Resistance: Raises physical defence and poison/bleed resistance by a worthwhile amount

>Resistance: Raises physical defence and poison/bleed resistance by a worthwhile amount
>Endurance: Increases max stamina and weight burden

Aside from Lost Izalith, this is all I need retweaked in the Dark Souls Remaster.

Fix poise values.

Will they fix the mouse controls?

>actually thinking you're getting anything more than some improved textures and maybe lighting

Holy fucking shit make the most OP stat even more OP? Are you retarded?

Endurance was like that already, please don't tell me they're gonna add vitality to this game.

Poise is gone. Its DaS3 engine

Actually I removed the bleed resist effect of the stat. But now that you mention it, the amount given each level could be dropped a little bit.

>the amount given each level could be dropped a little bit.
This would fix nothing.

does anyone think they will actually change Izalith in any meaningful way?

Well truth to be told I just want better textures, nothing else matters and is perfect

This. Don't know why you faggots bother to have hope anymore after nonstop disappointment when it comes to these shit cash grab remakes. They NEVER change anything worthwhile other than textures despite still charging full price.

Depends on Bamco, really.

>engine dictates stats

Does this mean backstabs won't be instant? God I hope so.

>he doesn't know

>playing on pc

It's on Switch, PC, Xbone, and PS4.

>Shorten the lava area but add a handful of the Bounding Demon enemies to the area so you actually have to fight at least one of them
>Getting to the boss fogwall requires a key from the poison pit area.
>Bed of fucking clue, it's so fucking awful

Just have better textures and some online overhaul because the way it works is retarded.
That's all I'm hoping for.

>he didn't use dsmousefix

The only remaster in recent memory I can think of that actually tried improving the gameplay is Odin Sphere Leifthrasir.

DaS2 and 3 style poise is more balanced

You need stats like resistance to punish players.

Where is the source that it is on the DS3 engine?

its boring as fuck tho because then everything becomes a staggerfest after the first swing

the only difference between ds3 and ds1 poise is one boolean value

in das1 you can't swing a slow weapon at all or you get backstabbed

They better not touch poise, I don't want to get stunlocked in full heavy armor by a fucking dagger.

Screw your tryhard pvp rules, heavy armor shouldn't feel lime paper.

man dark souls is hard

>oh no poster
also controllers in a souls game is for plebs, full camera control with a mouse>forced lock on with controller

thats like posting yourself killing sub 19s as a 19 twink in wsg

>being that overlevelled in NG

what is a sub 19 and a 19 twink

I swear if they don't fix Resistance it's gonna cause a riot

>not using Steam controller for a precise camera control

artorias is an endgame enemy
havel set which you get halfway through does the same thing

Resistance is a retarded idea for a stat that is redundant alongside the armor system, just remove it altogether.

I haven't played 2 or 3 yet but I am hoping they've removed backstabs. They literally ruined PvP. It was very depressing to have this massive variety of playstyles and weapons, more than I've ever seen in a game before, only to have 98% of them be totally non-viable online due to it becoming a lagstab fest.

BS should always have just been damage boosts similar to how counters worked. If you disagree, you are wrong.

Also I am hoping the DaS3 engine is much better. DaS 1 had a shitload of problems due to From trying to do things with design the engine simply did not support.

>poise is gone
Good now all these fucktards actually have to time their attacks instead of spamming heavy weapons and estusing through boss fights.

>remove resistance
>make pyromancy scale with faith/int like in the other games

(you) me all you want pyrobabies, pyromancies are broken as fuck as you know it. Sorcerer's need to pump INT, miracle fags FTH, and you fucks should need a mix of both

not him
Sigleplayer games are supposed to let you have fun in different ways, there is nothing wrong with high poise being a viable boss tactic, if not, why would it be there in the first place?

All they need to do is make backstabs work like in Bloodborne or Dark Souls 2. This would also significantly improve the PvE, like 90% of non-boss enemies in DaS 1 are completely trivial once you learn the backstab hitbox.

That's what endurance does.

Backstabs weren't so much of an issue, it was the latency that made them shit. With a decent connection you could parry most backstab attempts.

i've actually never tried one yet,but i'd like to

I like to have the option of locking on or fighting free-aimed. Keyboard doesn't give you that 360 degrees of movement; you always have to adjust the camera to move accurately. I do think that the dodge button should not be a face button on when using controller; you should be able to press it freely while manipulating both sticks.

well if your opponent is using dwgr you can't swing any weapon, or if they are such massive fags to toggle trough the first hit, and in both these cases poise doesn't even matter.

the problem with that webm is his health bar is too big and he does too much damage.

>remove backstabs
Strafing and attacking from behind has been a huge part of all King's Field and Shadow Tower games, so it was a huge nod to have the backstab as OP, considering its the best way to play the old games. Now, you just have to deal with lag from online which makes it a bitch

It's up on Sup Forums DOT org SLASH v
that's where all the rule rumors and leaks come from

>post yfw its ds2/3 poise and only viable option is to be a roll mememan

that weapon hits really hard
I don't think making nods to badly balanced mechanics from shitty games is good game design
souls series is about rolling

I would buy this in an instant if it was v1.04. 99% of the playerbase would have no idea what to do in PvP or be able to beat un-nerfed NG on their own. It would be fun just fucking with people for the first week.

I agree. Poise was the shittiest thing about DaS PvP, it was way too exploitable and should be tied to equipment load too. Hyper armour was a good idea but doesn't work out all that well either.

I'm fine with using the DaS3 engine, I'm just worried about what baggage might come with it.

