and stuff, but what can you do

Brytenwalda, the mod for Warband, did a good job depicting Pictish warrior women.

were you dropped on your head as an infant


Almost as good as men, and you don't have to pay them real money

>female warriors are fine if the game isn't trying to be super realistic desu
How can you take characters seriously when their basic characteristics are unbelievable/pure fantasy.

If you can't write properly gendered characters don't write at all or you're some kind of agenda pushing tranny.

>basic biological and historical reality?
*uses my dragon voice to blow you off a cliff*

It was okay, cuz I was wearing a helmet.

Unlike the fuckwits who write these History TV shows.

>oh I get it, it's a game about dragons and elves, but god fucking forbid I pull out an iphone

CoD ww2

Games are fantasy user, there's no reason to care about that.

Women can fight just as good as men given the same training.

I agree, so long as the game doesn't purport to be historically grounded.

>not having a fetish for girls in armor
My soyboy detector is pinging


as long as the fighting is the sort that requires no physical attributes, yes

eh, I like it but maybe you shouldn't. In the last episode I shit you not - during a viking civil war a group of female viking ninjas ambushed some flankers in the woods. They were wearing camo paint, ninja headscarfs and using blowguns.

>soyboy series idolizing woman

not even once mang.


women are fucking pissed in all sports including MMA because of trans fighters.


>Are there any games that respect basic biological and historical reality?
Very few if we go by your logic considering that nintendo's mascot is a 5 foot tall "plumber" who can breathe in space, jump hundreds of feet into the air, throw fucking fire balls, tank star level attacks, etc.

>please take video game writing seriously
>it's just fantasy dude

pick one.

>wanting women crossdressing and being masculine

suppose that's why you talk of soy so much, you need your butch hag of a woman to be the strong one in the relationship.

>woman screams in agony
How am I supposed to play such a game and fap at the same time?

>uh i like-a da strong womyn it's not gay if my gf pegs me right xD

trans athletes*

Or mental.

Just started watching this. Why do all of the main characters keep trying to get other men to fuck their wives while they watch?

>having a lizard breathe fire from its lungs/throat
>suspend disbelief

>twig armed woman holds a strung 100 lb bow for 15 seconds


This is also a fine statement to make. I'm pretty sure nobody outside of Paradox and Games Workshop make this sort of claim, at least in terms of large developers

Where did this spheal of Women HAVE to be equal even come from? Women are too genetically emotional ,shorter, weaker, not rational thinkers, easily gullible and way too nurturing while men are larger, stronger, more rational thinking and agressive in order to defend the group.


You somehow clicked The Flash instead of Vikings.

please take the writing seriously if you're making a historically grounded game. Otherwise I don't really care
No again.

I want to know the exact temperature of the flames Smaug expelled in the Hobbit when he got angry at Dildo Baggins. Obviously biology isn't supposed to work that way... Otherwise Tolkien is a hack


They're scandinavian.

>Entire character design and development
>thermodynamic oversight

I wonder which one is more relevant to writing?

Those unmarried old hags really did a number on our people. Women are not mentally fit to handle the troubles of war, Ingenuity, political governing or even basic construction work.

>I liked this show. I should catch up with it
No you shouldnt, the quality has fallen off a cliff. I can barely make it through an episode without turning it off.

Fantasy games can also have grounded characters. In fact it's the difference between trash fiction and great classics.

So would you just put anything in fiction?It doesn't need a purpose?Would you have an entire movie be flashing lights, and call it the war between the light people?People who prefer fiction with men as warriors and leaders prefer that because it resonates with them.Like gods aren't real, but a painting depicting the sun as a living creature that brings life is better to me than a story where everything is the pretty much the same but humans are replaced with floating keyboards because someone thinks keyboards are cool living keyboards is a wacky idea, and they want to be silly.

>lizard/dragon/human biology
>entire character design and development
pick 1

>projecting your fetish onto others


historical reality is sexist you fucking nazi

Norse shield maidens were a real thing. It's just that they weren't nearly as prominent as the show would have you believe. There's been several examples of female warriors throughout history too. Again though, it was a rarity.

Shit nigga I don't know. What men are you aware of that can shoot energy beams out of their hands? You still play weeb shit though.

I thought the one with the affro was the man because he's way more manlier.

>there are people that have put their wiener into katheryn winnick
>you aren't and never will be one of them

>So would you just put anything in fiction?
Apparently that's what Bethesda thought when it allowed speshul-snowflek protagonists to break the game's established laws of physics with dragon shouts.

Bitch at them, not me.

>only desiring fragile ditzes who can't resist you makes you a chad
>not going after the girl who will give you strong children

>Fantasy races means fantasy humanity
The point of great fantasy is to write humanity in a folkloric world.

If I were a leader of the a country, I would only draft hot women into the military just to see what happens.

Men who think women fighters are hot, retard.

The irony in you using some weeb shit reaction image is huge.

Because they were so progressive, they let their wives fuck who ever they like, they have lesbian queens, and armies full of women

>woMEN can't fight bcuz muh biology seez so MEN r naturally stronger n smarter bcus that's what ithe report i read on Sup Forums and mgtow said, MALES r superior to woMEN n dey shoul just stay in teh kitchen n cook for suprrior MEN like ME(n)

Kebab apparently doesn't get his virgins if killed by a woman.

