I don't get it, we're they secretly gay or something?
I don't get it, we're they secretly gay or something?
They literally tell you they're fucking
night in the woods is one of those games you can't talk about on Sup Forums unless you have an obvious bait thread
that doesn't mean they're gay though
>game creator is litterally a sjw communist pro trannies
that's why
Nobody would care if it was just the creator
The problem is that the game is infested with that crap
That's the artist you're thinking of, not the creator.
yeah the creator is actually a national socialist
i dont have a problem with the subject matter of the game. but the amount of times the game shows it just has absolutely no care for the players time infuriated me. it was like it was actively trying to waste my time with bullshit, broken minigames (the stairs), ridiculously slow walking and forcing me to walk back and forth across town for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON literally twice every 5 minutes, and the horribly slow pacing. i gave up halfway through and just read the plot on wikipedia and i'm fucking glad i didnt bother with this shit. one of the most pointless wastes of time ive ever played
Do you not know what a roommate is?
hmm but all of that is good user
Should people who make this threads and like this game commit seppuku?
>almost always prefer bears over foxes
>hate Angus and love Greg
calm down grandpa
Or just bring up your desire to insert meat into the alligator.
I'm pretty sure balls touched at some point user
should queers, trap-enablers and trap fuckers burn in hell for all eternity?
typical soyboys
Separating a product from its creator is one of the bases of capitalism tho. Get out, commie!
Also, it's not very good. I think it's an example of _ ____ __ ____ ____ __ obscuring Sup Forums's sensibilities.
Ahahahahahahahaha btfo by your own rolls
Here's my roll: should an LGBT depose Drumpf and become president?
lol whoops! enjoy your death sentence teehee
enjoy your subhuman waste
Angus was boring and Gregg had a love-it-or-hate-it jackass attitude.
Yeah, if you like being a starving line-waiter raised by mental cases.
Get rekted
I wish this wasn't accurate
How fitting. Orpah will be close enough to your tastes.
he's saying it sarcastically, since there's no voice acting and that user gave no context to that line, there was no real way of telling
Threadly reminder...
Seems like a neat game, even though it's not my cup of tea.
>People disliking videogames based on the creators' beliefs
should I leave Sup Forums forever?
>Sup Forums shit
>I'll see you soon
well, I guess this is goodbye user
the game is full of sjw bullshit. it's not only the creator's beliefs
will vidya industry get any better for the next 10 years?
This. I can detach myself from the creator of whatever but if it's that obvious and cringey in the actual medium then we have a problem.
The whole game's theme is centered around millennials causing trouble and how "terrible" capitalism while a conservative cult kills kids. And the gameplay is at a bare minimum outside Demontower.
t. somebody who played the whole thing and liked the aesthetic
>tfw never touched balls with my bf
No homo
He tried to respond, instead of calling anyone a racist? If every lefty was like this, I would die a happy man.
I really don't understand people's issues with Capitalism. It's a pretty dandy system. Do you really think life would be so much better if we shit in the woods and held hands near a campfire? Do you really think communism is doable? Capitalism is the best realistic system we have at the moment, complaining about it so much just makes you look like a massive fag.
make the red guys blue and it's perfect
i want to cuck angus
Probably because it doesn't work the way it's supposed to in principle. Capitalism is supposed to let worthy businesses rise to the top by having a superior product or service. But in reality the ones who are on top just put all their effort into sabotaging everybody else rather than making their own product better. A key and vidya applicable example would be Microsoft. They sabotage everyone else, lie about it, and strongarm developers into using DirectX despite the fact that OpenGL is just objectively better. It's open source, resource efficient, and compatible with all systems. DirectX has literally 0 merits, yet it's the standard now through laziness and abuse of power.
>it doesn't work the way it's supposed to
Congratulations, that's every political system ever. Damned weasels.
Am I gay?
They do? IIRC he says Angus has a nice ass
People who deny canon gay couples are more delusional than any fujo shipper ever was about any series. Straightgoggles are one of the most intense and stupid forms of delusion on the internet.
I like Bea
>liked the parts of NITW where you were just exploring a run-down town and getting to know friends and family
>nobody ever brings it up
>didn't like the parts that were all DUDE NIHILISM LMAO
>all anybody can fucking talk about with the game, regardless of whether they're being positive or negative
Eh, still a neat game and I hate commies.
allah akbar
I related to her a bit too much at times
Accounting major with a minor in economics, you're incorrect. Capitalism's only objective is to build capital for the shareholders. That's it. Big corporations take hold because of their economies of scale and efficiency of investment
>if you want me to give you a ride you gotta put up with the smell
He's right, actually. Every economic system has an underlying philosophic principle beyond "get wealth". The way you're describing it would make capitalism truly worthless. It has to have a reason to exist and a proposed plan to make it work with more nuance than "build capital".
Anyone else kinda want to fuck Mae?
>expect game
>get horribly written alking simulator/VN hybrid
SJW shit or not this "game" fucking blows, unless you're an avid furfag there's literally no reason to buy or enjoy this. Seriously, if you legitimately enjoyed the writing in this shitfest you're either undereaged or an actual soyboy.
there's a reason why the general is on /trash/ and not /vg/
Uh zootopia general is on trash too and that was acclaimed
I tried watching my friend play this and I just couldn't give a fuck after a while, about when they had to go with the crocodile to dome old women's house iirc. Does the MC ever stop being a obnoxious cunt? Does the fox?
>you will never give Bea a sensual foot massage after she's been working all day
>like this game and want to play it but can't because gay furry bfs trigger me
Just dont play gregg's route then
>being a subhuman
delete this please
Looks hipster, me no like
go play jap games you retard
Their fault for being faggots
>t. somebody who didn't get what the game is about at all
but that's my fetish user
if only greg were a girl like I initially assumed
he could even look/act the exact same
girls are ugly and have no personality. boys who like boys are always better characters, inherently. video games shouldn't even have girls.
I seem to have an issue with liking "girls" before I know that they're not actually girls
>See people getting mad about new tranny character in Catherine
>Even though one of the main characters in the original game was already a tranny
neo-Sup Forums never ceases to amaze me
I always thought the hair curl was a nose
people say that but I never saw it personally
Because boys are better and are naturally just more appealing. Fight through the brainwashing and just accept that being gay is better than being straight. You'll be happier, trust me.
>Ghost bones