Why has there never been an open world HD Pokémon game? Its such a waste of potential

Why has there never been an open world HD Pokémon game? Its such a waste of potential.

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Same reason why Go's gameplay has to suck: Their mere existence would cripple their generational handheld series, which are far easier/cheaper to make and each rake in the same godloads of money.

Games going open world is literally what everyone on this fucking board bitches about.

Main gameplay element is turn battles, open world element won't add shit to that and would only dimish the core of the game.

Meant to quote OP

Traditional Pokemon has always been open world though (granted much of it being gated) so it's a natural evolution. Imagine if Final Fantasy never went beyond the scope of FF2.

I meant a game without linear story constraints, where you could challenge the champion right at the start (without standing a chance, of course)

Worked for Zelda. At least that's the general opinion.

Imagine having to make HD high polygon 3D models for all 800+ pokemon. The only reason they can do it on handheld is because they port previous generations models, only remaking their oldest and most outdated so the clash of artstyle is noticeable, but not severe.

It's not going to happen.

Seeing as Gamefreak hasn't produced a good Pokemon game in 5 years, I don't want them to even try.

They already did this in gen 6. The polycount on the models is way above what's healthy on 3DS because their designed for the future. That's why the framerate gets fucked in double battles on the 3DS. If they did a simple cartoony artstyle those models would fit in fine on a console. And it would age better than more realistic graphics.

Nintendo is about franchise loyalty, not impressive visuials and HD graphics.

Pokemon XD kinda does it.

Pokémon Switch is pretty much guaranteed to step up its game, since they've done it with Zelda.

This, they already did remake of all models on gen 6, they will be using those for at least 5+ generations.

>its open world but gated
then its not open world fag

Nah, developers said not to expect much from the switch game, like, they know how shitty they are and how they aren't going to improve shit with the first switch game they make.
Expect UltraSuMo Remaster at much.

There can be degrees of openness.

Do you really want GF as they are now to make a Pokémon game that fell for the biggest meme in the industry right now? Especially considering they haven't made a good game since B2W2

Main gameplay element is variety of Pokemon to collect. Battles (not specifically turn-based), especially against friends, comes second. As long as the next Pokemon game has those two factors, it's guaranteed to sell to the normies.

If they added a skip scene option and some better maps for the UB worlds that weren't Kartana and Pheromosa, I'd like that enough. If the game had less cutscenes and roadblocks I'd consider it among my favorites, they managed to decently salvage the Totems into good fights and UN is great.

I want a Colosseum Remake with open world and battle zone

>Battles (not specifically turn-based), especially against friends, comes second
The fuck you're talking about? Main story and collection is like 40 hours tops, 80 hours if you're breeding shit, battling get you over 500+ hrs per generation.
Just give these guys the rights again and a couple bottles of sake

Because how do you MAKE an open world Pokemon game?

More importantly, how much work do you think game freak is willing to actually do?

Really? You gonna make it only 150 originals, but all regions, too?

Theres over 650 pokemon
Each one of them will requires unique animations
Its not like a human where you can just reuse them on other humans since theyre all unique shapes
The world load to make a pokemone game is huge so they try to mitigate this by doing generic stuff like tweening and particles for attacks
It would require them to scale up their team size and budget like ten fold to make anything other then the games they are making without serious cuts to the roster

>Theres over 650 pokemon
>Each one of them will requires unique animations
They are already done in HD since gen6, see

>There's over 650 pokemon
there's over 800

Or they go back to the original fucking 150 and start there, you idiot

Why do all normalfags want this? It's a fucking terrible idea.

they did them in gen 6
but my point is the reason its structured the way it is
is to minimise animation workload

a full openworld pokemon game would be exponentially more work just by having to make a walk, idle and run cycle for each monster (before we even get to combat)

if you read the post i said they could make cuts to the roster?
also 150 unique monsters that cant share a skeleton is still a HUGE amount when you compare it to literally any other game

>full openworld pokemon game would be exponentially more work just by having to make a walk, idle and run cycle for each monster (before we even get to combat)
All pokemons already have walking animations, but are unused in latest games, and why would you need more animations for combat that the current ones?
No need to animate do more work that what's currently done.

>monster hunter world is a game just about monsters
>maybe 20 monsters
how is the guy your replying to you stupider then you?

I'd understand the elite four being locked by progression, but all eight gyms should be available with Pokemon levels scaled for the number of badges and the eighth leader should be at least as strong as the champions in the previous games.



Also they want you to buy a new™ 3ds, so they make it drop frames like a cheerleader's panties on spring break




the last pokemon game i played was all tweens and particles

maybe new ones arent

i doubt it though

or pokemon games would be the biggest work load in game dev history

>the last pokemon game i played was all tweens and particles
The DS was 2 generatios agon user
>maybe new ones arent
>i doubt it though
You didn't played the new ones, so please just shut the fuck up
>or pokemon games would be the biggest work load in game dev history
They reused stadium 1 models and animations up to pokemon battle revolution, so no, they will use these models for years to come. They just need to make them again like, every 10 years or so.

Im watching videos now
They all do the same attack but then particles spawn
How is this unique animations that are done and ready?

Again, why do you need more battle animations for any kind of open/closed world pokemon game?
Its turn based battles holy shit


Best you could hope for to maintain balance is a bilinear segmented open-world (as in direct routes to major locations that are vast/open). It's getting closer to that but it still railroads.
And one of the only ways to handle visible encounters is to bring back seeing them in tall grass, and the sneaking mechanic. Add rare encounters outside of the grass that is either hostile and avoidable with sneaking, or skittish and encounterable by sneaking. And to balance the potential 6v1 of those rare encounters, give them totem mechanics.

Pokemon has been shit for a while but going open world is not a solution without some serious restrictions.

Because of the nature of the battle system, visible encounters aren't really an option, even if pokemon goes open world.

So I get none of you faggots have played the latest games, outside the slow early part, game is big enough, most areas are huge and detailed, if there wasn't any load between zones you would see what Im refering too, "open world" meme would just make generic and forgotable places.

They reused existing models for Battle Revolution, which had great animations. So it cannot be that hard.

Previous games had them appear in tall grass for you to sneak up on. I'm saying to handle it the same way, and add the rare exception of seeing a mon outside of the grass for it to either run away, or attack depending on what it is. With the latter actually being challenging enough that you may not always want to encounter it.

Your going to have to expand on that retarded sentence, as the Dragon Quest Monsters games do it just fine.

oh this is where our wires were crossed
i thought you was suggesting open world like open world games

>I want less content and to go backwards just like Fallout & Skyrim!
>I want nintendo to rehash gen 1 just like they've been pandering to it for the last 2 main sets!

I typically hate open-worlds but there's zero reason for it to result in generic or forgettable places. It would really only mean the space between points aren't anywhere near as restricted. While a lot of open world games are shit, that's really down to the devs, and not open worlds in theirself.

Are you suffering from a stroke? He did mean open world.

I was mocking people who say to only put in 150, user.