NATO intervention to your sexist regime

>draft hot women
>send them into battle
>they all get captured and raped
>whine at the UN to prosecute your enemies for massive war crimes
it would work if the UN was actually capable of doing anything desu

>Pictish warrior women.

you know thats a Victorian myth right?

I can't believe people fell for this.

No they can't, and even if they did you have shit like pic related to deal with.

>thats what the report on Sup Forums said
not even a Sup Forumstard but thats also what the marine corps force integration plan said, and it cited a bunch of previous studies.
Not even saying that women aren't fit for combat, but men's bodies are naturally better for it, thats just how biology works.

I'm cool with fiction races have female warriors / leaders and stuff. Say like TES, female Nords or Orcs are fine because they are fantasy races and built much larger than normal human beans.

>The point of great fantasy is to write humanity in a folkloric world.
That's categorically false when science fiction often doesn't even involve humanity.
And then you're writing off all sorts of our myths that don't have human characters at all, like many tales about Greek or Norse gods. Or even children's fantasy tales like the Three Little Pigs.

Humanity is not a necessary component of fantasy. Furthermore an accurate depiction of humanity isn't even a requirement. Cyberpunk is a subset of science fiction which is a subset of fantasy, yet I don't see any of your niggers bitching about absolutely unplausible body modifications and brainstem hacking.

Apparently giving women 30% more arm muscle mass for the purposes of a game world is way too unacceptable though.

>And these are supposed to be the descendants of the Aryan demigods who built muh huwite Yurpeen civilization.

As much as Varg and his doting incel fanboys shit on Christianity and nonwhites (read: brown-eyed people), their race is historically the most cucked. Look at Scandinavia today.

>also dis repor made by some random nobody and de MUH-REEN COOR who are known worldwide by their incredible amounts of intelligence sez so so woMEN in videogamez shoul just be WHORES n WENCHES for the MALE main characters
fucking hilarious

>being deep in denial
>actually believing women can beat healthy men
on how many layers of soy are you right now?

Stop dancing around it and just say "I don't like women in anything because they won't fuck me" and get it over with.

Are there any game where picking women is the hard mode?

nigga do you unironically believe they played for real?
I don't think the main team even played, bet the reserves did

>man I really hate when games don't simulate biologys/cience 1:1 in real life
>boots up World of Warcraft 10 minutes later, riding pig mounts, slaying fire breathing lizards, and traverses an environment with rapid ridiculous biome changes that don't follow our Hadley cells, rain shadows, or latitude/tropics

>tfw saw firsthand how useless women are in the military during conscription

Mount and Blade warband

>Incel faggots screaming at women being in anything because they're ugly, awkward and will die alone or take it in the ass.

I'll be enjoying my heavy eyeliner viking sluts thanks.

>wanting strength to go through mDNA instead of the Y chromosome
user . . .

In general, yeah. Most Sup Forums men? Probably not since they're only skinny fucks who couldnt even rip a sheath of paper or obese lardasses that could only win if they dropped their full weight on a woman. There is no in between.

>I want enough fantasy for super female warriors who are straight out of a saloon, but strong and independent and need no man
>But they gotta be super realistic and be covered from head to foot in historically accurate armor


>Implying athletes preparing for the world stage are going to try hard in a meaningless game against 15-year-olds

>I literally have no arguments, the post
The studies cited were all made by people unaffiliated with the marine corps, you silly nigger. The actual marine corps study just confirmed those beliefs.
>random nobody
Everyone in the scientific community is a "random nobody" to you.

Why are you pretending in-world explanations for fantastic elelments do not exist?
I mean women fighting could be explained in a cyberpunk world because mechanical muscles are equally strong so augmented women are as strong as augmented men and you could use brain implants to cover the rest.

>That's categorically false when science fiction often doesn't even involve humanity.
Alien science fiction is pure shit and not being able to factor the more complicated aspects of human condition is why it was seen as a garbage genre when the West was still literate.

Unless you're that one French author but he wasn't really writing science fiction in the way we picture it today.

I don't care anymore really, I've solved this issue entirely. Just don't play games that seem stupid. I think social politics and stuff is at a point where you can just blatantly ignore something simply for existing.

""""scientific community""""
man you are a one man comedy show

imagine this - you have all the chubby ass nerds that are forced in and they still outperform the highly motivated women who enter voluntarily

is this picture a joke?

look at this smelly roastie

Go back to /lit/ you fucking retard.

Shut the fuck up, the world has literally never been as literate as it is today.

not in video games or movies.

I mean, there's /fit/ but I'm pretty sure they're all manlets considering every thread falls into a height related thread so I'm not sure it counts for that much.

and you're a fucking poorfag who probably rents furniture, what else is new

>national team defeated by regional U-15
I don't think it has ever happened to a male team in the history of mankind.

>genuinely believing female strength is comparable to men
This has to be trolling. Even hipsters will recognize biological differences it if you push them enough.

The problem I have with girls in armor is they usually turn into a bog-standard girly girl when you take the armor off to bang them in whatever shitty RPG you're playing. I don't want that. I want a bro that happens to have tits, but the games that have strong female warriors these days never make them that. They're either annoyingly macho or obnoxiously feminine.