What class do you play in MMOs?
What class do you play in MMOs?
Something that attacks up close and personal
Magic-based DPS.
god that neck is skinnier than my fucking arm
I have fap to all of these
like that takes much
Non-healer support and control classes.
shouldnt this be the "warcraft holy trinity"?
lots of mmos dont use this model, hell, UO let you become a grand master fishcake maker or a beggar if you wanted.
What's the source on the top two?
never found the tank sauce,fuck you op for making me remember
>every class is primary DPS
At least I'm not a cock-addicted healer.
>tfw surrounded by these MASSIVE tank damagers
>get bullied and sodomized if i screw something up
>get a pat on the head and get the best loot for my character if i do well on boss hunts
Life is good
ShindoL is shit
This is good taste, shame such classes are rare.
Also hybrid classes, because they are usually the hardest to balance, so it becomes easier to distinguish if the devs are worth a damn.
>be retail WoW tank
>walk into group of enemies
>press 3 buttons
>get paid a bonus for tanking because average WoW player is somehow too stupid to figure out this formula
>newfag doesn't know geiger counter
I need the dps souce anons
>be dps solo questing
>accidentally pull two mobs
please be fucking joking
sauce on the retard please
im not user
whats the healer?
I've read the other two.
So tank.
>He doesn't play Female Cleric
Then who is he?
Thats not it. Its usually a class that revolves around debuffing/buffing and applying status conditions. Alchemist from Dragons Dogma Online is like that for example, although it can also fill the tank/dps niche to a degree.
The guy who doesn't die
The Weirdo tank (Brewmaster/Warden/Dancer when it inevitably gets added to XIV/etc) or healer if the game has fun healing. (Mistweaver/White Mage).
WoW Monk is the best MMO class of all time TBQH.
Shad isn't the worst lwed artist
raid boss
>Hombre shad
beat me to it
i can't see shit
I play them but from a different faction
Keep the meme but he's unironically a better artist right now than he was 5 months ago.
Usually tanks
specifically characters that are self-reliant but still benefit the team
Bards, enchanters, Shamans (from EQ)
were the most fun classes and i wish more MMOs did them like that
I havent played this in so damn long. Vindictus 2 when
>playing MMOs
Kinda like FFXIV's DRG/NIN?
>5 months ago
Hating shadman has been a meme for years.
Where the fuck is the based blender man?
Emergence is facebook ironic weeb tier anyways
>See guys?
>That stinky piece of shit isn't as stinky as it was before.
Only faggots actually hate based shad.
Poison medic.
DOT's are my fucking crack but so few games have classes that specialize in them
I enjoy MMOs where ''healsluts" aren't just a meme. In FFXIV, assuming you play on Balmung or Mateus, you often can solo queue an instance, add whatever healer you got, and reward her with bed breaking sex later
Man, I can't wait for Camelot Unchained to save MMOs forever.
its awful. It makes you wanna massexecute all retards
Ragnarok was the only MMO and didn't really follow your trinity bullshit.
First time this meme has ever gotten me
so whats the tank supposed to be?
the other two are obvious
>ooo this hentai doujin gets me so mad I could just commit murder!
You do know it's a work of fiction, yeah?
Tanks are no fun to play since you just take damage and aggro and healers are boring 1 trick ponies that just spam the same heal spell
>everything else by that artist
Excluding the ayy one
Battlerite has a character just like that. AOE Poison DOTs and a poison crossbow as well as healing poultices.
>normalfags are here already
That was quick.
fire mage dps
Usually a hybrid healer/tank
i main tank
>shadman /ss/
What's the Tank one about? I only know of the other two
esl leave
I'm genuinly curious as to why you think shad would appeal to normalfags.
Your a liar OP: You're healer don't heal.
What doujin are the tank and dps from?
Tank always. I love getting hit by attacks that would one shot anyone else 5 times over and laughing them off.
this. Crowd control is the best role. Nothing shows power quite like locking down an army of mobs while the tank is too inept to hold more than 1 or 2
not an argument
Le ebic shock factor and all that autism
Not to mention he rushes to make shit about current normalfag memes like Earth Chan
i seem to erased it from my mind
I want a truly skill based healer character
Something like, doing damage to the enemy physically transfers the HP to your team, maybe amplifies it or adds it as an overheal
I guess that would fuck with modern healer classes' role as "girlfriend characters" though.
swap the tank and dps pics
>dps running around like an retard, agroing everything
>tank knows the in and outs, got a plan for every encounter
I would give you an argument if your post made sense.
But is it viable? Most games its burst damage or nothing when it comes to actually winning.
someone post the retard sauce please
Hey, that's pretty good, but you know whats also super fun?
You think normalfags would enjoy pornographic drawings based on real children? Or what about humor that most people would consider over the line or in extremely bad taste? If you answered yes to either then you don't know what a normalfag is.
Everyone is being a dick about it and wont post sauce
It really is nothing worthy of requesting sauce, really. Half of it isn't even H, she is just running away from the tard.
Tank, but also DPS.
Soloed Onyxia when it was still hard to do so as tank, Harcore raider retripaladin got a bit jelly at it and wanted to do her solo aswell. took him a whole night before he gave up
took me 1H to solo her
Yes, Lucie is dangerous if left alone. That toxic shit ticking away on you + all her other CCs + her bullshit gigantic toxic puddle ult.
MMO F2P are P2W :)
Giv sauce
a retard rapes a little girl, Little girl is forever mindfucked and retard gets away with it.
The way the game works, where everything is able to be dodged, there are some characters stronger than others but everyone in the roster are viable. It keeps the game pretty enjoyable.
You don't want to see the tard one.
I've jerked it to the other two no hesitation, because "raping lolis how edgy xDD hahaha meme story bro" is different from how fucked up the tard one prolonged the sex scene. That one was fucking cruel and sadistic, not erotic. All the other ones are at least in their erotic place.
DPS. Everything else is boring, healer maybe but that is a big maybe.
Sweet I may have to try that game out then.
Thank you
This is a normalfag
He will come to your house to make sure you have FO4 installed.
still don't give sauce