
2 fuckiing hours? just post the webm and be done with it

Other urls found in this thread:


>worst 3D Mario game
>when 3D World exists

He said it goes

Galaxy 2>Galaxy>3D World>64>3d land>Odyssey>Sunshine

Recover from what? some nobody who nobody cares about not liking one of their games?

>3D World better than 64

Is this your hero? Lol

Joseph Anderson is maybe the single most thoughtful and careful creator on the internet. Agree or not, each one of his videos is far more in-depth than what others put out.
In fact, I think people should check out his videos especially if their opinions differ from his. Having your ideas challenged by someone clearly capable and intelligent can only make you a better person.
Sadly, I am at work, and cannot take the time to watch this just yet. I am definitely looking forward to his take on the Odyssey collectathon. Other creators have already called this out as its main flaw, but I imagine Mr. Anderson will be able to put the "why" that escapes so many people into words.
All that said, my general opinion of Odyssey was that it was a pretty good game. I had several of my own problems with it, and it's certainly not the strongest Mario game, but I enjoyed it. JA's video is not likely to change that opinion.

Stop shilling your shitty """"celebrity""""" cancer here, retard. Fuck off.

Ninten-year-olds absolutely, eternally, BLOWN THE FUCK OUT

>le clown who has unpopular opinions for hits video

I'll sum up the video for you guys
>The game isn't difficult enough
>Some moon concepts (bringing seeds to pots, etc) are reused between Kingdoms
>Kingdoms are uncreative and over half are too small to count as explorable
>Getting all the moons can be tedious

That's pretty much all of it

>somebody is this autistic enough to make a 2 hour video about Odyssey

Nice pasta. Sounds like something plebbit would say.

imagine being this much of a contrarian

>complains about some mechanics you use to get moons being reused throughout the game
>later complains about some mechanics you use to get moons being underused and wished they showed up more

I guess the Sonyroaches finally got bored of shitting on BoTW and moved on to the 97 game the Switch got in the same year.

This just in, 32 year old man disappointed by children's video game

A 2 hour video he spent a week hyping up
Doesn't get much sadder than that.

Who is this retard? The game gives you visual guidelines with the cacti and bushes, so how the fuck do you get so far off track, when the game is basically showing you the way and all you have to do is have basic memory skills?

>Prefers linear shit over exploration Master race

Why do people takes this cuck seriously again?


Stop shilling your shitty videos you fucking loser

what a fucking faggot. and his opinion is shit

>"make a small circle"
>makes like three circles around the path and doesn't realize he fucked up


>There can be no middle ground

Nintenkiddies are so mad that someone told them their game isn't perfect they keep reposting the webm of the critique failing a puzzle on his first time doing it

>walk in a fucking circle

Took the words right out of our mouths, based anons
>inb4 bladeshits shilling their offline MMO once again

>when you're retarded as fuck but the game still has you give you points


sonyfriends are used to WATCHING the game do the demanding parts. you'd figure they'd be pretty good at walking by now tho...


Opinion fucking discarded.

Odyssey exposed video game reviews.

Just like Skyward Sword did back in the Wii era.

Half of the sites that give Nintendo 10s have “Nintendo” in their name.

The other half buys into the collective mindset to fit in.

Really a masterstroke of genius, just promote hundreds of fanboy review sites and let every single mediocre game get 20/30 extra points.

Seriously, anyone expected “Nintendolife”, “Nintendoeverything” or fucking gamexplain to NOT give Zelda & Mario a 10?

Old Sup Forums would have started GG over this.

are you gonna make an actual point or just greentext me to fucking death?

Even Yahtzee isn’t that much of a pleb when it comes to shit ways to share your shit opinions.


you must be lying if you said you were not stuck on that puzzle for a good 30 minutes




wow nintendo fans like one of the best nintendo games in years what a shock


It's amazing though, all you need is basic hand eye coordination and at least a 5 second memory and you fail, is the guy mentally retarded?
How the fuck can you be that bad at videogames? I'm sure as hell not going to take the opinion of such a shit player seriously on games.
It's like a guy with dyslexia doing book reviews, fuck that retard shit.

>video about game complains that game is overbloated and easy
>video itself is way overbloated itself and hard to sit through

what did he mean by this

>he's surprised organisations that name themselves after another are fanboys

Holy shit check out this detective, we definitely need a revolution to get those fucking reviewers in line.

these two posts resume this thread you can stop here, it's just a feedback loop

are you saying that fucking NINTENDOLIFE can bully IGN or any other big site into giving nintendo games a higher score?

Its called when you think your content is so good you can't cull any of it

i.e. why you're a shit content creator

My question is, why can't we have both? Why can't we have a fun platforming game that is also reasonably challenged and well paced?

>cupheadkiddies are so mad that someone told them their game isn't perfect they keep reposting the webm of the critique failing a puzzle on his first time doing it

Super Mario 64

I'm convinced he's pronouncing Mario wrong on purpose.

of course you feel that way you're a Sup Forums user

>Nintendo fans constantly complain about how every other company releases walking simulators or movies
>Odyssey is quite literally a game that rewards you for walking a few steps and jingling a moon in front of you
>They defend it with their lives and hail it as the single best videogame ever
The irony is outstanding.