If you're going to fix backstabs, great.
If you're going to fix toggle escape, great.
If you're going to remove poise, bad.
If you're going to fuck up invasions, bad.
If you're going to fuck up weapon balance, bad.

>It was very depressing to have this massive variety of playstyles and weapons, more than I've ever seen in a game before, only to have 98% of them be totally non-viable online due to it becoming a lagstab fest.

>souls series is about rolling
(you) are the cancer that killed the franchise >If you're going to remove poise, bad.
pretty much this

The ONLY two fixes DS1 needs is to complete the post O&S content and tweek it so you can gravelord people on their first run

If you fix toggle and remove poise, giant blacksmith hammer becomes the best weapon in the game.

or wait you don't even have to remove poise for that, my bad. Just removing toggle will cause that.

Does DS1 on PC still need that dsfix?

Re-releasing the original now that they're used to PC releases isn't a bad idea.

>souls series is about rolling
t. das3 cuck. Shields and heavy armor were viable and extremely good in Dark Souls 1 and using big armor and a greatshield is far better than rolling.

DaS3 engine will also change how stunlock and combos functioned.

In all likelihood the PvP balance will be just as fucked up as DaS3 unless they rework some parts of the engine.

Where did this meme start?

Shields are fucking fantastic in DaS3. There's a reason straight sword + black knight shield is meta.

>DaS3 Engine on DaS


shields are very good in das3, both pvp and pve
if you use heavy armor in ds1 you don't want a shield, just tank and spank and sip through everything

Nooo! DS3 lighting was piss poor.

Why does the trailer looks so mud, dark and miserable, DS is pretty bright and colorful exept lower town and new jersey

>Balder Side Sword is even better than it already was

Take that Katfags and Estocfags!

This game is going to be so fucked unless they patch it.

>(you) are the cancer that killed the franchise
Not him but rolling is always a must and the best option. It's also the least brain dead.
>Block: Lose half your stamina, maybe all of it, get staggered, damage might go through the shield, have to test what can and can't be blocked
>Roll: Lose less than an attack's worth, temporary god mode
Wow I wonder which one I should be using.

>DaS3 rolling
>Not braindead

You can literally panic roll your way through every boss in the game.

In Dark Souls 3 there is no reason to shield instead of roll because everyone has fast roll and infinite stamina, plus the roll has by far the most I-frames in the series, even more than the Bloodborne dash.
literally only fextralife has said this and they have no source, I highly doubt this to be the case.

I'm fairly certain at this point that no one at Bamco has ever played Dark Souls, considering how poorly they've treated and represented the series after it got popular and the sequel scramble began.

"Prepare to Die xD"

"Who needs NG+ or PvP content, this game is too hard to play through more than once!"


talking about in world of warcraft battlegrounds, the bracket in question was from level 10-19, and a level 19 twink (so it had all the best gear, enchants etc) would generally obliterate everyone else

tldr hes saying that the character is way overlevelled killing the boss

Are they going to add some more stuff to the 2nd half of the game? And maybe fix pvp so it's not a backstab fest? Can they also add soul vessels?

I wasn't the guy you were originally replying to. Nothing about blocking or nu-rolls is difficult you dumb cunts.

do you have any idea how buttmad people would get if they changed these?

What I want:
Allow us to give covenant leaders multiple covenant items at once like the newer games

Use multiple souls like the newer games

Don't throw us into the main menu when we disconnect from online, something Dark Souls II fixed and was reverted in Bloodborne and Dark Souls III by the "Genius" Miyazaki

Obviously a consistent framerate

Covenants to actually function

What I'll actually get:

Fast travel available from the beginning

Dark Souls III combat

No poise

Shitty armour defence ratings

16 consecutive rolls lmao

R1 Spam out the ass

6 player online gangbangs

Password epic co-op gameplay

Tell me I'm wrong, Sup Forums

but most people agree that the 2nd half of ds1 is a letdown compared to the 1st half. Didn't the devs even admit that they didn't have enough time for the 2nd half?

Give everyone that owns the game a 90% discount.

Yay, it’s fixed.

now that's what I call reddit spacing

Backstabs and Toggle Escape were dumb, fix them.

I'll be mad if they change: Poise, Dead angles, Stats, Rolls, Estus, Weapon movesets/combos, How stunlock works, how weapons scale, etc.

Whether or not they fix the lost Izalith "blank spots" determines whether this is even worth purchasing.

poisefags will defend this

>What I'll actually get
>Shit that takes way, way more work to do than just straight porting it
Highly doubtful

they confirmed a bunch of changes to online play. expecting stuff like "lol finish the 2nd half" is retarded but minor fixes like removing toggle are very possible

He's so overleveled that it doesn't matter.

>Muh reddit spacing

Would you prefer a garish strip of text?

They need to make armor effects almost negligible like in DaS3 and BB. Fashion needs to trump stats.

Sadly you are not wrong

get out dark souls 3 fag

what about making the capra demon room bigger so you don't get instakilled when entering first time around lol

If they're actually bothering to put it in a new engine then all kinds of things are feasible.

wouldn't matter if he wasn't everyone knows that you can dumpster any boss by poise healing through damage and swinging any heavy weapon. Shit the game gives you 20 estus to do it. Get rid of poise or at least nerf this shit.

fuck off. PVE is not fun when you get staggered by dogs and naked hollows and a full heavy armor set.

They're not

That kind of spacing is fine, in fact pretty important if you're writing paragraphs.

If you

are listing
things that
are about 3
or 4 words
long you do not ne
ed to space

them out
this much.