I thought Sup Forums despised ecelebs and reported them on sight, why is everybody sucking this guy's dick and begging for cum in their eyes?

>Game meant to be accessible to kids is easy


that is the worst possible opinion. the galaxy games are so, so bad.

I liked Odyssey but I am fully capable of admiting it has its flaws

keep your degenerate opinions to yourself

You know how on Sup Forums people will believe any stupid shit if you write enough paragraphs about it with an aggressive tone? This guy figured out that that's the secret to appealing to contrarian retards.


not enough close

>I was paid to like Odyssey

Two hours of cringe.

imagine being so butthurt at a 3 second animation that plays when you accomplish something that you make a whole video to whine about it


>I'm supposed to waste two hours of my life listening to what this scrub has to say about anything.

Why not give that idiot who was stuck on the tutorial of Cuphead a weekend seminar as well?

>game has a little jingle and animation after getting one of things you are tasked with collecting
wooooooooow fuck this game

>>Nintendo fans constantly complain about how every other company releases walking simulators
Uh we stopped doing this after BotW became one of the most acclaimed games of all time and Sup Forums shit the bed after everyone forgot all about Horizon Zero Awards

>rewards you with a free moon

Wow thanks for that free moon out of fucking 900


Somebody mail him anthrax

Here is a TLDR for you


nice false equivalence, Dean criticised Cuphead for being dificult when really he was just shit, Joseph actualy praises the gameplay and criticises Odysseys lack of creativity with it's content

>ecelebs are not video games, report all eceleb shit, remove Markiplier and Pewdiepie and Game Grumps and all others!
>wait, this one is saying neutral things about Nintendo!

When did e completely turn into reddit?

>what Nintendo fans think this webm proves
Joseph Anderson is inept at videogames and his opinion can be disregarded

>what this webm actually proves
Nintendo is creatively bankrupt enough to think that "walk in a circle" is a compelling challenge

>This is also the guy that said he hates the term "unresponsive controls" because it apparently implies that the controls do nothing at all and is therefore bad for anyone to use.
I don't wanna shift through his four hour a hat in time stream to find it but there was an image posted before with the quote on it if anyone has it.

This minigame requires a basic level of concentration. All that was in the game before that not only has nothing to do with this instance but also actively encourages you to let go of any ounce of concentration thanks to braindead content before that.

long time ago

Since when was Sup Forums not a reddit colony?

Ah fuck there it is, thanks user.

He's actually right
Way too many filler moons that are too easy, lazy, or a waste of time
Only time I had fun with the game was darker side and some of the challenge levels. Some of the minigames were neat/fun too, but only the first time they were used

>a few moons in a game with almost a thousand of them being based around a simple task in a game aimed at literal children

apparently walking in a circle is challenging for some people

This is what post-modernism does to your brain.

>Cacti and dunes are a basic frame of reference so you know that if you're walking to close to one, you need to recenter

>Runs through them on his first time around

>it's okay for Sony and Microsoft to make games with some simple puzzles but if Nintendo does it HOLY FUCK THEY SUCK THEY BANKRUPT THEY EVIL MAKES HOURS LONG VIDEOS ABOUT IT AND SPAM THE BOARD LOL GET REKT NINBABES SHILLS HA XD!!!

>A few

Watch the video, hundreds of them are locked behind incredibly tedious tasks, or simply hanging around in the open

>30 minutes of actual interesting things about gameplay and control
>1:30h listing every possible moon in the game and saying "it's bad".
I feel like there was a better way to do that, that didn't take forever.

Shitendo rage is so potent right now. Stop going off like nuclear power plants in Fukushima and just ignore the video.

>Nintendo is creatively bankrupt enough to think that "walk in a circle" is a compelling challenge

Apparently it was, because he couldn't do it properly.

I was addressing a complaint against a specific minigame but okay buddy let's keep moving those flagpoles

I think I'm having an epiphany here. I used to believe that people actually liked to discuss videogames but it seems they mostly like to have their tastes validated while strawmaning the shit out of opinions and tastes of others. Evidence plays zero role in the matter, in fact it's actively frowned upon to bring out any basis for your argument because the post/video is now seemingly too long.

>complains about all the worlds being "X Kingdom"
>Almost every World has a surname like "Shiveria" for Snow or "New Donk City" for Metro
>as he complains about this you can clearly see the names too

I'm not sitting through two hours of this and "MERRY-O"

Bullshit, it's:

64 > Galaxy > Odyssey = Galaxy 2 > SM3DW > SM3DL = Sunshine

There's a reason why BOTW threads do nothing but post positive fluff reviews from sites like Forbes or TIME magazine over people who actually play video games and can identify the game's faults while still admiring what it did right

>Calling a video shit is "raging"
>"I can't take criticism"

>when I was five years old I played my first video game, it was MAHrio bros

opinion discarded

That was honestly the most retarded and autistic complain he could've had. Just watch until he goes into gameplay.

It isn't as bad as him calling the moons "shrines"

Stop projecting, we're simply saying the video and the eceleb who made it ar eshit while your kind keeps screaming and flailing.